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Posts posted by MadeOfCard

  1. I was able to narrow it to the domain.cfg via a few `ls -ltR ./boot` commands.


    • I turned the VM service off
    • Stopped the array
    • Nuked the domain.cfg
    • Started array


    Still constantly writing.


    Also my VM Settings page is crazy slow to load versus all the others for some reason.


    I do not think this was an issue until I moved to 6.10.2 but I could be wrong.


    I was running a Home Assistant VM prior to me switching it off and it worked fine.


    As I am not well versed in the VM stuff I'm looking for some help please. 🙏


  2. My USB died last night so I replaced it.

    - I used USB Creator to create a new OS (stable)

    - Copied over my entire /config folder because I have nightly backups

    - Start it up, and my config is intact. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

    - Transfer my registation key (great work on that btw)

    One problem: All of my disks are XFS-encrpyted and the disks are unlocked and do not have a password prompt.

    I'm afraid if I start the array it will wipe everything? Am I crazy or does the password prompt show up after I start the array?


    Attached are the options given to me

    Screen Shot 2021-11-28 at 11.59.36 AM.png

    Screen Shot 2021-11-28 at 12.00.58 PM.png

  3. 1 hour ago, Pl4ytimes said:

    No i can't find my Host in the ingame server list. I've typed the server name in the filter field, but my server doesn't show up

    As long as you have those 3 UDP ports forwarded it does work through the in-game browser.

    The in-game browser just takes a long time to search by name. Could be early access/growing pains.

    I have it logged in anonymously in case you are not going that route.

    • Like 1
  4. 12 hours ago, MadeOfCard said:



    OK, I know this has been posted a ton. I've read the past 60+ pages in here.


    I've deleted my network.cfg & network-rules.cfg, totally fresh settings. No Pi-Hole or dns filter. I even put my server on the DMZ for a moment to be sure.


    Has anyone run into these conditions before?

    It resolved itself in the morning. IDK

  5. Unraid v6.8.3



    - Wake up at 5am to my whole place shaking. It turns out there is a rather large machine with a giant chisel ripping up the street right outside my window.

    - I realize there is about 6 or 7 feet distance from my server and the chisel and it is finishing up a normally scheduled parity check! My spinners!

    - I run downstairs to pause the parity check via parity tuning plugin. It was paused at 89% or so and I have no data written on any disk at the 8tb+ sectors.

    - I successfully do a clean shut down and go to work sleepy.

    - Come back from work, Unraid will no longer boot. Not safe mode nor any mode. It ends in a Kernel error. 


    What happened? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

    The only thing I can see out of the ordinary is that there were 7 errors corrected by parity check.


    I can capture one of the Call Traces on the kernel error if that would help.


    I have attached the last diagnostics it wrote as it shut down.


  6. This morning I rebooted my server and Unraid didn't want to boot from some boot error (I do not remember or have a screen shot)

    1) On a separate USB drive, I used a fresh install to see if Unraid would boot and it was not a hardware issue. It booted just fine.

    2) I pulled down my latest USB backup and pushed everything to my active USB drive

    3) Booting just fine now but I have a stale config (see attached image)

    4) Everything in my `DRIVE_ASSIGNMENTS.txt` is correct. If I reassign everything correctly, it prompts me to choose a new passphase and my parities would be wiped. I'm using xfs-encrypted


    Halp please 🙏

    Annotation 2020-04-27 210727.jpg


  7. Full array recovery!


    NOTE: The step missing from the above method in this case was:

    My disks were all XFS (encrypted), not the default XFS. Set the default formatting to the appropriate under Disk Settings then reassign them.


    Thanks to @Frank1940@trurl and whomever Tom is from support for the very quick response on getting my registration key. I owe you guys a 🥩 dinner. 

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