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Posts posted by ljm42

  1. 11 minutes ago, murkus said:

    And I thought I had enable ipvlan, but actually macvlan is enabled. ipvlan is shown as an option, but it is greyed out and cannot be selected. Why would that be the case?


    Most likely, you disabled bridging in order to enable macvlan. If you want to switch to ipvlan you need to re-enable bridging first. For more info see:



    Being able to enable macvlan without getting call traces/crashes was a big enhancement of 6.12.4. A side effect of the network changes is that your router may complain about duplicate IPs on different interfaces. Aside from the complaint from your router it should not cause any actual problems.

  2. Ah thanks, that clears things up. These warnings are unrelated to the blank server-state.php page and have been fixed in 6.12.8.


    Unfortunately that means we have no clues as to why server-state.php is blank. For now I'd suggest uninstalling the Connect plugin and upgrading back to 6.12.8



  3. 1 hour ago, ketchup_man said:

    I reinstalled the plugin and restarted the server. The problem returned. When I enter this URL, I only get a white page. Is there anything I need to do to get a result from the page?


    Interesting. Please go to Tools -> PHP Settings and press Clear Log if it is not disabled. Then set the "Error reporting level" to All categories and apply.   Then use a different tab to visit http://Homeserver.local/plugins/dynamix.my.servers/data/server-state.php


    Wait a bit then switch back to the original tab and click the View Log button.  That should show some warnings or errors that you can paste back here.

  4. On 1/22/2024 at 5:56 PM, maxmonci said:

    I'm experiencing this as well... maybe this isn't an isolated issue? I originally thought it may be because I'm running an outdated version of Unraid (Version 6.11.5 2022-11-20). I've attached my diagnostics. Can't find any other references to the issue in the forums. titan-diagnostics-20240122-1753.zip


    We found the issue... please navigate to Settings -> Identification and remove the single quote / tick mark from your server's description. You will be able to add it back in the next release


    On 2/26/2024 at 8:06 AM, ketchup_man said:

    It was the Unraid Connect plugin that caused the problem. After uninstalling everything seems good.


    Would you mind reinstalling the Connect plugin? If the issue returns, please visit this URL:


    Then send the results to me in a DM or create a support ticket https://unraid.net/contact . Be sure to include the link back to this conversation for context.




  5. On 2/20/2024 at 1:18 PM, cutch3233 said:

    its currently in a broken state so i can pull the logs.


    When in the broken state, please SSH in and type the word "diagnostics". This will put the diagnostics.zip file in the logs directory on the flash drive. We really need to see these diagnostics so we can see what is going on with the system.


    After doing that, please reboot into safe mode (which disables all plugins) and see if the same problem occurs. 

  6. 11 minutes ago, cutch3233 said:

    The power thing you seeing is me having to power cycle the system to restore access to the ui.


    So the webgui initially works after a reboot and then after some time it goes blank?


    The next time this happens, please SSH to the server (or use a local keyboard/monitor) and and type "diagnostics". This will create a new diagnostics zip file on the flash drive (in the logs directory) which will capture logs after the problem starts, hopefully giving us some clues.


    Also once the problem starts, please type:

    cat /var/log/phplog

    You may be able to copy/paste the response back here, if not you can run:

    cp /var/log/phplog /boot/logs

    and then the phplog file will be available on your flash drive along with the new diagnostics zip file (look for the latest one created today). Get both files off the flash and upload here.

  7. 40 minutes ago, cutch3233 said:

    it been going on for a couple weeks now and i can figure it out,.


    Is it an intermittent problem? I see you are running 6.12.8 which has only been available for a few days, how did you upgrade if the webgui wasn't working? Or is it just some pages with issues?  Is the entire page white or does it show a header and navigation?

    Just trying to get a clear understanding of the problem, thanks!

  8. 1 hour ago, Cout99 said:

    Ran into a weird issue after updating Unraid from 6.12.4 to 6.12.8. My logs are flooded with 404 errors because the GUI keeps trying to hit POST /plugins/dynamix.my.servers/include/unraid-api.php, but guess what? I don’t even have that plugin.

    Looks like I’m being pushed to install the Plugin Unraid Connect to stop the errors, but I really don’t want to. Not keen on adding plugins I don't need. Anyone else stuck in this loop? Got any tips to dodge installing Unraid Connect and still kill those 404s?


    As a first cut I'd suggest rebooting. It is difficult to do a lot of back and forth in the release thread, so if the issues persist please start a new thread here:


    Be sure to upload your diagnostics.zip file (from Tools -> Diagnostics)

    • Like 1
  9. 11 hours ago, rutherford said:

    I don't have any version number in the top, my banner is missing, under Tools > Update OS, it's just a blank screen.


    You have manually upgraded the OS but the Connect plugin is out of date. Navigate to the Plugins tab and update all plugins, should be good then.


    Also, be sure to copy the changes.txt file from the 6.12.8 zip along with bz* or things will get confused.

    • Like 1
  10. This release has two very important fixes around security and data integrity, along with other improvements and bug fixes. All users are encouraged to read the release notes and upgrade.


    Upgrade steps for this release

    1. As always, prior to upgrading, create a backup of your USB flash device:  "Main/Flash/Flash Device Settings" - click "Flash Backup".
    2. Update all of your plugins. This is critical for the Connect, NVIDIA and Realtek plugins in particular.
    3. If the system is currently running 6.12.0 - 6.12.6, we're going to suggest that you stop the array at this point. If it gets stuck on "Retry unmounting shares", open a web terminal and type:
      umount /var/lib/docker

      The array should now stop successfully (this release takes another stab at preventing issues related to Docker not stopping properly)

    4. If you have the latest Connect plugin installed, or Unraid 6.12.7-rc2:
      1. Open the dropdown in the top-right of the Unraid webgui and click Check for Update. More details in this blog post
    5. If you don't have the Connect plugin installed
      1. Go to Tools -> Update OS and switch to the "Stable" branch if needed. If the update doesn't show, click "Check for Updates"
    6. Wait for the update to download and install
    7. If you have any plugins that install 3rd party drivers (NVIDIA, Realtek, etc), wait for the notification that the new version of the driver has been downloaded. 
    8. Reboot


    This thread is perfect for quick questions or comments, but if you suspect there will be back and forth for your specific issue, please start a new topic. Be sure to include your diagnostics.zip.

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  11. So Docker has still been holding the /var/lib/docker mount open for some folks. If you have been affected, please test Unraid 6.12.7-rc2 which does a "lazy unmount" of /var/lib/docker. This means instead of trying to unmount and giving up if it can't, it will wait until it is not in use and then automatically unmount. This should eliminate the need to ever have to manually run `umount /var/lib/docker` again.



  12. So Docker has still been holding the /var/lib/docker mount open for some folks. If you have been affected, please test Unraid 6.12.7-rc2 which does a "lazy unmount" of /var/lib/docker. This means instead of trying to unmount and giving up if it can't, it will wait until it is not in use and then automatically unmount. This should eliminate the need to ever have to manually run `umount /var/lib/docker` again.



  13. Everything in Unraid runs as root, including the Docker Daemon. The better containers then reduce their privs to user 99 and group 100.


    Moving away from root is a much larger discussion with many consequences. Actually forcing all containers to run as a non-privileged user will reduce the functionality of Docker. For instance, you wouldn't be able to have a backup container that has access to all your files, or give an editor like Code Commit access to edit files on the flash drive. So this is not a change that should be made lightly.


    This is the first ever Docker escape flaw, and we will have an rc release out soon that resolves it. Note that this flaw is only a problem if the Docker containers you choose to install are malicious. If you are concerned, you may choose to disable any risky containers you have installed, and avoid updating/installing containers until you have updated to the forthcoming rc release.

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