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Everything posted by deaerator

  1. It's in the readme on the dockerhub link. Thank you. I guess i have to do some research on how to properly set this up, because I'm completely lost on how to set this up or what are the possibilities of configuration. Looking for any tutorials on how to set this up?
  2. https://github.com/clinton-hall/nzbToMedia/wiki https://github.com/clinton-hall/nzbToMedia/wiki/Transcoder
  3. Has anyone tried to take advantage of the transcoding features with nzbget. I notice its not installed on the docker during the post processing.
  4. Plex is not playing anything anymore and unsure where to start my troubleshooting. Here on the site of plex support forums. This all happened when i tried to upgrade to the newest unraid version. My reboot got hung up and it last a few hours, the drives wouldn't unmount. I did a hard reboot and plex doesn't work anymore but i have the upgrade to the newest unraid version and even put a new plex docker build.
  5. Kudos getting this up and running. Curious though if anyone would tackle.... pxe boot over http http://ipxe.org/
  6. How about a XBMC PVR BACKEND. ie - tvheadend, vdr, mythtv
  7. +1 UniFi controller, with EDGE support for the Beta of latest UniFi build! +1 Unifi Controller
  8. Yeah... I am not going to be able to do it. I use to contribute here (KVM, Xen, XenServer, running unRAID in KVM on openSUSE, PXE Server, etc.) but my contributions / input are no longer wanted here. I think I have a lot of to offer but unRAID sees it another way. I finally got around to attacking Docker (Grumpy Style) and I did it A LOT of things differently than how we are doing it here now. I'm sure unRAID thinks I have this wrong too. 1. Using the wrong image. 2. Using the wrong init script. 3. Looking at this from a container level only and not the bigger picture. 4. Not creating a platform / image / method for users to easily add / implement / manage change their Apps in Docker. When addressing the 4 areas above 1. I created a Master Development Image that users would use to create Apps. 2. Developers use the Developer Image (a Linux Novice following any App install guide on the web could do this)... They would put the config files / scripts / packages (if any) into separate folders for the Master Container Image (Not the Developer Image this is a separate Container Image and it's a lot smaller than the one we use now). 3. Selected a Rolling Release Distro that also has a port system (TONS of apps that even Ubuntu doesn't have without jumping through hoops) along with whatever is in your typical package manager. 3. Running a simple command will then use (data, config, etc.) and suck in everything that is needed when making a real small container for the apps plus all the monitoring stuff you will see at the bottom. 4. Integrates with github and all updates, versioning, script modifications, etc. all are updated with a simple command. 5. Want to create a Wordpress Container that works in unRAID with our "standard" unRAID Docker format... Use the dockerfile, one ini file (which we all can see / create / modify / update) and run the docker build command and bam! 6. We are not monitoring Apps... We are only monitoring Containers. Monitor Application in all your containers in one WebGUI tab: Then in another WebGUI tab you can see all your containers, monitor / see the status and even be alerted (with sound) that an App within each Container is not working. Below instead of Server it would be Sickbeard/Edge Couchpotato/Stable, etc. and for the Processes it would actually say what each one is... Sickbeard, SSH, Deluge, etc. Running 15 Apps in 15 Containers works sure but you can run many Apps in one / several containers if you want. With my system, it's a matter of dropping in an INI file (for each app) and it would build containers that you customize with as many apps as you want. Plus unRAID hasn't figured out or told you about control groups and how to customize memory, CPU, disk I/O throughput, Prioritization, etc. for your container(s). Yes, my ini file (which you can edit yourself) handles all of that. I bet it's the first time that 95% of you are hearing about this. I suspect you will want your Plex to be in it's own control group and your Apps to use different control groups. Anyway... I was told to leave since unRAID and I disagree when it comes to providing an end to end solution for NAS / HTPC / Media / Applications Server. They basically do "apt-get install docker" and leave the rest to us. I want an end to end solution (including Best of Breed Practices, maintaining Images, packages, INI files, containers, VMs, etc.). I will release a docker solution like enterprises do it (sexed up of course and all done through a WebGui) and many other things with "GrumpyRAID" coming out soon. I personally think your contribution to the unraid community to date has been the best for me. I do like the way you lay out instructions for us LINUX NOOBS on how accomplish the basic tasks. If you decide to fork your own version let us know.
  9. I don't use any yet, I was thinking about home security and thought it would be cheaper to have a few ip cameras and buy a wireless sensors rather have a full blown security team come into my home and charge me a 2nd mortgage for installation and service.
  10. How about home security dvr software that will work with ip cameras.
  11. Did you try this: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=31297.0 ? I will create a badass PXE Server that uses Tiny Core Linux and a HTTP Server (faster than tftpboot) for Menus and isos / images. I will work on it tomorrow and post it for all of you to test. Perhaps gfjardim wouldn't mind creating a slick WebGUI for adding / removing images and configuring the PXE Menu. I can get it close but he will need to take it the last mile. NOTE: I am not going to support this long term so one of you will have to take it and own it. SWEET Can't wait to try it
  12. Just curious if anyone made any head way by using Tiny Core Linux as your base image yet?
  13. What about using boot2docker http://boot2docker.io/ claims to be running TCL and all setup to run containers
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