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Posts posted by joefig44

  1. 3 hours ago, Hoopster said:

    You can recursively delete a folder and all its contents (subfolders and files) with the 'rm -rf [folder name]' command from the CLI.  With this command a folder does not have to be empty before it can be deleted.  The -f argument force deletes the files.


    .fuse_hidden files are created when a file is deleted that is in use or open by another process.  They are automatically removed when the process using them exits or quits holding the file open or upon reboot of the server.



    What is the CLI?  Where do I enter that command?


    Good to know about the .fuse files, but I have no idea what other process would be using them.  I've shut down the unraid server and restarted, as well as any connected devices that would be using any of those files.

  2. 10 hours ago, Hoopster said:

    Midnight Commander (mc) is run from the command prompt on the console or in a terminal session.  It is not available in the GUI.


    The terminal is available from the GUI, but not in the outdated version of unRAID you are running.  Terminal became available in unRAID 6.5,x, I believe (possibly 6.4.x?).  It is definitely not in 6.2.4.


    You could also telnet or SSH into the server via PuTTY or another terminal emulator to run mc from the CLI.


    You can see it below in a screen grab from my 6.6.3 server.



    Ok, I managed to upgrade and get mc working.  When I go into the folder that I want to delete, and I use mc to delete any or all of the files in there, it immediately replaces the file with another file with a name of ".fuse_hidden0000xxxxxxxxx", where the x's are just a random number.

    When I go to the parent folder and try to delete it, mc says it can't because the folder is not empty.  When I try to delete each of these .fuse_hidden files, it just replaces the one I deleted with another .fuse_hiddenxxx file.


    P.S. - it should also be noted that in another folder, I managed to delete one file without it creating the .fuse_hiddenxxxxx replacement file, but it only happened once. the rest in that other folder created more randome .fuse_hiddenxxxxx files


  3. o

    9 hours ago, Hoopster said:

    Midnight Commander (mc) is run from the command prompt on the console or in a terminal session.  It is not available in the GUI.


    The terminal is available from the GUI, but not in the outdated version of unRAID you are running.  Terminal became available in unRAID 6.5,x, I believe (possibly 6.4.x?).  It is definitely not in 6.2.4.


    You could also telnet or SSH into the server via PuTTY or another terminal emulator to run mc from the CLI.


    You can see it below in a screen grab from my 6.6.3 server.




    Ok, maybe what I need to do is get my unraid updated first to the newest version.  I'll start looking into that


  4. 2 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

    On the GUI, upper right corner.


    by typing mc on the console/terminal




    Sorry, but I just don't see anything called mc or midnight commander anywhere on the GUI.


    I'm running version 6.2.4.


    The top right corner shows info about the server, description, uptime, etc.

    Under that there's Feedback, Log, etc.


    Am I looking in the right place?

  5. 5 minutes ago, Squid said:


    Don't do that.  I suggested against the particular share.  Docker applications (appdata share usually) have their own specific ownership / permission requirements, and Tools - New Permissions against all shares may (or may not) impact the ability of the particular app to properly function. YMMV


    Is this a "normal" share you're having problems with, or something within appdata etc?


    It's a normal share, folders within the share specifically.  Some files in those folders cannot be deleted while others can - it's spread out throughout various shares and folders within shares.

  6. On 10/22/2018 at 9:49 AM, johnnie.black said:

    Try deleting them directly on the server using midnight commander (mc on the console)

    How do I do that?  I need to plug in a keyboard and monitor to the server I guess, but beyond that what commands do I run, how do I do that?


    Also, can't I open some sort of terminal session to the server instead?



  7. 11 hours ago, Squid said:

    Try running Tools - New Permissions against the particular share.  If in doubt about what you're doing, then run Tools - Docker Safe New Permissions if you have Fix Common Problems installed

    I ran Tools - New Permissions against all shares, and it didn't do anything for this issue.  Anything else I can try now?

  8. I can't seem to delete certain folders or files.  I get an error about permissions.


    I'm running a recent version of unRAID, and trying to control it via a Macbook Pro connected via ethernet.


    I've shut down all apps and the macbook itself, restarted, also restarted the unraid server with w complete shutdown restart, still same files can't be deleted.

    Share permissions are all set to Public.



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