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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Probably not software, likely PSU instability or heat related.
  2. Which browser? Sometimes Firefox can put Unraid in a weird state if you hit submit instead of cancel when it pops up telling you to resend info.
  3. If you are comfortable with the command line you can do what the script does manually, but that removes all the safety features that try to prevent you from erasing a drive you really didn't want to erase. The speed issue seems to go away if the drive is unmountable when the array starts, which means the script won't work as it looks for a mountable drive with the specifically named file / folder.
  4. Why are you trying to compress already highly compressed and therefore relatively incompressible files? Or is a large percentage of your media in old formats with poor native compression?
  5. No. That may change with future versions that don't require any disks in the parity array to start Unraid, but I'm just speculating on that.
  6. Is the default format type still encrypted?
  7. It's fine, That's the way you are supposed to set it up to do what you are asking.
  8. It's not arbitrarily 2x the size, it's the sum of all disks and pools with that share root folder. If the root folder has the same name, it's contents will be displayed together with all the other same name root folders in the user share tree. That's a useful bit with user shares, you can have bulk storage and fast access files all displayed in the same tree, and move them as needed. The traditional use was to set a share to cache:yes, that terminology has been replaced with the current 6.12rc series, but the functionality was that new files added to the share would go to the fast cache pool, then overnight the mover would transfer them to the array, which has a much slower write speed. The file still appears in the same path, /mnt/user/sharename/filename regardless of whether the file exists on /mnt/disk1/sharename/filename or /mnt/pool/sharename/filename
  9. Remove the empty folder and the calculation will go back to the single volume size. All root folders on all array drives and pools are part of the share, even if they are empty.
  10. The server won't get a DHCP address from the router if it's set to a static address, so it's real, and it's assigned, just not by the router.
  11. That's not how DHCP works. You can set a static address in Unraid, and if the DHCP server in the router has any sense, it will see that you have a device with a fixed IP and not offer that address to another device. Most modern routers will do that, but it's not a guarantee. So no, you can't request a static IP, but you can set an IP in Unraid and hope the router honors it.
  12. File system check looks fine to me, so that would indicate the deletion worked. That means the file entries in the table of contents for the drive were successfully removed. That does NOT mean the files are gone. Reformatting doesn't remove the actual file data either, it just resets the table of contents pretty much like deleting does. If you really want to make sure the data is gone, you need to write new data to the areas of the drive that actually contained the old data. That's not trivial, but you don't need to break the array to accomplish it either. There are multiple ways to do it, easiest from a beginner point of view would be to simply copy non sensitive content to the drive until it filled up. If you remove the drive, rebuild parity with the remaining drives, then add the drive back it will be overwritten with zeroes, which is just as effective as filling with random data with current drives. However, that means losing protection for the period of time while parity is rebuilding.
  13. 1. Reboot and check to see if anything comes back. 2. Do a file system check on all the participating drives to make sure things didn't get in a strange state. 3. Overwrite with new data to remove the ability to recover using file system undelete tools. a. How many drives in the array had that share on it? b. How big are those drives? Truly permanently deleting just a subset of data on a drive is tricky, it's easier to erase entire drives if the data is very sensitive.
  14. What bonding methods are supported by the smart switch you are connecting through?
  15. Not relevant to cable count. Every added drive on a single feed drops the voltage available to all drives on that feed by a small amount. If you reach a point where that voltage sags enough during simultaneous drive spinup, you will see communication errors on those drives at that point. The amount of voltage drop on a feed is effected by the thickness of the wire and the length, also any connections like the slip fit between adapters and the modular connections on the PSU.
  16. Especially since it doesn't effect all hardware or software combinations, so it's not been possible to figure out a cause, let alone a fix.
  17. Have you read through the link he posted? If so, what parts of the instructions are you having issues with?
  18. I can't really be of much more help, I use binhex's vpn containers to route other containers, and he has extensive documentation on what they need. I can't find anything on the nordlynx that describes what is needed, so I just took a shot in the dark that they might be similar. The machine you are trying to connect from is connectable to the subnet, right? My networking isn't as strong as it should be, but that looks a little strange to me. I'm not used to people using 192.168.x.x with a mask, typically if you want that many ip's you use 10.x.x.x
  19. Nope, has to be a USB memory stick with a unique GUID. Unraid is meant to be run bare metal, there is no official support for running it as a VM, so my best advice is to read around this Virtualizing Unraid topic and see what other users have made work.
  20. That's a no go, as the USB is used for Unraid's licensing.
  21. Try adding a host and container port of 7878 to the vpn container. You have a variable there now, you need a port. Also, specific to that VPN container, it may need another variable to allow that port you add through the firewall, but that's something that would be specific to that container, not general support.
  22. Depends. Could be catastrophic if you move the case and forget it's loose. Maybe zip tie through some of the existing holes to secure it? Best case would be to drill a couple new holes, but if you do, be very careful where the metal shavings go. Lots of sticky tape and careful cleaning. Another thought, maybe a large bit of double stick foam tape? If the surface is clean, that stuff can hold a lot of force. Regardless, I'd figure out a way to keep it from sliding loose, hard drives weigh enough to tear components off the motherboard if you aren't careful.
  23. All those should be in the backup of the USB, if it was current.
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