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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. If you were using a full version of nginx I think it would be a simple matter of adapting the config shown in the tutorial into your config. The swag container from LSIO is one such example. Since you are using the NPM container I have no clue if you can tell it to do all the bits and bobs required. NPM is great for simple stuff, but it's not as configurable as a full blown nginx install.
  2. Can't you script from the power draw reported through the TPLink smart socket? If watts > 50 turn on fan or something like that? Alternatively, many smart power strips have a master / slave outlet system where if the master socket is drawing power the slaves are automatically switched on.
  3. Most likely, since the underlying mechanism hasn't changed much. It's the same process as the disk format conversion, and there are multiple different ways to accomplish it, but they all involve getting one drive empty, formatting it, copying data from the next drive to be formatted, etc. BTW, if you are planning to run encryption, make sure your backup strategy is complete and as foolproof as you can get it, because if you have an issue, recovering data from encrypted volumes is orders of magnitude harder, so it's best to just restore from backup if you have an issue. Parity is NOT a backup, it's realtime, so if something corrupts your data, or a drive fails and one of the other drives has an issue while rebuilding the failed drive, you are sunk without backups.
  4. Best practice to keep names simple, too many different requirements to use special characters across multiple OS and share protocols. A character that works for one combination may not work for another, or need different special treatment. Ideally you would be restricted from creating disallowed names, but not all cases have been caught.
  5. Unraid doesn't use RAID1 or RAID5 for the parity array. Or are you a bot/spammer account?
  6. Maybe, if you can get access to the webui with Unraid's current IP. If not, try using another machine temporarily set up with a static IP in the same subnet as Unraid connected with a cord from eth0 on Unraid directly to the ethernet port on the PC. If all else fails, a short press of the power button on the Unraid box will initiate a proper shutdown, if you do that I'd shut down the VM first.
  7. Try updating the BIOS / IPMI firmware on your motherboard.
  8. https://wiki.unraid.net/My_Servers#How_to_access_your_server_when_DNS_is_down
  9. Moved to lounge since this isn't really an Unraid topic. Q1 yes, but doubtful they would even bother to look unless you were causing other issues Q2 maybe, depends on whether you violate any of their specific TOS unrelated to the content, such as total bandwidth used Q3 not worth it, unless the decrease in speed puts you below the ISP's threshold of whether they care. If the artificial speed cap keeps you under the radar, then I guess it could be worth it. The ISP doesn't really care what you download or upload unless you bother other customers in some way, or you cause a disturbance that gets you noticed and they receive a complaint about you. The larger the ISP, the less any single individual will matter. A mom'n'pop ISP serving a few thousand customers or less in a rural area might notice large amounts of data transferred by one particular node.
  10. Doubtful. BTRFS corruption seems to be more linked to hardware robustness, in particular, RAM stability. XFS seems to either handle marginal systems better, or just not report corruption, it's hard to know which for sure. My opinion is the extra space would be better served as a backup destination rather than a redundant pool member.
  11. Until you get all your initial data load done, I recommend setting the shares to cache:no so it goes directly to the array. Pretty sure you can change the min free when the array is stopped.
  12. I think I remember some people having trouble getting ASM1166 cards to show up in newer motherboards until they updated the ASM card's firmware.
  13. Yeah, probably because there really isn't any updated info, it is what it is. What I'd LIKE to see is a way to have the end user download the files, and copy them to the USB stick, with a custom boot option. A talented developer could probably come up with a plugin to do it, but since you can't run it without rebooting anyway, the extra steps of downloading the new version and making a memtest USB stick isn't really that huge of a deal. Developing and supporting a plugin that alters the Unraid USB stick like that is probably too much work and risk for too little benefit.
  14. It already includes the latest version that is licensed for 3rd party redistribution. Newer versions must be directly downloaded from the original website.
  15. Have you tried disabling the motherboard port in the BIOS? Sounds like Unraid is still trying to use it as the default, so either disable the motherboard port, or set the 10Gbe card as eth0 in Unraid.
  16. I do the exact same thing (multiple remote users and access for myself while traveling) with Emby. Why do you say Plex does it better? Genuinely curious, because I've used Emby like that for over 8 years now, and never felt the need to try Plex. How much better can it be?
  17. I'm probably not going to be very helpful with details, but here is how I'd proceed. 1. Ensure the array doesn't auto start, if it was set that way edit the /config/disk.cfg file to set auto start off. 2. Boot up unraid, mount the data disks read only (maybe with Unassigned Devices?) and inspect what's there. Probably can't do that with the disks assigned as normal, so may need to blow away the disk assignments. Make good backups of the flash drive BEFORE making any changes so you can revert.
  18. Looks perfect to me. I'd add another step, after everything is complete do a non-correcting parity check, and be sure to keep an eye on the SMART status for all the drives through the whole procedure.
  19. Sounds like you still had internet, but your DNS was down. Use your DNS addresses as the trigger to roll over to the second connection.
  20. I hope you copied the data elsewhere before removing the disk, because parity can't move data from disk to disk like that.
  21. ddrescue appears to do the same thing as safecopy, and it's already available for Unraid in nerdtools.
  22. Why don't you do a backup inside the VM, like you would if they were bare metal machines?
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