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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. I only see one file posted in this thread, the diagnostic zip file in the first post. The syslog server if configured correctly will save a copy of the syslog up until the crash, and I don't see it posted.
  2. Attach a screenshot of the MAIN page of the GUI, the entire width from the top of the parity drive to the bottom if possible.
  3. Here is the support thread for that container. If you can't get an answer there, lsio supports their containers via their discord channel linked in that post.
  4. It's just generally bad practice to not create at least one partition. Linux doesn't require it, but it can have unintended side effects because it's assumed there will be a partition if the drive contains a filesystem. https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/685650
  5. There is a fair chance you will start to experience crashes when using macvlan. The default setting was switched to ipvlan to avoid the crashes that many experience on macvlan. Hopefully you will get lucky and it will work for you.
  6. Try setting the primary vdisk bus to SATA instead of virtio.
  7. What's your plan for getting disk8 back?
  8. If you don't send "all OK" messages regularly, you'll never know if the error messages are getting lost somewhere. No news is good news definitely doesn't apply if your messages aren't getting through.
  9. eSATA is fine as long as it's not paired with port multiplication. One drive per eSATA port on the PC works identically as an internal SATA. The issue comes when you try to use a multiple disk enclosure over a single eSATA port.
  10. That's the answer. If you want to see the avatar, you can't use compact mode. I've complained about it probably over a year ago. Evidently it's not a priority.
  11. While this shouldn't cause the symptoms you are having, it will severely limit operations for V6. 4GB is a bare minimum these days.
  12. Did you add a mapping to the Unraid location of the remote mount in the Krusader container? Docker containers are limited to locations you specify, they can't see the whole server.
  13. Are you using the same AV suite on all the computers you've tried? Have you tried incognito or private mode?
  14. I recommend adding nomachine to your VM's, it's an alternative to RDP and can perform quite well over bad connections.
  15. Yes, open up any file manager window and click on the house icon at the top left. No, unfortunately it appears the permissions part of the dynamix file manager operates recursively, so you don't want to do that. Must use the command line.
  16. Might have to do those directory permissions manually, new perms may not change those, probably won't.
  17. If the batteries have been deep discharged multiple times, its possible the voltage curve anticipated by the UPS is so wrong that the time remaining drops to 0 without warning. SLA batteries really don't deal well with deep discharge, it really hurts their useable lifespan.
  18. Do the logs or alerts show the reason? I'm pretty sure I remember the triggering condition listed somewhere.
  19. Is it initiating an orderly shutdown? Sending alerts and all?
  20. If anything is writing to the array drives it slows down the parity build significantly to keep the array accesses as quick as possible. Click the blue lines icon at the top right of your large screenshot to show drive speeds instead of access counts. That may help you figure out what is accessing the array.
  21. Unfortunately I think the energy and attention are on the new authentication process, so the silence here is expected.
  22. Parity works in realtime, so the emulation of a failed drive is realtime, you have access to all the files while the failed drive is being rebuilt as well. No waiting.
  23. If everything is healthy, 48 hours at most. Probably closer to 24 hours. I assume you were being hyperbolic when you say months.
  24. What a waste! At least pull it apart and save the magnets, those things are extremely powerful, much fun, just don't get flesh between them or allow them to snap together, they can send fragments flying.
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