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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. @Hoopster, quick observation about the title of the thread. Every time I see it, I parse it to mean a seller in AUStralia. Perhaps omitting the leading A so it's "U.S. seller ..."? Not a big deal.
  2. Have you checked the BIOS boot order with the drive connected? Sounds like it might be trying to "help" you by making the newly added drive the boot device.
  3. Did you reboot to see if the changes stick?
  4. I've fixed a few bent pins, my advice is to use a good macro cellphone to watch what you are doing at a decent magnification, I've had good luck with a safety pin bent open, also, SMALL MOVES. Don't attempt to push it all the way back in one movement, just nudge it a little, take a look from different angles, see which way it most needs to go, push a little, look again from different angles, rinse repeat. The pins are springy, but only in the direction they are meant to be springy, you will likely only get one shot, if you go to far and push back the other way, it stands a good chance of snapping off. That's why I stress small moves towards the goal, so you don't overshoot. better to stop a little short but still close enough to work than go to far and break it off trying to go back.
  5. Attach diagnostics to your next post in this thread. Also probably a good idea to do a single thread iperf test to see what the network max speed is.
  6. Attaching diagnostics to your next post in this thread would give a place to start.
  7. As long as there is enough space next to the bottom pcie slot it should work fine. I prefer the ones with a cable so it's not hard up against something, I use this type, and either screw it to a convenient spot inside the case, or bend up the metal to make it fit. Just because it's a slot cover bracket doesn't mean it's got to stick out the back.
  8. Have you tried temporarily running a different network connection? I.E. USB wifi or ethernet adapter? Maybe something got borked in the driver stack.
  9. github can be temperamental, so maybe try again in a few hours, if that doesn't do it post back.
  10. SSD I'm guessing. The parity array isn't a good fit for SSD, it doesn't support trim, so you probably would want to just configure multiple pools with whatever level of redundancy per pool that makes sense for your various uses. You can use just use any old USB stick as array disk1 so the array will start.
  11. So this is AFTER applying the docker update patch and rebooting?
  12. What options are under secure boot mode? Is other OS there?
  13. In network source select virbr0. That should assign an IP on the virtual bridge completely inside of Unraid.
  14. SAS is the ONLY recommended multi drive external enclosure. Here's a good thread.
  15. Have you tried creating a new user account on your windows box? Occasionally the user profile itself is the issue. Another thing to check is any security software. Disabling it is not enough, many security suites put extra system files and calls into the network chain, and I've seen that cause issues regardless of whether the security software says it's enabled or not. To be clear, I am NOT talking about credentials, I'm talking about the entire user profile in windows. If a new profile can connect, then you have another data point for comparison. Another test would be temporarily installing windows on a new drive in your main system, to see if it's hardware related.
  16. Sounds like you may have the network cable plugged in to the IPMI port instead of the main port. Make sure you have a network cable plugged in to one of the 2 ports beside the VGA header.
  17. No. A power outage can be an unpredictable and possibly traumatic event for electronics. I want to be able to evaluate whether or not it's safe to start up again, and monitor the progress to make sure everything is responding as it should.
  18. @R86S, why attach an older package? Does the current package https://pkgs.tailscale.com/stable/tailscale_1.36.1_amd64.tgz from here not work with Unraid for some reason?
  19. Click on the link near the top of the user scripts page "What is Cron"
  20. What happens if you disable turbo write? If you alter any bits on the disks while parity is disabled you will need to fully rebuild parity. If you don't want to rebuild parity, the drives must only be mounted read-only, so no bits are changed. Defragging rearranges bits, that's sort of the purpose, so no, parity is no longer valid after you defrag data.
  21. Parity doesn't hold file information, no need to disable it. As long as the array is started and you are working with the mounted array disks, parity will stay synchronized with any defrag activities.
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