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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. The biggest add is the ability to leverage the user share system. You could put a single pro grade SSD as disk1 with no parity for use as your docker and system files locations, and set up your 8 disk RAID-Z2 as your "main" array. It's really just a matter of semantics, as you could just as easily put a USB 2.0 1GB flash drive as disk1 and have your RAID-Z2 be the only real storage in the system. Or set up any combination of RAID level pools, all feeding into a single user share structure.
  2. AFAIK, Unraid's parity protection can ONLY work with single device pools. That doesn't mean you can't use a multi device pool as YOUR main array in Unraid though, it just won't be part of the parity1, parity2, disk1, disk2 etc. array, but it can participate in the user share system. Whether or not you will still be required to have one volume of whatever format in the disk1 slot for 6.12, probably, but I don't know.
  3. Not a direct answer, but Windows is really bad at shutdown on command because of mandatory updates. Hibernate is a much more reliable solution, make sure you have the VM client drivers installed.
  4. I see an average of 1 incident every month or two where someone posts about dead drives where they reused a modular cable. The consequences of getting it wrong are so severe that it warrants a blanket statement of NEVER, unless you are qualified to verify it's ok. I never assume someone has those qualifications unless they say so up front, and I make sure to warn whenever someone makes a statement that could be construed as blanket permission to reuse modular cables. Nothing personal, just trying to save as much data as possible.
  5. Have you totally powered off at any point in testing? Sometimes video cards get stuck if they don't get a proper power cycle. Sometimes loading the video BIOS as part of the VM startup can help, sometimes not.
  6. After disk5 is replaced and the array is healthy again, you can set a new config without those disks and rebuild parity. I can't think of a good safe way to accomplish everything at once, you need to be sure the array has one good parity check with zero errors before you remove any disks.
  7. In my experience it's not very helpful to micromanage cores, it's a lot of effort for very little real world performance, and doing it wrong can have very drastic negative performance impacts. The host OS does a pretty good job of assigning processor power where it's needed.
  8. Don't use any modular cables that didn't come in the box with the PSU without testing with a meter. Brand is irrelevant, some brands use different pinouts on some models. There are only a handful of manufacturers, most PSU's are custom spec rebrands.
  9. This will work, but it would be better if your backup drive wasn't connected to the same box. Less chance of whatever might kill your array also zapping your backup.
  10. Possibly your browser isn't using system DNS. https://medium.com/cloud-security/google-chrome-dns-security-bypass-9a1e10e02114
  11. What benefits of ZFS still apply to single drive volumes? I know many of the BTRFS features are unavailable.
  12. Shouldn't RAID1 give 800GB? I suspect there are multiple BTRFS profiles causing issues, but without diagnostics, who knows.
  13. A docker container is like a small VM, it has parts of an OS as well as the target application. If the base OS is one that gets frequent updates... No, and there are some containers where it's foolish to use the :latest tag because you are pretty much guaranteed to get an update that breaks something, the linuxserver/unifi-controller container is one example.
  14. Yes, this is an issue. Obviously it's not a high priority one. Rationale is that by default any multi drive pool IS protected, and it takes a deliberate action to change that, and if you select RAID0 or single, you will know that the pool no longer is protected. It still needs to be fixed though.
  15. That's a known issue, any RAID multi drive pool is shown as protected, regardless of RAID level.
  16. You could use the blkdiscard command to wipe the empty drive. Very carefully, of course.
  17. Just an aside, your signature is pretty much unreadable to a large percentage of forum users. Your font color is too close to the light theme background.
  18. By slip fit, I mean any connection that can be removed without tools or soldering. The two pieces of conductor are pressed together by the springiness of the metal and plastic of the connector, and if there is any contamination, and / or if that joint is subject to currents beyond what it can safely pass, heat will build up at the point where the two conductors touch, causing plastic deformation and the metal will lose it's springiness, causing further issues with conductivity and heat buildup. It's a vicious cycle. You want to keep those type of connections at an absolute minimum number, which ideally would be only at the drive itself. There is a reason true server grade PSU's aren't typically modular, it's one less failure point. Locking tabs are good, it keeps the connection from sliding off, but it doesn't really help with the core issue of passing the current. The reason SATA connectors are so bad is that they typically use just a thin springy wire in the female end and a flat finger of metal for the pin to slide against. The contact patch is tiny, and if the wire loses its springiness it's going to push with less force. The 4 pin and modular PSU connections are a round pin and sleeve design, where the surface area to pass current is MUCH larger.
  19. I am uncomfortable with this, the SATA power connector really is only good for single drives, amperage wise, and splitters with SATA as the source may cause all sorts of hard to troubleshoot issues. The 4 pin connector can handle MUCH more current, as the surface area of the mating pins is much greater. You probably should look into custom cables to eliminate all those slip fit connections. It's bad enough you have slip fit connections at the PSU itself for the modular cables.
  20. Yep, standard URL on multiple browsers on multiple OS's. The screengrab was firefox on linux mint, but it acts exactly the same on windows, I just verified on another system. I used simplescreenrecorder on linux to capture the video clip.
  21. You can also install apcupsd inside your VM in slave mode, and tell it to start the shutdown process a few minutes before Unraid.
  22. Dunno what to tell you, like I said I'm not a web dev. simplescreenrecorder-2022-12-30_12.15.17.m4v
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