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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Unraid doesn't natively support webdav, so this question should be posted in whichever third party addon's support thread you enabled webdav. There are several addons that can export webdav, so I have no way of knowing which one to point you to.
  2. https://unraid.net/blog/unraid-6-9s-multiple-pools-support
  3. Add 2 pools each with a single SSD in them.
  4. With the advent of multiple pools, why would you want to use unassigned devices for a critical part of unraid? UD's primary purpose is transitory media, not permanent storage.
  5. Also the templates are on the flash drive, so be sure you keep regular flash backups.
  6. Definitely not the entire thing. Just select apps that I would be ticked if I lost a whole weeks worth of changes. I have CA Backup doing a weekly, and I script daily backups for the critical stuff. Also, I don't plex, so my ENTIRE appdata backup archive is less than 40GB.
  7. Sell the Raspi and buy a cheap 500VA UPS with USB connectivity. Hook a few pieces of network gear up to the cheap UPS, just so it has a job, and connect the USB to Unraid so it knows when the power is out, and keep the big UPS serving as the actual power source for the heavy draw equipment. (or keep the Raspi, but given the shortage, you could probably get double what you paid for it if you sell it)
  8. If they came in the same package it probably was used as a world cup ball substitute before it got to you. Never buy more than 1 drive at a time if you can help it. The cost savings isn't worth the risk.
  9. Maybe? I have my docker.img on the same drive with my staging and unpacking downloads, and appdata on a different one. My reasoning wasn't so much performance as tiered risk, I don't need to bother backing up downloads in progress or the docker.img, but the appdata gets backed up daily.
  10. Is not supported here as you found out. Binhex has a version that is supported here. As for path mappings, that's entirely controlled by the fields you edit when you set up the container. It would be easier to change those to match what you had before. As for watch status, I'm not entirely sure of the best method, I'm not a plex user, (Emby FTW) so I can only parrot what I remember reading, and I think people have mentioned something called Trakt?
  11. I'm not familiar with that case setup, but I can't see any power wires headed to the drives.
  12. No. You need to treat a VM just like any other physical machine when it comes to that sort of thing. There are many internet tutorials that cover accessing windows without knowing the password, and the method is often dependent on whether it was a local or microsoft account. If you used MS account credentials you should be able to reset them on the MS site, as long as you have access to the linked email account. If you just want to see what is on their virtual hard drives, you can add them to another VM as a second disk, then mount them in the disk manager as long as the drive wasn't encrypted, same as you would physically plug a hard drive in to a known good machine to check its content. You can also change the boot order for the VM so it boots off the Windows install media, which is part of one method to reset windows passwords. Bottom line, Unraid can't do anything special when it comes to windows security, if you find a method for a physical machine and need help translating the specifics to a VM, feel free to post and ask.
  13. Can you log in with SSH if you set "Use SSH" to Yes on the Management Access page?
  14. I recommend going to youtube and watching Spaceinvader One's videos on Unraid.
  15. Take a screenshot of Settings, Management Access and post it here. Diagnostics zip file might contain a clue also.
  16. Whatever commands you use to put them in place, put those commands in a script and either run as a scheduled user script or in the go file.
  17. Is the sum of the virtual drives larger than the actual space available?
  18. Typically a motherboard chipset issue, not software.
  19. No. But you do have to assign a drive to the parity array, and currently that should NOT be a SSD. I'd advise using a second USB stick as Data1, and create 2 pools, one for each of the NVME's.
  20. Using a SATA connector from the power supply, maximum I would feel safe would be 2 drives, and even then it's not a good idea. The SATA connectors are just a poor design, and you are asking for problems by putting them in a chain. If you use a 4 pin connector from the PSU, they can pass current much better, and it should be safe to run 4 drives from one 4 pin source, assuming the PSU can handle the current.
  21. I'm guessing that wasn't what you were looking for.
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