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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. Finally got a chance to install the docker using your guide. Piece of cake mostly. The video made it very simple. Only problem I ran into was installing the client on my iPhone (not the same as what you had in the video). Took me a few tries to download the openvpn certificate from the server until I realized I would need to use the local IP. Didn't install an SSL certificate though. Is there really any problem with using a self signed certificate generated by my unRAID server?
  2. LimeTech's recommendation has been to use dockerized apps when available. They run independantly of the unRAID system and any problems with the apps (crashes and such) will not effect the rest of the system.
  3. What file? I don't think I've ever seen an unRAID app on the plex website.
  4. An update is pushed to the docker container every week with the latest version of plex regardless of whether there is an update or not. If you don't want to wait you can restart the docker container and pull the latest version of plex.
  5. I see the same behavior in landscape mode regardless of where I scroll or even if I just select a tab without scrolling at all.
  6. Another minor cosmetic issue. The horizontal scroll bar seems out of position. "Dockers" is selected but the bar is under "Logs". Not sure exactly what your intention is with the scroll bar, but since the bar is centered shouldn't the DOCKER button also be centered? Just minor nitpicking. Something to look at if you get bored. Or maybe this is proper behavior.??? Edit: I believe this is only in landscape view.
  7. Edit the docker with your preferred version for the version variable instead of latest or plexpass and then save the changes to the docker.
  8. Right. Not sure how to do this with NFS or AFP. Only use SMB for my bait shares. Not using NFS at all and AFP just for TimeMachine backups.
  9. If I understand the line correctly the "*" is a wildcard so any ._whatever file is covered.
  10. Add this to smb extra configuration- veto files = /._*/.DS_Store/ Will stop OSX from creating ds store files via samba.
  11. Great. The device password generated by Google needs to entered for email password in the docker container? @digitalfixer sorry I steered you wrong.
  12. Just a guess on my part, but it looks like this provider doesn't support SSL and may not be supported. You might want to try gmail.
  13. I may be wrong but it looks like a problem with the smtp settings in your container template. You may want to post a copy of that as well with passwords and such redacted.
  14. I love you man. I mean that. Really. Looks like I have two folders in appdata. /appdata/plexmediaserver/ and appdata/PlexMediaServer/ Whats the best way to delete PlexMediaServer so that this doesn't happen again?
  15. Now I think I have the proper paths but when I connect to the webui I get a new user screen with instructions on how to add media. None of my media is shown. Should I delete the docker image file and try another restore? DockerRunCommand.txt my-PlexMediaServer.xml Edit: I'm also seeing an orphaned PMS image that wasn't there before.
  16. Is it possible to restore the file from within the CA Backup plugin? I restored the appdata but I don't think that restored anything to flash. Or should I pull the flash drive and just transfer the file from another machine?
  17. That's what I did. Re-installed me dockers from "Previous Apps" in CA, but the variables aren't configured it seems. I figured out what AppData Config Path needed to be, but I'm guessing that I should also have paths for movies and tvshows since plex gives me an error that the item couldn't be played since it wasn't at the expected location.
  18. Replaced my cache drive following the instructions here. Wasn't expecting to have any problems, so of course I did. Lost all my dockers. Trying to get them all set back up now. I've got plex re-installed and it seems to be working, but don't I need to configure extra paths for my media? It's been so long since I originally installed it that I can't remember.
  19. The OP describes how to use whichever script you prefer in the plugin.
  20. I had a similar issue when testing my install. Try clearing the cache on your browser (just a guess).
  21. Yes I am. I'm glad someone finally realized that besides me.
  22. This all sounds very interesting but I'm afraid I'm a little short on the background to understand most of this. Could someone point me to a good vlan for dummies guide.
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