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Posts posted by doogalbeez

  1. Just wanted to thank those who helped me and my dumb mistakes. I was able to restore the dockers using the "add container". No real data was lost. Also I had to unzip the backup, then using terminal, to copy over the data to the appdata folder. The failing could've been, the restore was backing up to a subfolder within the appdata, or who knows... nevertheless its working again, and i'll follow through updated guides and not be a dumbass :)

  2. 4 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Are you sure that drive was the source of the noise? Typically there will be other symptoms. Were there? Do you have Notifications setup to alert you immediately by email or other agent when Unraid detects a problem?


    You might try opening it in 7zip on your PC.

    I assumed it was, it's pretty old. Looking at the attributes, it was in "pre-fail" and highlighted. I never removed it from the computer yet, its sitting unassigned.

  3. Thank you for replying, i feel pretty stupid right about now.

    1 hour ago, trurl said:

    Where did you find this "guide"? Sounds like it led you down the wrong path. New Config isn't typically part of drive replacement, assuming they actually needed replacing. Possibly it was simply a case of the much more common bad connection. And even if you do New Config, it shouldn't forget your disk assignments unless you tell it to.


    Please consider asking for advice before trying to fix these sorts of problems in the future. Are you sure you didn't actually lose data winging it like this?


    Also, your system share has files on the array, and your docker image is twice as large as recommended.

    I followed this guide https://blog.linuxserver.io/2013/11/18/removing-a-drive-from-unraid-the-easy-way .

    41 minutes ago, Squid said:

    Yeah, I don't know.  I first thought that mover might have done something at the time, but it looks like the restore finished 2 minutes before mover was set to kick in.   

    I looked at the mover schedule just now and changed it to daily, it was hourly, just to see if it helps.


    I ran the restore again, and it failed again. Can this be done manually through the terminal?


    Thanks again for the help

  4. I have having the worst luck, and in need of help... please.


    I have followed another guide to remove bad drives that are having failures (new one sitting here ready to be put in), and had to run the new config for the drives. then, then forgetting to screenshot the cache drives, i winged it. I then ran the parity check. The next day, I found that all my dockers images are missing BUT thankfully I have been running the backup every week, as much as a couple days ago...


    However, the issue now is that when I restore it, it fails and states: "Directory renamed before its status could be extracted" (see screenshot) Not sure what i did wrong.


    I've added a diagnostics to help my my headaches.




    Screen Shot 2019-09-25 at 10.02.10 PM.png


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