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Everything posted by superloopy1

  1. , sorry that read wrongly. how can dual parity be better at protecting the array when parity check running in maintenance mode moreorless is the question.
  2. what changes to make it 'less iikely' to drop a disk though when using dual parity?
  3. thanks for replying. is this 'parity rebuild in maintenance mode' documented anywhere?
  4. Nobody had to do this then?
  5. Guys, i've reached a stage where i need to move a 12TB drive out of my array, hopefully without incident. I have read the manual and have a question. Is a there any way that the current dual parity can help me here or is it the case that once i remove the outgoing drive and a new parity sync gets underway that's it, i'm on my own so to speak. Can it be made to work in a similar manner to adding a drive when dual parity will protect me in the event of too many drives failing. I'm just a bit wary that i've been hammering the array recently and possibly this one more parity sync could be one too many. Ironically the outgoing drive is going towards extending a second array to accommodate a further backup of this array which currently only gets a backup of 50% of the contents. Am i over thinking this and should i just get on with it and sod the consequences?
  6. 'Remove the mover tuning plugin' ..... just wondering, having just had the same experience of moverNOT moving any data until plugin is removed, just why this is needed and i'm assuming I dont add the plugin back?
  7. Ok, whats the concensus here about which tool is best suited to backing up VM's in their entirety. I'm just about to setup a couple of vms and dont really have the expertise to 'fiddle' in the event i bork them. Is there something along the lines of Appdata backup/restore?
  8. Thanks. Had already tried a known good cable and also swapped between other arraydisks, still the same. So, i'm rebuilding to a new disk as i cant afford an unprotected array for much longer. Maybe time to add a second parity as the drives are now aging. I'll take a look at the old drive once this is complete. Cheers!!
  9. As per the title. I've checked a few similar posts which always begin ..... diagnostics please. So here they are, attached. The disk is spinning no problems there, i have swapped out the sata cable without any luck but looking at the syslog it seems to have no problems on startup, being a clean mount? I do have a spare disk and most of the contents are now secured. Just looking not to have to switch it in and rebuild if possible. Thanks for any assistance ... tower-diagnostics-20240103-2045.zip
  10. Can someone explain to me what happens when you have more than two cache assigned drives (one SSD named cache and one nvme drive named cache_nvme) and then run mover? Will it move both 'cache' drives contenst to the array sequentially? Or, has the nvme drive contents have to be manually moved? Apologies for a simplistic question, no doubt yet again, but i'm way behind with Unraid these days. having just added a nvme cache drive i now need to move 'stuff', just how exactly? Thanks!
  11. Guys, I need help. I moved my appdata folder off my cache disk as it was failing. Installed a new ssd and moved apodat back and now both of my 'arr' dockers are failing to start with an error to do with 'malformed database' which seems to be pointing at database corruption?? What's the restore procedure, anyone able to help. Other dockers are just fine, enby plex etc.
  12. The file is 'mnt/cache/docker-xfs.img' and is freestanding .... so, its ok to just 'move' it ?
  13. Thansk, that takes care of the shares but what do i need to do to move the docker-xfs.img file from the ssd? Can i just move it from ssd to the array or is that too simplistic? I'm trying to avoid having to recreate all docker containers as i'm sure this is where it all went wrong last time when the previous ssd failed.
  14. Guys, my cache ssd is failing and i need to clear everything back to the array. Is there a procedure or plugin to do this without loss? I remember doing this once before and creatded all kinds of problems. I'm sure its a fairly simple procedure??
  15. But will it rebuild it as per the drive it is replacing and NOT add it as a new empty drive, that's my question.
  16. I have just increased one of my arrays 12TB drives with a larger drive. I now want to reuse this 12TB drive in my backup system and obviously it still has all of the 'old' outgoing data on it which is no longer needed. The drive is still in unraid format so i'm wondering do i just repeat the process i used to switch in a larger drive and replace any drive on my backup system with this 12TB WITHOUT the need to reformat or delete any of the 12TB contents. Will Unraid just rebuild the image of the existing backup drive onto my 12TB drive as if it didnt already have data on it? It would save a lot of time and effort if thats how it works. I'm concerned that it may just 'import' whats on the old drive at the expense of whats currently known to the backup system. That would be a disaster! Cheers!
  17. Think this is a 'me too' moment. Just tried to run up my docker nextcloud instance and it fails saying that i need to go way back and upgrade manually -- 'Can't start Nextcloud because the version of the data ( is more than one major version behind the docker image version ( and upgrading more than one major version is not supported. Please run an image tagged for the major version 21 first' Any suggestions??
  18. Well, we'll see soon hopefully. I pulled a 12TB drive and have replaced it with an 18TB. Expected rebuild time showed as 3days 5hrs'ish so away it went. 2 days into the rebuild the system rebooted (why??) overnight and i've had to restart it. On this second attempt i'm again 2 days into it, due to finish lunchtime tomorrow. Let's see what happens eh. The electric bill will be taking the hit again!
  19. Yes, dual 18TB parity. Its that last bit confirming that filestore IS expanded that i was doubtful about. In the past i'm sure that i ended up with a 'like for like' copy of the smaller drive but on a larger drive and then needed to do some jiggery pokery to sort that out. Anyways thanks for confirming!
  20. Guys, i've got a 16TB drive in my array and want to swap it for an 18TB, already precleared and tested. Is it just a simple removal of the smaller and swap in the larger after which that drive will be rebuild itself from parity? I think thats the way to do it but ist been a while and i have this worry that the drive will only be rebuilt to a maximum of 16TB ie the original sie of the removed drive? Or will i have at the end of the rebuild a rebuilt drive with an extra 2TB of available space? I've not touched Unraid for ages!! Thanks.
  21. Guys, i have two servers, one of which, system A, has a smb remote share to the other machine, system B. How do i bring up the remote share manually on system A if it doesnt show due to system B being down? The system log on system A shows attempts to bring it up but never allows a 'Mount' prompt within unassigned devices on System B being powered up. All i see is a message when i hover over the smb tab which says 'remote share is offline' ? Whats the procedure to kick this remote smb share into life on system A?
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