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Everything posted by Darksurf

  1. Why use a VPN when you could just use an SSH tunnel? ssh -p {external port# forwarded to internal ssh port for local machine OR server} [email protected] -L 9000:{serverIP OR localhost}:80 then open web browser and type "http://localhost:9000". example: ssh -p 446 [email protected] -L 9000:locahost:80 and using SSH keys, you can prevent password login making it all the more secure.
  2. It would boil down to either editing the samba.conf file or even better, just stop the samba service 'systemctl stop samba.service' and send notifications and log problems.
  3. Have you ever though of making it a CLI tool and portable to other Linux distros? I know this is last line of defense material, but its lightweight and excellent for what it does. I can easily see this becoming a tool businesses would love in their arsenal. Seriously man, you've got a winner here. I love unraid, but small medium business and corporate uses other distro's. This could be a big deal!
  4. What application are we using here? Is there a specific application this plugin is using or is this built from the ground up for Unraid? Is there a git or anything for this?
  5. Turns out a docker is extremely unnecessary. This app seriously only requires 2 files to be dropped into an apache docker. super easy. I made it out to be far more difficult than it was.
  6. Would it be possible to get keeweb added to the docker repo? https://hub.docker.com/r/antelle/keeweb/ edit* Actually, I started digging into how this worked. This was waaaay simpler than I was making it out to be. Its a single index.html file and appcache file. I just dropped it into an apache docker and bam, it started working.
  7. I don't really care who reuploads the files. People who did this in the past could have kept and/or still have the original file. One of those people could upload it.
  8. Can we get the customizeable pxe menu re uploaded?
  9. root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="quassel-core" --net="bridge" -e TZ="America/Chicago" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "PGID"="100" -e "PUID"="99" -p 4242:4242/tcp -v "/mnt/user/Docker/appdata/quassel-core":"/config":rw linuxserver/quassel-core 51fe60bd33740e57906862a55b0e52434c9f67efe569a8707ff714df14da4d4c The command finished successfully! It seems I've figured out my issue. I just kept using the defaults which was on the selection for postgreSQL. After removal of the docker and reinstall of the docker it seems the default changed to sqlite which works.
  10. I need some assistance. I just keep getting the "core configuration wizard" over and over. I've filled it out a dozen times and it gets me nowhere..
  11. I really really want this. Hows the performance compared to BTRFS and is anyone having any issues with unRAID updating and not having support for your shares until the next update of the driver?
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