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Posts posted by Vagus

  1. So I was updating a docker (SABNZB https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/sabnzbd/) and all of a sudden my shares just went missing.

    The data is still there under the various disks, but the shares are missing.

    I'm running UNRaid 6.9.2. I have not done anything else with the server, I've just left it running. I downloaded my log files, and have not rebooted as per the stickied thread stating that the log might reset on reboot.


    A bit of googling shows that shares can disappear, and rebooting can potentially solve that, but I'm hesitant to just reboot without having someone wiser read my log file and potentially tell me whats up?


  2. I'm running into a strange situation where everytime I update SABnzbd I need to re-setup everything. As in I click update in the Unraid webui, it says update successful, then when I open the SABnzbd webui it has the configuration wizard, all my previous settings are lost. This has happened the past 2-3 updates, I just got a new update notification and I haven't run the update wondering if there is something I can do to keep from having to reconfigure everything?

  3. 40 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    Can you provide a screenshot from you template configuration?

    Als did you have a cache drive installed in your server?



    I don't have a cache drive, although I do sometimes get errors from the "Fix Common Problems" plugin stating an issue with Docker and the cache drive being set. I have mostly ignored it, since I do not have a cache drive.


    For reference here is that error:




    But I don't have a cache drive, and my appdata location is set to cache NO:




    Not sure if that helps at all.

  4. Hi Ich777! Managed to get my Avorian server up and running successfully, but now I'm having difficulty running the Arma 3 server.


    I am having some issues grabbing a log full log, but this is a snippet which I feel has the error that's stopping the server from running:



    Loading Steam API...Warning: failed to init SDL thread priority manager: SDL not found
    Logging in user 'ID_Removed' to Steam Public ...
    Loaded client id: 6573464624208740381
    Listening for IPv4 broadcast on: 27036
    Listening for connections on:
    Logged in OK
    Waiting for user info...OK
    ---Update Server---
    Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
    [ 0%] Checking for available updates...
    [----] Verifying installation...
    Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
    -- type 'quit' to exit --
    Loading Steam API...Warning: failed to init SDL thread priority manager: SDL not found
    Logging in user 'ID_Removed' to Steam Public ...
    Loaded client id: 6573464624208740381
    Listening for IPv4 broadcast on: 27036
    Listening for connections on:
    Logged in OK
    Waiting for user info...OK
    Success! App '233780' already up to date.
    ---Prepare Server---
    ---server.cfg found...
    ---Start Server---
    15:52:40 Could not enable linux core dumps. Error 1 - �
    /opt/scripts/start-server.sh: line 54: 64 Segmentation fault ./arma3server ${GAME_PARAMS}
    ---Checking if UID: 99 matches user---
    usermod: no changes
    ---Checking if GID: 100 matches user---
    usermod: no changes
    ---Setting umask to 000---
    ---Checking for optional scripts---
    ---No optional script found, continuing---
    chmod: cannot access '/serverdata/.local/share/Arma 3': No such file or directory
    chmod: cannot access '/serverdata/.local/share/Arma 3 - Other Profiles': No such file or directory
    ---Update SteamCMD---
    Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
    [ 0%] Checking for available updates...
    [----] Verifying installation...
    Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
    -- type 'quit' to exit --


  5. On 4/28/2020 at 10:52 PM, ich777 said:

    That's not an error, that's just a warning.


    Have you provided a steam account and password in the Docker template? If so, please remove them from there since it's not marked as required (only provide credentials if they are marked as required).

    This worked! Thanks so much! I thought that since there wasn't a dedicated server in the Steam tools section you would need an account to make it run so I put in credientials to an account that owns the software!

    • Like 1
  6. I've installed the Avorian Docker server, I have the Avorian game on two accounts, one my regular Steam account, and one on an account that I use for dedicated servers. I'm using the dedicated server account that owns Avorian on the docker setup. And I'm having the following errors that I can see:


    Loading Steam API...Failed to init SDL priority manager: SDL not found
    Failed to set thread priority: per-thread setup failed
    Failed to set thread priority: per-thread setup failed


    as well as this:


    ERROR! Failed to install app '565060' (No subscription)


    I can confirm I own the game on both accounts, as I can log into them on a windows device and play them. I'm a bit clueless so I could use some guidance on what to do here?





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