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Posts posted by stor44

  1. On 11/15/2021 at 1:51 PM, Roudy said:

    You can change your name servers on the container to the below and it should fix the issue. You can change them back to what you had after they get whatever is going on sorted.


    Thanks for this, fixed it for me too. Will keep an eye on it.

  2. On 10/2/2021 at 11:44 AM, frodr said:


    Q21. I now see that you support WireGuard, how do i switch from OpenVPN to WireGuard client?

    A21. Yes you are correct, all binhex VPN created images now support OpenVPN and WireGuard, for PIA and other VPN providers.

    If you're a PIA user then please follow this procedure:-

    Change Docker parameter from --cap-add=NET_ADMIN to --privileged=true (WireGuard requires privileged permissions).



    Where in binhex-delugevpn do I find --cap-add=NET_ADMIN? This is what I see:





    // Frode


    Hi, were you able to find the solution? I couldn't find "--cap-add=NET_ADMIN" either, and I have nothing in "Extra Parameters".

    All I did was make sure the box for "Privileged" was checked, and then followed the rest of A21 instructions. It's working now. Hope that helps.

  3. Hi all. I had this problem too after upgrading to 6.9 this week. My Win10 VM and even unRAID itself were running dog slow. System Interrupts was using 100% CPU in Windows.

    For me what worked was changing a setting in the "Tips and Tweaks" plugin. I had "CPU Scaling Governor:" set to "Power Save", which I think is the default for Intel CPU. Changed it to "On Demand", and now my VM and unRAID are running much better.

    Disclaimer: I don't understand much of that, but it seems to work. Maybe there's downsides. YMMV. Seeing a lot of posts with this issue, hopefully this helps you.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. 13 hours ago, Jorgen said:

    Sonarr is supposed to remove the torrent from Deluge after it reaches the defined ratio, but I never got that to work either.

    AutoRemovePlus plugin is the way to go in my opinion.


    The most likely reason the egg isn't accepted for you is that the Python version in this container was recently updated to 3.9.

    If you have the 3.8 egg in the plugin folder already, simple rename it to 3.9 (see below) and restart the container:



    If you don't have it, download the 3.8 version from here: https://forum.deluge-torrent.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=55733

    Put the egg into the plugin folder, rename it to 3.9 and restart container.


    Perfect, this worked for me!

  5. Is this kind of corruption pretty common or did I do something wrong?


    Anyway I got things back to normal. Documenting it here in case I need it again, and in case it helps anyone else:

    - first I tried copying some data off the cache pool, but the corruption was too much. Files and folders were literally disappearing as I refreshed the directories.

    - I stopped the array which took way longer than usual, probably 5 minutes instead of 40 seconds.

    - I didn't know how to format the cache pool drives (2 x 1TB SSD). But I tried doing this:

    Just to be sure, I also formatted them using this command: blkdiscard /dev/sd#



    - at this point I upgraded to 6.9, in case there was any advantage to this new SSD formatting mentioned here:



    - then re-assigned the SSDs and formatted them to create the new cache pool

    - then I needed to restore some of the data I had backed up. Fortunately I have an "appdata-backup" folder. I'm helpless when it comes to untarring the tar file on unRAID, so I copied it to my Windows PC and used WinRAR. I extracted the data back to the cache pool, but WinRAR had a ton of errors about needing to run as Administrator, so I did that and ran it again. It still failed on a bunch of my Channels (DVR) and Plex metadata, but it got all the important files for my other Docker apps.

    - I tried to stop the array again, but it just hung, so I had to power off the whole PC.

    - This of course forces a parity check. 24 hours later, no errors.

    - I also had a backup of my Windows 10 VM thanks to this script:


    so I restored that. But booting it up, it was super slow, and even unRAID was running sluggish overall. Tracked it down to the "Tips and Tweaks" Plugin, I had "CPU Scaling Governor:" set to "Power Save". I set it to "On Demand" and rebooted and things were fine again. Blue Iris (security camera app I run in Win10) was still slow, but I had to re-enable NVIDIA acceleration in its settings.

    So, lots more for me to learn. I've attached new diagnostics on the chance there's anything else helpful in there.



  6. Hi there. Woke up to see all my Docker apps stopped and when I try to start them it I see "Execution Error: System error". 4 of the apps show updates available, but when I click update I get this error:

    Error: open /var/lib/docker/tmp/GetImageBlob711164869: read-only file system

    Something wrong with my Docker img file?

    Thanks for any help. I searched but I'm not clear what to try. Diagnostics attached. Specs in my sig.


  7. 15 hours ago, Rick_Sanchez said:

    Hey, a watch folder is not a bad idea (although I don't use one).


    • Simplest way may be to add a folder in your downloads directory. I.e. let's say you have /download/complete and download/incomplete
    • Create a /download/watch folder. 
    • Add watch folder functionality to Deluge, and add the 'download/watch' folder path to auto-add .torrent files
    • now move your .torrent files to this folder, and deluge should add it to download


    Thanks for the help, that worked...However it only worked for the first torrent file I put in the watch folder. Deluge downloaded the torrent, then I added a second torrent file to the watch folder and it just sits there. Seems to be a common problem in this thread. I deleted the container and recreated it, but same thing, the watch folder processes first torrent then no others. Weird.

  8. 3 hours ago, Rick_Sanchez said:

    I'm curious - do you have an adblocker turned on? I would start by turning that off. 


    Alternatively, what if you setup a "watch" folder and just drop the torrent files in there? What is your setup and workflow like?

    Thanks for the reply. I've now tried Deluge in Chrome, Safari & Firefox and disabled any content blocking. Same issue persists.


    I'm open to setting up a Watch folder, is that easy to do? (I'll google it). 95% of the time I only use binhex's Sonarr and Radarr Dockers to send torrents to Deluge. But once in a while I find something else I want to download so it would just be good to be able to add torrents manually. Thanks.

  9. Hi there. Sorry if this has been answered a million times, I can't find anything helpful.I am unable to manually add a torrent file to Deluge.

    I browse to the torrent file, but I can't click Add, nothing happens. The Deluge windows also doesn't list what files would be downloaded.


    I'm having the same problem as this person:


    I know nothing about iframes or whatever he's talking about. I've tried Chrome, Safari, Firefox.


    Thanks for any ideas. Downloads from radarr and sonarr work perfectly.

  10. Hi there. So I somehow wiped my cache pool while upgrading from 2 x 500GB SSDs to 2 x 1TB SSDs (I did them one at a time, but here we are anyway). But when I try to restore from a backup, it had a bunch of errors and seemed to finish way too quickly. Here is the last of the message output:

    "Backup / SettingsRestore AppdataBackup / Restore Status
    Backup / Restore Status: Not Running
    /usr/bin/tar: binhex-preclear/home/.icons/BLACK-Ice-Numix-FLAT: Directory renamed before its status could be extracted
    /usr/bin/tar: binhex-preclear/home/.icons: Directory renamed before its status could be extracted
    /usr/bin/tar: binhex-preclear/home: Directory renamed before its status could be extracted
    /usr/bin/tar: binhex-preclear: Directory renamed before its status could be extracted
    /usr/bin/tar: airsonic-advanced/transcode: Directory renamed before its status could be extracted
    /usr/bin/tar: airsonic-advanced: Directory renamed before its status could be extracted
    /usr/bin/tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
    Backup/Restore Complete. tar Return Value:
    Restore finished. Ideally you should now restart your server
    Backup / Restore Completed"


    I've attached diagnostics if that helps. My most recent backup is from Jan 4th, that's the one I'm trying to restore, but I have backups from the 12 previous weeks.

    I was able to copy the CA_backup.tar file to my Mac and unzip it, so I can copy everything back manually I hope? Just thought I'd ask first. Thanks for any help!


  11. Ok we're back to normal here. Posting this in case it helps others (or myself in the future!). I was able to follow the unRAID wiki "Rebuilding a drive onto itself" after I verified the drive was ok. Also sorted out the red X'd Parity 2 drive by stopping the array, unassign that drive from its slot, start the array, then stop the array, re-assign the drive, and start the array and rebuild parity (those aren't the exact steps, see wiki for details).

    Thanks for all the help, this forum is incredibly helpful. Happy New Year!

    • Like 1
  12. Thanks for the reply. Yes, all the array drives are on the same controller, Dell Perc H310. And I have two SATA power cables from the power supply, each with 4 SATA power connectors. So the 2 parity drives and the first 2 array drives are powered off the same cable. Then the 3 remaining array drives and an 8TB unassigned drive are powered off the other cable.


    Power supply is an interesting thought. Sometimes the computer won't shut down completely...unRAID shuts down cleanly, but then the machine sits there until I hold the power button 5 seconds, or flip the power switch on the power supply itself.


    Here are new diagnostics after a reboot after checking the SATA and power connections. Thank you.


  13. I was finally able to shutdown after my preclearing cycles finished. Now that I've done more forum searches, seems like it was the wrong thing to do, but I couldn't do anything without the GUI.

    I swapped in a new 10TB drive to replace the failing Parity 2 drive (another wrong move it seems), and my 2nd SSD cache drive is no longer showing errors, so that's the good news. Also I ran unBalance one more time to completely clear off my last 4TB drive and remove it from the array.


    After starting a parity check after another reboot, a different drive is showing errors now.

    Thanks for any help. I guess I did several steps wrong here.


  14. Hi there. I’m having some problems and ned some help. But it’s complicated. Hopefully it's simpler than it looks. System specs in my signature.


    My main problem is I’ve lost the GUI. Any browser eventually fails with “500 Internal Server Error”. It was working yesterday. I can still log in through SSH and access the shares on the network, and my Win10 VM with Blue Iris is still up and running. I don’t have any Dockers running except for the preclear Docker app. I had stopped them all when I was running “unBalance” yesterday to clear off my last 4TB driven in the array so I can remove it eventually.


    My second problem is “sdh”, my Parity 2 drive suddenly had errors 30 minutes after I started unBalance, then got the Red X beside it. I have another 10TB Seagate on hand ready to replace it, but I need the GUI first.


    My third problem is “sdk”, one of two SSDs in my cache pool, started showing errors yesterday as well. I have ordered two new WD RED NAS SDDs to replace both.


    I don’t have a proper diagnostics dump unfortunately, having no GUI. I tried “diagnostics” over SSH, but it just hangs and I can't cancel it. I did manage to grab the syslog using the terminal, attached. I’ve also attached smartctl logs from each drive.


    Re: the smart logs, “sdm” “sdn” and “sdp” are drives I previously used in unRAID and then DrivePool in Windows. But they have shown problems, so I was just preclearing them as a test. As far as I can tell, the preclear is still running, I’m using the excellent preclear Docker app, and I’m still receiving emails as it continues working.


    At 8:44 last night, I got these two emails:


    “Event: Unraid Parity 2 error

    Subject: Alert [TOWER] - Parity 2 in error state (disk dsbl)

    Description: ST10000DM0004-1ZC101_ZA25ZJG3 (sdh)

    Importance: alert”


    “Event: Unraid array errors

    Subject: Warning [TOWER] - array has errors

    Description: Array has 1 disk with read errors

    Importance: warning

    Parity 2 - ST10000DM0004-1ZC101_ZA25ZJG3 (sdh) (errors 1024)”


    I’ve attached the logs from today, Dec 29th. Also attached the logs from Dec 28th, which I had just happened to grab yesterday morning, in case that helps at all. That was before any drives showed errors. In fact I had just done a Parity check after replacing a 4TB WD Red with a 10TB Seagate earlier this week. No errors during that either.


    Is there a way to stop the preclear via SSH? Then I could reboot the server ideally with a clean shutdown. I don't mind not finishing the preclears, I'm most concerned about the loss of dual-parity and my cache pool. (Fortunately I have recent copies of my important shares on DrivePool in another Windows 10 PC).


    Thanks for any ideas, I appreciate your time.

    tower-diagnostics-20201228-0738.zip tower-logs-20201229.zip

  15. HI there. A few weeks ago unRAID crashed, and I had to hold down the power button to force it off, an unclean shutdown. Once rebooted, a parity check ran with zero errors. I didn't have time to research it so I left it.

    Today I had another crash and unclean shutdown, and have now read this helpful thread/post. So I'm hopefully prepared for when this happens again and can provide useful logs. Thanks to dlandon and others for the handy tips.


    That said, is there anything useful in my attached diagnostics? I was going to run Memtest when I rebooted today, but my wireless keyboard didn't respond in time to choose it from the boot menu so now I have to wait for the forced parity check to finish.


    Thanks as always.


  16. On 6/2/2020 at 9:54 AM, HectorG said:

    Had this exact error and then figured since the nvme drive is enabled and checked within the vm template to just go back to that busted or bad VM template and then uncheck NVME drive in the other pci devices section or just uncheck any usb or pci express devices and hit apply. Now you should be able to simply delete the vm without any error message.

    Thanks for this. I checked the button for my Logitech wireless mouse, updated the template, then was able to delete it without error.

  17. Hi there. I'm seeing inconsistent behaviour with Pushover notification sounds on my unRAID server.

    I have Pushover configured in my Sonarr and Radarr dockers which are working normally. They send the alerts to my iPhone and Apple Watch - these display as alert notifications, while also playing an alert sound on those devices. So that's good.


    And I also have Pushover set up on the unRAID Notifications settings page. In this case, unRAID sends the notifications fine, but they don't trigger an alert sound.


    I've reinstalled the iOS Pushover app, and disabled/re-enabled unRAID notifications, and also rebooted unRAID, no change.


    It's not a huge problem, in fact I didn't even notice for the past month or so. Perhaps Pushover changed something in their API that breaks unRAID triggering the sounds?

    Anyone else use Pushover seeing this behaviour? Let me know if you need more information. Thanks for any ideas.

  18. On 1/24/2020 at 5:08 PM, t-sean said:

    Hey guys, got USB optical to work by installing usbutils.  Best case is if binhex could add it to the image build steps. For testing only;


    console to container

    pacman -S --noconfirm usbutils

    pkill makemkv



    # this doesn't actually restart everything properly but does get it temporarily running

    Thanks, I was able to get this running with this. My blu-ray drive is an internal SATA drive, but it wouldn't show up until doing these commands.

    But as mentioned by others, it doesn't survive restarting the Docker container.

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