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Posts posted by mikeyosm

  1. 9 hours ago, Daniel15 said:

    unRAID 7.0.0 beta 1 was released today, and it has a much newer kernel (6.8.12). Has anyone tested as to if the new kernel fixes this issue? Unfortunately I don't have time to try it for a few weeks.

    I would also like to know before trying 7b1.

  2. On 2/18/2024 at 7:34 PM, jakea333 said:

    Glad it worked out. I am curious as to the root cause as well, as other boards with the Aspeed BMC don't seem to suffer in the same way. It's beyond my ability to troubleshoot, but I know that something changed between 6.12.4 and 6.12.6 that introduced this bug for me.


    Maybe someone else can identify the specific fix that's needed. I'm planning to leave it blacklisted and check after each Unraid release. Hopefully it's fixed in time with kernel updates.

    Have you tried 6.12.9 to see if the Aspeed blacklist is still required?

  3. 49 minutes ago, FlamongOle said:

    No specific reason why that should happen.. but it should list device by device as before, then when that's done it will write into the database. Nothing that really changed a lot to not make this not work like before.


    If it's stuck for so long, take a look if the lock.db file exists in /tmp/disklocation/, if it does, delete it and check if the install continues. Might be that I should delete the temp lock file during upgrade, so I will add that now.

    Yes, that fixed it.

  4. 12 hours ago, FlamongOle said:

    Update 2024.03.07

    • Commit #296 - Added background blinking (blue) on a device during "Locate" click, if assigned.
    • Commit #290 - Changed how the background task store the SMART input to the database, collect all info before writing it instead of writing it per device as found.

    Should probably not "brick" any servers out there :P GL;HF ❤️ 

    Not bricked anything but it's stuck on the below for 10 mins at least now....


    "Extraction done. Package file disklocation.2024.03.07.zip extracted. Adding devices into database, please wait... this might take a while..."

  5. This video inspired me to look at virgl in more detail.

    Proxmox has had this capability for a while and the 3d acceleration seems decent enough for most people, especially those looking to emulate Android and have limited space for a GPU. Can us UNRAIDers get this feature?

  6. 6 minutes ago, theDrell said:

    Yeah Noctua claims it’s medium for even overclocking the 14900k. I turned all the fans to 100% last night and turned off some of the turbo boost for now. Temps are manageable now. 


    I ordered a different Larger Noctua cooler and Amazon agreed to return this one. I’ve built pcs for over 20 years, so although I won’t say the thermal paste is perfect, it should have been good enough to not be maxing temps. 


    I’ll swap to the bigger one and let you know. I’m building in a 4u Supermicro sc846 case so am limited some on cooler height. 

    Not sure if you've seen this but should help get temps down even more


    • Like 1
  7. 29 minutes ago, sharpling said:

    Thank you,

    Think I found the problem, 

    The mobo seems to use port sharing between slimsas and pch nvme slots. I have slimsas connected to a sas backplane - disconnect it and the nvme drives are detected / working.

    I will test if breakout cable allows any sata drives at all but i think it's the whole port - so no slimsas ports in case you want use pch m.2_2 or m.2_3.


    Oh no, hope not. I have the mATX variant and planned on using the slimSAS in SATA mode as well as both the m.2 slots. I guess we'll see as soon as I receive the cable.

  8. 11 hours ago, FlamongOle said:

    Update 2024.02.21

    • Commit #278 - BUG: Commit #274 should be fixed, turned around some variables, but also added the checks as a background tasks instead of loading and checking every refresh. The status of the devices is checked every 5 minutes instead.

    This should improve the loading time and performance quite a lot on large systems. The power mode data is stored in memory and is updated every 5 minutes.

    Fixed my issue - thank you.



  9. FWIW - here's mine, really happy with the results...




    128GB DDR5


    No VMs running

    Approx 13 dockers running


    Sits at around 36-60W idle depending on UNRAID process / dokcer usage.

    Temps are pretty decent given I'm using the Thermalright Silver Soul 92mm cooler. 




  10. 11 hours ago, FlamongOle said:

    Update 2024.02.19

    • Commit #274 - ISSUE: As some or all NVMe devices does not output standby mode on SMART info, I have set the drive to be overridden as "ACTIVE" regardless as long as it is a  NVMe device and is detected by SMART and the system at all.

    @mikeyosm you can try to update the plugin now and see if it helps.


    Updated, did a force scan all, refreshed but unfortunately no change 😞



  11. 9 minutes ago, FlamongOle said:

    I think I know what it is. The nvme device does not give any status of if it's in standby or not, and as this is an unassigned device it won't receive the typical status from Unraid either.


    I must find another way of checking the nvme devices. There's probably no reason to why it should report as active, idle or standby as an SSD. I have mine in ZFS and that gives different infos, so haven't seen or tested unassigned nvme.


    I might come up with a fix later tonight, but I'll see what I manage and bother :P Regardless, nothing to worry about as the you get temps and SMART OK (which is enough to know it's present really).

    I thought i might have something to do with unassigned devices/nvme, thanks for confirming. It would be awsome if you could fix it, the plugin is very useful and for me would make it 'complete'. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, FlamongOle said:

    As long as it has it's own serial number, you should be good to go regardless of what SMART-info it find from the devices.


    The "Device not present" is just looking up on what Unraid has put it's state as. Do you see anything odd under "Main" tab looking at the drive there? Is the drive icon grey, or does it show something else?

    Looks OK on the main tab


  13. 7 minutes ago, FlamongOle said:

    Why I am asking is, did you try "Force scan all"?

    Yes, a few times, same result


    The only difference with my nvme device is no LUN or FF is listed compared with my other drives which are all OK.



  14. 10 minutes ago, FlamongOle said:

    I dunno... hard to say. What did you try to do? Have you read the forum thread for possible solutions or which logs/output from commands you might give me that might be useful?

    I haven't tried anything special, just wanted to add my single m.2 to the dash. I am curious how it can show device not present yet show me the SMART status and temperature. Let me know what logs you need.




  15. 42 minutes ago, jakea333 said:


    I've had issues with the W680M board and iGPU passthrough that appear to be related to the BMC that I wasn't able to resolve with the BIOS changes mentioned in this thread. These weren't present on Unraid 6.12.4, but began when I attempted to update to 6.12.6. Thanks to JorgeB in the 6.12.6 announcement thread, blacklisting the ast driver allows the iGPU to work again:


    echo "blacklist ast" > /boot/config/modprobe.d/ast.conf


    You'll lose the BMC during Unraid startup, but I don't generally use it at that point anyway.

    Yes, this resolved the issue and now the iGPU is shown in gpustats properly. I wonder why the aspeed is causing issues?

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