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Report Comments posted by greg_gorrell

  1. 7 hours ago, DarkMan83 said:

    Just read the: 6.9.0-beta25 vs. -beta24 Summary

    It's clearly stated, that it will be fixed in next Build! -> 6.9.0-beta26 or RC...dunno whats next.

    What a moron, I skimmed the whole thread before posting and I still missed that.  Sorry guys!


    Edit: I wouldn't say it is "ignored," just not reflected in the GUI in my case.

  2. I began testing this build on my HP ML350 Gen8 in hopes the temperature values would be fixed in the GUI with the smartctl changes I noticed in the code.  Unfortunately this hasn't done anything to resolve the problem of the default "Automatic" setting not pulling the SMART data (incorrect syntax error), and when set manually I still am not getting the temperature data on the Main or Dashboard tabs.  I have also noticed a new problem occurring now in this build that wasn't on 6.8.x.  If I go to an individual disk and set the SMART controller manually, after clicking "apply" and reloading the page, the SMART data will update and reflect the change but the GUI still shows "default."  Just playing around some these settings, I have noticed it can be somewhat buggy as well.  I have hit apply and refreshed the page on two occasions now only to have the settings revert back to the default.  Perhaps someone could try to reproduce this error.

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