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Posts posted by darkside40

  1. Hi there,

    is it normal you dont get a notification if there is a files system corruption in unRaid?


    Had some Problems yesterday. Wanted to move some Files  on the CLI and the listing of a folder didnt appear. Lookes at the Syslog and there were some red lines telling me about a metadata corruption on a drive and that i had to run xfs_repair.


    Okay did that, had a lot of files and folders in lost+found and quite a bit of "fun" partially restoring the from backup or move them back to their originally space.


    What wonders is that i didnt get a notification about that quite big issue. Normally i get notifications for everything.

  2. Could you please add the function of the S3 Sleep Script into the Core of unRaid.

    Althought it might not work for everybody, it would be a great addition for all users which live in Countrys other than the US where energy prices are much higher and users which care for the environment who think it is simply dumb letting a server run 24/7 when not needed.


    See also here:


    • Upvote 2
  3. That is not the point!

    There simply is no "official" solution which keeps up with the changes mode to unRaid core.


    With every new Version of unRaid something breaks with these plugins. Because there is no free Version of unRaid anymore or free spare licenses for dev's those plugins always run behind the official unRaid Releases.

    So why not simply include such a feature? The excuses for not doing it are quite lame.

    • Like 1
  4. Nobody wants to make it default or to force people tu use it. There are many other features like Networkbonding etc. which only a tiny bit of users use, and it is included.


    From the German Community i know that many use S3 Sleep, simply because power is expensive here, and people have another mindset about Climate Change etc. like in the US. And yes sometimes it does not work, especially on professional Hardware. For many others it works flawless for years. Unraid now already has a status flag for spindown disks etc. The afford including it would not be that high.


    And if it is useless for most you dont have to fear the number of support tickets, or simply state something like: Might or might not work depending on your hardware.


    But not even considering it, is not a good decision.


    But okay with never even got an official statement about it.

    • Like 4
  5. Die Interessante frage wäre halt: Liegt es wirklich an dem Plugin oder funktioniert schon der normale Shutdown etc. nicht sauber.

    Ich bin mir sicher das ich an das Plugin mit der neuen unRaid Version wieder ran muss, was auch wieder doof ist da ich das Ding auch nur anfasse wenn es unbedingt sein muss.

    Afaik wurde aber auch am original Plugin in den letzten Monaten wieder veränderungen durchgefüht.

  6. Was something recently changed in this Image?

    Using it for over a year but in the past couple of weeks it seems that the cron runs quite random. Normally it should rum at 18:00 every day, but now it sometimes simply runs the script when the server comes from sleep etc.


    Anyone also experienced this?

  7. Okay the Thumbdrives died yesterday, after 9 years.

    After a Reboot of the Server i tried to install an plugin update which failed because the Stick went read only.

    A bit strange that unRaid didnt recognized that until i tried to update the Plugins.


    Nevertheless, a had my spare thumb drive right here, copied a recent Backup onto it, did the Key replacement procedure and was back online.

    A new USB2.0 Transcend Stick is on the way so i have a new spare when needed.

  8. Okay the second ASM1166 Card also goes back to Amazon. Same as with the first Cheap one. One Disk gets kicked out of the Array. changed the cables etc. nothing changed. Also tried the second x16 PCIe slot on the board. Mounted the old Adaptec i have no problems. Firmware was the newest on the card.


    I dont know, seems that the ASM1166 does not like to play with my Gigabyte B460M D3H. Anyone tried that Board or Chipset before?

    Now i have to rebuild that disk again. Argh.

  9. Another day another problem.

    Just mounted the new ASM1166 (with freshly upgraded FW) card i got. Started the unRaid, everthing look fine.

    Started the Array and disk6 (that one i freshly rebuilded the last time got red). Also got an warning regarding the UDMA CRC Error Count of that disk.



    I now shutdown the unRaid, change all the cables from the HDD cage to the card.

    The smart test on disk 6 ran fine. So what do i have to do now to see if it only was a cabling problem?

    Hope i dont have to rebuild the Disk again.



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