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Posts posted by darkside40

  1. Ich weiss, ich nutze unRaid seit 2011. Aber alles in Docker oder VM's zu packen ist auch nicht immer Sinn der Sache, da die zusätzliche Abstraktionsschicht es nicht einfacher macht.

    Wobei man auch sagen muss das unRaid ohne Docker heutzutage wahrscheinlich in der Form garnicht mehr existieren würde. Wenn ich noch daran denke was für ein Akt es war unRaid in Version 4 oder 5 um ein paar grundlegende Linux Programme zu erweitern wird mir heute schlecht.


    Ohne den super Docker Support würde ich unRaid heute wahrscheinlich garnicht mehr nutzen.

  2. On 11/23/2021 at 9:29 PM, ich777 said:

    Grad gefunden, kannst von hier nehmen: Klick


    cd ~
    wget https://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/releases/ffmpeg-release-amd64-static.tar.xz
    tar -xvf ffmpeg-release-amd64-static.tar.xz
    cd ffmpeg-release-amd64-static


    Wenn du das in einem unRAID terminal ausführst wird FFMPEG static runter geladen in dein root home Verzeichnis und du kannst dann damit machen was immer du willst.


    Der Tipp war Gold wert. Brauche ffmpeg nur ab und zu um 5.1 Tonspuren etc runterzurechnen etc. Dafür brauche ich keine große Software wie unmanic etc.

  3. Just a quick warning.

    Because i wanted a new faster controller card to replace my AAR-1430SA i grabbed a rather cheap (30€) Sata controller card with ASM-1166 chipset from Amazon. Okay they shipped a different model than it was advertised on the photos but okay, nearly all of the ASM1166 are unlabled etc. You can only differ them by the board Layout etc.

    What i got was that here:



    Using it resulted in kicked out drives etc. For gods sake with much help here in the Forum the situation was manageable.

    I dont know if the card is faulty or if the model is crap, but at least i could return it to Amazon.


    What i ordered now was a bit more expensive model, hopefully it works better:


    • Like 1
  4. Rebuild went okay, seems that everything worked out. Files are readable at least. Its mainly Media files, so if there is a bitflip anywere it is not the end of the world.

    That is the ASM1166 Card card which seemed to be faulty, there is no labeling etc:



    I have returned it to Amazon and ordered another one:



    Hopefully that works better.

    • Like 1
  5. Hold on stop, let me explain further, really sorry i an so confused right now.

    Let me recall what i have did befor i switched back to the old card.


    You are correct, i did tried to rebuild. I placed a new disk to slot 6. Then the disk 7 went red while rebuild. So i stopped the rebuild, and switched back to the WD Drive which is now in.


    Really sorry i am not really concentrated right now.

  6. Hi there,

    i think i have a big problem now. After changing my Sata controller card i now have one disk with a red cross and one with an orange warning sign.

    Have not started the Array in normal mode only in Mainatanance Mode. I also have switch back to the old controller card.

    What can i do now? Is my data lost?

    Parity should be valid because i had no writes to it since i switched the card.



    Is there any hope?

  7. Just want to check if the routine i am planning is correct.

    What i want to to:

    I have one 4TB Drive left in my array but more than 4TB left on a 8TB drive which is in the array. I now like to copy all that stuff from the 4TB drive to the 8TB drive so i can remove the 4TB drive, resulting in less power consumption etc.

    Screen is installed, so what i woul do now is.


    1. New Config and than unassign the parity drive

    2. Copy the stuff from the 4TB to the 8TB using screen an rsync -avX /mnt/4TBDisk/ /mnt/8TBDisk

    3. New Config to unassign 4TB Ddrive an reassign Parity

    4. Start array and Rebuild parity


    Is that correct?

  8. Normally i dont have to reboot my server but today i did. And just like the last time appr. 2 months ago it didnt came up again.

    So plugin a display to see that the board directly hops into the UEFI.


    Unpluged the USB Stick, plugged it into my Laptop and it was corrupted. No big deal, i have a backup.

    The question is ask myself now is: Is there something wrong with the reboot feature in Unraid or is the USB Stick slowly dying.

    There was no problem reformating it and copying the files to it.


    Accouring to my License file i use the Stick since 2014. What do you think?

  9. Und immer schön bei jedem Update checken ob die Version die du in /boot/extra hast auch noch mit der genutzen unRaid Version kompatibel ist.

    Ist schon ziemlich scheise das das Nerdpack nicht weiterentwickelt wird.

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