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Everything posted by deuxcolors

  1. I can't tell you how to set it up (I'm trying to figure it out myself as we speak), but your best best would be a reverse proxy. The letsencrypt-nginx container is supposed to be one of the more "secure" options since it has built in certificates and you'd only need to open port 443. As far as seting it up... I'm still working on it myself, so I am no help. Sorry
  2. Thanks. I've seen that post before, but now that the container is running correctly I might be able to get it working correctly
  3. Hey y'all. I've been bumbling my way through all of this and can't figure it out. :'( Could someone point me towards a simple how-to for setting up the reverse proxy? The info I've found is either obtuse (or I'm just being dense), or I've been getting 404 on some of the links I've found. Just to explain what I mean by bumbling. I thought the letsencrypt-nginx docker wasn't working correctly, and reinstalled it multiple times until I realized that my modifications to the zone files I had done hadn't propagated to whichever DNS certbot uses... Reinstalled it this morning and everything is kosher. Now I just need to set it up. Hence my request. Thanks in advance.
  4. Uhmmm... So the the point is to run Calibre to set up the library then turn it off when not needed and use COPS "All the time" And it would be nice to have Calibre run in a webui like krusader does instead of messing with VNC. Sadly I don't know how to build a docker container as of yet...
  5. Yay it's in English!!! Thanks CHBMB I'll mess with this a Calibre more when I get some down time.
  6. Thank you. I looked at the config file I didn't see the language parameter, but that happens often enough (my wife would say I can go to the beach and not find the ocean). I'll give a calibre docker a shot. Calibre website warns not to use a network drive...
  7. Also, any recommendations on getting the files into the share? I tried to use Calibre on my Windows box and have it use the share, but I'm just getting errors when I try to import. I'm guessing I'll set everything up on my pc then move all of it into the share, but there has to be a better way. Sent from mobile
  8. Porque esta en Espanol??? Looks like it is working, but the darn thing shows up in Spanish... Can't find where to tell it to switch to English.
  9. Yes sorry. I got a reply on reddit and fixed the issue. Completely forgot to come back here and say as much. Sent from my C6833 using Tapatalk
  10. I figured out how to get around my previous issue, but now when I try to connect CP to Deluge when clicking the test button I get a failed and in the logs I get the following repeatedly: Any help is appreciated. EDIT: Not sure it is related, but when I restarted CP I got this error:
  11. I'm aware this might be pebkac on my part but... Not sure if it is an issue with CP or with this docker but when I go into the settings > renamer I can select a folder since the top half of the widow that pops up is cut off by CP bar across the top.
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