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Posts posted by Aderalia

  1. 10 hours ago, Josh.5 said:

    Well if you can give me a detailed run-down on a collection of FFmpeg commands for transcoding to AV1 with various bitrates (VBR or CBR), etc. Then I can do the python work for you...


    I looked at the docs for AV1 the other day and after about an hour I gave up.

    I sent you a PM with some commands i hope it helps. AV1 uses a lot of the same parameters as other codecs, you basically pick what you want to achieve, say a smaller filesize with still good Quality -> Use CRF with a upper limit.

    The only thing specific to AV1 are presets, since they depend on the actual encoder. For example: The "official" encoder is libaom-av1. It uses numbers from 0-8, with 0 being lossless and 8 being as fast as possible. Default is 2 (i think, not sure on that).

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  2. I stumbled upon this great tool while searching for a ffmpeg docker that supports 2 Pass AV1, is this something that would be possible using unmanic? So far there is no AV1 plugin and i don't know jack about python so i cant make one myself :(


    AV1 is fairly mature at this point, even tho  it has no Hardware acceleration as far as i know.

  3. 2 Pass encoding happens in 2 steps, the ffmpeg command looks something like this:


    ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libaom-av1 -b:v 2M -pass 1 -an -f null /dev/null && \
    ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libaom-av1 -b:v 2M -pass 2 -c:a libopus output.mkv

    You can't pass both the "pass 1" and "pass 2" flag in the same command as far as i know, since the second pass needs the log file created by the first pass to work.

  4. Im trying to set up a new instance of this container on a new unraid machine, but i cant access it at all...

    This seems to tie in with the issues others are having, the version of this container from the Community Plugin (linuxserver/mariadb) does not allow me to login because it knows im not the same root as the system root "Access denied for user 'root'@'XXX' (using password: YES)" This is the expected behavior when remote access is disabled. As far as i understand it that's the "new" default...


    Unfortunately that makes it very difficult for me to set up my new instance. How am i supposed to connect to it? I need to transfer a Table and Users from another instance, that's a pain to do without root privileges :(


    The common fix of switching to linuxserver/mariadb:110.4.21mariabionic-ls31 and than back to linuxserver/mariadb:latest didn't work for me. If i do so i get error 10061.


    In short:

    How am i supposed to set this container up if i cant login from another machine?




    Well rtfm would have saved me from a unnecessary post :)
    All the info to fix my problem are on the linuxserver/mariadb Docker Hub + the MariaDB manual has all the commands listed. Turns out you can use the docker command line for that.

    My mistake was to assume i could set up the new instance the same way i did the old...

  5. Not sure if this is the correct place to bring this up but it seems playback of flac files is very very shady. Cant play them on Firefox, chrome mobile, or the mstream android app on all my devices. It works on Chrome Desktop tho...


    Is this a configuration issue or just a problem with flac?


    m4a using aac also doesn't seem to work. (Firefox should definitely be able to play that)

  6. Does this Plugin make any sense to use with btrfs or is the build in btrfs scrup basically the same thing since it should just check block CRCs?


    Sorry if this has been asked before but the search doesnt allow me to search for a keyword inside a specific thread...

  7. If you want to mount your images into this Docker you have to create a new "Path" Variable and set the Container Path to /config/www/gallery/galleries/

    Worked for me at least :)


    However i am having major performance problems :( I shows no load on the CPU and RAM and takes forever to create thumbnails or add my IPTC mapped fields to the database. Its going at a rate of about 1 picture per 5 seconds and the Gallery is pretty laggy in general.

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