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Posts posted by tuxbass

  1. On 4/7/2024 at 9:53 AM, JorgeB said:

    Looks more like a SATA cable problem, but the disk dropped offline so there's no SMART, replace the cable and post new diags.

    Been swapping power & data cables between the drives (including SATA ports on mobo side), and absolutely nothing has changed. Although I'm not seeing I/O errors for the drive in the syslog anymore. Also done an extended SMART test for the drive with no problems surfaced.

    Just some idiopathic failure?


  2. For a couple of weeks parity drive was getting UDMA CRC Error Count notifications which generally is harmless and potentially related to bad power and/or data connection. My cache drive (SSD) has been racking up those for a few years now with no problem.


    Now however parity is disabled with syslog full of read&write errors with parity being disabled. Is there still a chance this is a bad connection, or time for a drive change? Bit odd how quickly I'm going through WD Reds though.


  3. 17 minutes ago, dlandon said:

    Just as a clarificaton.  When AI is asked about which approach is better, the response is:

    "It depends on the size of the file /var/log/file.activity.log and the frequency of the script execution.


    If the file is relatively small and the script is not executed frequently, directly grepping the file would likely be more efficient and result in lower disk I/O. This is because reading the file directly with grep avoids the overhead of piping the output of cat into grep.


    However, if the file is large or the script is executed frequently, it may be more efficient to use a combination of cat and grep as you have done, especially if you're only interested in specific lines matching a pattern. This can help avoid repeatedly scanning the entire file with grep, potentially reducing overall disk I/O."


    The line of code in question is executed for every disk device and the log can get large (it is limited to 20,000 lines though), so based on the AI response, it appears the " useless use of cat" may not be useless afterall.


    Maybe before criticizing the code, you need to understand it better.


    Truly thought I might be helpful here tracking down the possible cause of the problem affecting me, and just mentioned the UUOC and a different grep option - I personally don't know everything and oftentimes learn from others in similar manner. Didn't realize I'm doing something awful here.


    In my professional developer career I haven't reached the place where I ask "AI" (whatever that means) how to solve problems, I'll try to improve, sorry.


    Also wasn't aware this thread is essentially /r/Conservative where people get hurt over literally nothing, am sorry again.


    And it's really cool to slide into people's DMs and vaguely threaten them with reporting their horrible posts like mine. Just wanted to reiterate it's completely OK and I invite everyone to report such content.

  4. Looking at source, isn't the problematic bit caused by

    $share_dev = basename($share)."/";
    $files = shell_exec("cat /var/log/file.activity.log 2>/dev/null | grep ".escapeshellarg($share_dev)."

    i.e. we take basename of a share (resulting in "data" in my case) and then grep it through activity log; as the backup share node has "/data/" in event file path, those events get erroneously included?


    On an unrelated note - in this particular case there's no real need to escapeshellarg - can use grep's --fixed-strings option instead. Also, that is a great example of useless use of cat, why not directly grep the file?

  5. There's a possible duplication under 'Share activity' tab:

    ** /mnt/user/backup **
    Mar 25 05:19:00 OPEN => /mnt/disk1/backup/repo/config
    Mar 25 05:19:00 OPEN => /mnt/disk1/backup/repo/data/6/62605
    Mar 25 05:19:00 OPEN => /mnt/disk1/backup/repo/data/6/62606
    Mar 25 05:19:00 DELETE => /mnt/disk1/backup/repo/data/6/62605
    ** /mnt/user/data **
    Mar 25 05:18:56 OPEN => /mnt/disk1/backup/repo/data/6/62660
    Mar 25 05:19:00 OPEN => /mnt/disk1/backup/repo/data/6/62605
    Mar 25 05:19:00 OPEN => /mnt/disk1/backup/repo/data/6/62606
    Mar 25 05:19:00 DELETE => /mnt/disk1/backup/repo/data/6/62605


    Listing said shares:

    # ls -lt /mnt/user/data
    total 4.0K
    drwxrwxrwx 1 tuxbass   users  92 Jul 24  2023 win-10-user-setting-backups
    drwxr-xr-x 1 tuxbass   users  28 Aug 25  2022 media
    drwxr-xr-x 1 nobody    users 158 Aug  5  2021 Documents
    drwxrwxrwx 1 root      root    0 Mar  4  2021 vm_backups
    drwxrwxrwx 1 tuxbass   users 194 Aug 23  2020 win10-bt-drivers
    # ls -lt /mnt/user/backup/
    total 0
    drwx------ 1 root root 92 Mar 25 05:19 repo
    drwx------ 1 root root 32 Jul 12  2023 vms


    Note data share doesn't show any modifications as of late. The activity above is expected to be under the backup share alone.

    Any idea as to why above activity is listed also for /mnt/user/data share?

  6. DNS images such as the bind9 usually ask to start the container in host network. This however is blocked by dnsmasq service used by KVM.

    What is odd is I've already been running bind (and VMs) for years, but only now stumbled upon this problem.


    1. how is this possible I haven't been affected by this problem before? Haven't changed any settings, containers nor VMs in months, and this config (roughly speaking) is 6+ years old on my system.

    2. what's the correct way to go about standing up bind9? Use br0 network instead of host and ask for its own static IP from the router?


    Running Unraid 6.12.6

  7. Just now, itimpi said:

    Do not see how as the error message suggests a physical failure to read the superblock.

    Hence my question regarding installing Windows onto the unassigned m2 drive.


    1 minute ago, itimpi said:

    The earlier messages are what we normally see when there is an issue with the SATA or power cabling to the drive.

    Yup, which I tried to solve some few years back with no luck, and decided to just turn a blind eye on.

  8. 16 hours ago, dlandon said:

    That drive is having issues:

    Check your cables and interface.

    I believe that is a red herring. The cache drive has been showing those errors for over a year now. Have tried changing the cables to no avail. It's not a show-stopper of an error so I've just learnt to live with it. Including diagnostics from ~ year ago when cache mounted just fine:


  9. System has following drives:
    - 3x4TB HDDs (array)

    - 500GB SSD (cache, sdb)

    - 512GB unassigned nvme m.2


    Installed Windows 11 directly onto the nvme and all looked fine. While in windows, the other drives weren't even listed in the 'My Computer' section, but I disabled SATA controller just in case.


    Now when I booted back into Unraid, the cache drive no longer mounts:

    1477:Jul 26 15:58:52 srvr emhttpd: shcmd (42): mount -t xfs -o noatime,nouuid /dev/sdb1 /mnt/cache
    1479:Jul 26 15:58:52 srvr kernel: XFS (sdb1): Mounting V5 Filesystem
    1581:Jul 26 15:58:54 srvr root: mount: /mnt/cache: can't read superblock on /dev/sdb1.

    What gives? Is it just a coincidence or windows managed to write something on that drive?



  10. Upgraded from 6.11.X, and got same error as this user when trying to start docker container that binds to port 443 on host:


    Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use.


    As with OP, I had to change 'HTTPS port' to some random value under Settings/ManagementAccess, although 'Use SSL/TLS' has always been set to No.


    Is this an intentional change or a regression?

  11. 11 hours ago, VRx said:

    So why You are using gui image? Get some bind9 image from docker hub

    Ha, fair question!
    Think I was confused about the interaction of webmin and bare bind9 and what the implications are.

    I just amended the config files manually and all's well. Thanks!

    • Thanks 1
  12. On 5/5/2023 at 12:06 PM, VRx said:


    there is no simple way to migrate
    1. You should backup Your bind/etc
    2. Run container from my image

    3. Create config from GUI

    4. Create zones

    5. Compare and update configuration in named.conf* files
    6. Copy CONTENT zone files


    About Your second question: Host and custom bridge should work properly. Bridge could not work because there is dnsmasq listenning on port 53

    GUI is rather confusing to me. Is it okay to largely copy the config files over from the old instance?


    There also are multiple db files missing compared to the old version - is this expected? These are files such as db.local, db.127, db.0, db.255 referenced from named.conf.default-zones:

    // prime the server with knowledge of the root servers
    zone "." {
        type hint;
        file "/etc/bind/db.root";    // !! note this one is equivalent to db.cache in your version!
    // be authoritative for the localhost forward and reverse zones, and for
    // broadcast zones as per RFC 1912
    zone "localhost" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/db.local";
    zone "127.in-addr.arpa" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/db.127";
    zone "0.in-addr.arpa" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/db.0";
    zone "255.in-addr.arpa" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/db.255";

    And last, was it your decision to depart from the old convention of splitting named.conf into separate files as

    $ cat  named.conf
    include "/etc/bind/named.conf.options";
    include "/etc/bind/named.conf.local";
    include "/etc/bind/named.conf.default-zones"

    if so, how come?

  13. I'm running an old bind version from sameersbn/bind image that was last updated 3y ago:

    BIND 9.16.1-Ubuntu (Stable Release) <id:d497c32>
    webmin ver: 1.941

    Is there a straight-forward enough way to upgrade to your image instead?
    Note current bind installation configuration/appdata bound to /data in the container looks like:

    └──╼ + tree -L 3
    |-- bind
    |   |-- etc
    |   |   |-- bind.keys
    |   |   |-- db.0
    |   |   |-- db.127
    |   |   |-- db.255
    |   |   |-- db.empty
    |   |   |-- db.local
    |   |   |-- db.root
    |   |   |-- named.conf
    |   |   |-- named.conf.default-zones
    |   |   |-- named.conf.local
    |   |   |-- named.conf.local~
    |   |   |-- named.conf.options
    |   |   |-- rndc.key
    |   |   `-- zones.rfc1918
    |   `-- lib
    |       |-- mydomain.eu.hosts
    |       `-- mydomain2.eu.hosts
    `-- webmin
        `-- etc
            |-- acl
            |-- adsl-client
            |-- ajaxterm
            |-- apache
            |-- at
            |-- ...etc


    Second, 2 years ago (near beginning of this thread) it was stated '- changed network mode to bridge as default' -- now it still defaults back to host network. Does it mean we should be running it in host network again?

  14. Likely just a coincidence, but my unraid box just shut down without my input over night for the first time in 6-7 years. Available logs suggest it happened during time when docker images were being updated (could see Authelia instance restarting after which I got an Authelia configuration log due to updated image).

    Also seems to be a clean shutdown as there was no parity check upon starting up again. Running v6.11.5

  15. 1 hour ago, kizer said:


    Exactly what users asked for. 


    it used to be a small group would do all the testing and it would take months. Everybody asked to be included in the process to speed up releases. Sure some of the changes can be annoying, but at least unraid allows us to report bugs, which you have to admit are addressed pretty quick and  roll back. ;)



    Ye not complaining, just taking a note. I'm relatively new user myself, only been with unraid since 2016. The releases used to be rare, same with patching. Now the patches follow minor version releases in rapid succession. Have really vanilla needs though, so haven't been affected.

  16. Hi, setting up matrix container.

    What's this business with STUN TCP/UDP ports; additionally, why are both http & https defined?

    I'm using nginx on unraid, so it's the one doing TLS termination. Can I get away with only exposing HTTP port from the matrix container, or are the other 3 required?

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