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Everything posted by testdasi

  1. You have done something wrong somewhere or there's a fundamental issue with your setup. For example,"automatic recreation of user shares" suggest you have not reconfigured the dockers correctly. Having VM's / dockers on UD is certainly advanced config and thus requires some technical skills to implement. Nevertheless, your specific issue doesn't warrant a generic "don't" recommendation.
  2. Generally speaking, things that you can do (without struggling) with FreeNAS, it's safe to assume it would work with Unraid. The C2750 should have no problem with Plex (direct play) + a few other dockers. Transcoding 1080p should be fine but probably not 4k.
  3. Are you actually able to access your Unraid GUI from outside of your own network through the VPN IP? If so, I would recommend you shut that down immediately. No there isn't anyway to restrict access to the Unraid GUI based on what you described. Any configuration needs to be done on the VPN itself (e.g. what port is forwarded, from your description, it looks like it makes your server a DMZ i.e. all ports are forwarded, which is exactly the same as opening your server completely to the Internet). If you install the VPN client on the router then it makes some sense because your router can act as a firewall and restrict access. In which case, you need a very strong router and definitely not use Unraid as a router. Unraid is not hardened for that sort of stuff.
  4. Wait a sec, how does it work? As in how would Open VPN Client give you an external IP? How did you do it?
  5. Watch the SpaceInvader One on iperf testing below. Without an actual test, you can't completely eliminate network issues. With the 84MB/s, what sort of data are you copying over? Did you trim it? What's the reported temperature? Are you sure it's being written to cache and not to the array?
  6. The error is generic when there is no link. If you expect network through that port but link is down, the noob mistake is not pluggin it in, hence the error says "check cable". I had that same red error on my dual NIC because obviously I only plugged 1 port in. Other than being OCD annoying because it's in red, there's nothing really to deal with.
  7. I noticed you used Parametric selection for the motherboard. PPP compatibility check doesn't work with parametric selection so that probably is why you missed the DDR3 problem.
  8. It's probably useful to attach Diagnostics (Tools -> Diagnostics -> attach zip file). Have you done actual network-only test (e.g. iperf) and/or storage-only test (e.g. diskspeed docker, or even dd / rsync)? Also as a side note, you sort of misunderstood how the adapter would work. Given your mobo has PCIe 2.0 + the M.2 device is a x4 device + the adapter itself is just basically rewiring, your M.2 will only run at PCIe 2.0 x4 speed so theoretical 2GB/s max throughput. All those claimed speed numbers on the listing are meaningless. Not that it should have any impact to your 84MB/s discussion here but just thought to mention it.
  9. Things I have passed through at one point on another: Both onboard USB 3.0 controllers (there are 2 controllers and each can be individually passed through to different VM's) GPU on 1st PCIe slot (including right now when I'm running single GPU) GPU on 3rd PCIe slot (the slow PCIe 2.0 x4 slot) NVMe AIC on 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th PCIe slot x16 -> 4x M.2 breakout card on 4th PCIe slot (I use the Asus Hyper M.2 v2 card) All M.2 slots Onboard Audio There are 2 things that I haven't had success with (but I haven't retried since my first failed attempt originally when the server was at its infancy) USB 3.1 onboard controller. The internal USB 2.0 (which my Unraid USB stick is plugged into) + red USB + type C are all on this controller. Even without the Unraid stick on this controller, it just can't be passed through. Onboard Wifi - it can be passed through but doesn't actually work once passed through. Not sure why but since I don't need Wifi, I have never put in any effort to make it work. Things I haven't tried at all: The onboard wired LAN.
  10. 1. I used to use Syncthing and can recommend it. It is also available cross-platform. You can set up a docker on the server as the main destination and install it on each device (including VM) as source. 2. There is no "better". It depends on what you find to be a reasonable level of protection. Think of your data in "Four-O" Original copy Online backup - having redundant backup on the array would be online; unassigned device that is an INTERNAL HDD would also be online. It won't protect you if, for example, there's a power surge. Offline backup - a device that is disconnected and turned off except when data is being transferred e.g. a USB external HDD. It won't protect you if, for example, there's a house fire. Offsite backup - can be the cloud or even an external HDD that is at a relative's home. It won't protect you if, for example, COVID-19 wipes out the human race. 3. I use bash script (i.e. command line) for this so I don't have any GUI-based stuff to recommend.
  11. No. Docker update shouldn't introduce the error. You could be having it all along but the devices are not being used in a way that would cause those messages to show up. As long as it says "error corrected", those are harmless. As I said above, try adding pci=nommconf to syslinux to hide the errors so they don't fill up your syslog.
  12. You need to take a screenshot of your dashboard because I have never seen any issue with free space / used space counting by Unraid. I think it's more likely than not that you misunderstood the information provided. With regards to the du command, you used it incorrectly. Think of /mnt/user as a bind mount that join up your various /mnt/diskx. So by doing a du on /mnt, you are double counting the bind mount + the original data. It has zero implication to how Unraid would understand the used/free space.
  13. Less about ECC RAM but either bad RAM or overclocked RAM. See johnnie's post above for the "look here" details.
  14. The short answer is just don't use it. In order to use those settings, you have to also mount them in Linux OS with 9p and 9p performance is horrible. You will have a better time just access the share through the network (e.g. smb).
  15. I suspect it's BIOS then. Last time I tested a BIOS after F12e (which was F12i), the instability was unusable. In terms of BIOS settings, I don't change much. Everything is stock except: Enable SVM Enable IOMMU Adjust boot order Disable Precision Boost <-- normal boost is fine but PB has caused some instability Enable Global C State Control <-- the old advice is to disable this but I found disabling it make things even more unstable + terrible performance hit so I recommend either leave it at Auto or Enable it. That's it.
  16. You can ALWAYS access the Unraid GUI over the network. That means any device on the same network with a browser app, including mobile phone, ipad, etc. If you want to access the Unraid GUI from the server then you need a graphic card dedicated to Unraid. That can be integrated or dedicated (usually a lowend dedicated one is used e.g. GT 710 but high-end Nvidia models can also be used e.g. P2000 for hardware transcoding). Once a GPU is passed through to a VM, it is exclusively by the VM. While it's possible to pass it to another VM if the current VM using it is shutdown, it is NOT possible to return it back to Unraid to use for the GUI on the server.
  17. Why not? There is no other way to split them out without multifunction. If you worry about all those security concerns about ACS Override, don't. Those concerns have zero implication on typical consumer uses.
  18. By "gone" from "the bios", you mean the motherboard BIOS? And then you have to reset the motherboard bios multiple times for it to come back? That shouldn't happen. Whatever you do in Unraid should not cause any device to disappear from the motherboard BIOS. Your system info shows F12 BIOS but with an older date than the F12 BIOS shown on the Gigabyte website so I would suggest try to update your BIOS first. Then remount all the M.2 since the heatsink can obscure any mounting issue. That is assuming nothing is wrong with them / the motherboard to begin with. Then as a last resort, I have my working F12e BIOS that I am running on (attached). Try using that instead - but MAKE SURE to backup your current BIOS first and have it ready - (see the manual for the instructions on Q-Flash Plus. It can restore your BIOS even with both chips corrupted but the usb stick, file system and file name have to be very specific). What it shows on your hardware info screen is also a little different from mine. Yours: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. X399 DESIGNARE EX-CF Version x.x - s/n: Default string Mine: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. X399 DESIGNARE EX-CF Version Default string - s/n: Default string Wonder if that's due to the different BIOS version or something. mb_bios_x399-designare-ex_f12e.zip
  19. Start a new topic in the General forum and I'll try to help. Don't forget to attach diagnostics (Tools -> Diagnostics -> attach zip file) as well as describing what you did, errors etc. When copy-paste text taken from the GUI / error / syslog, please use the forum code functionality (the </> button next to the smiley button) so the text is formatted correctly.
  20. jbarlett had the same problem with his X399 motherboard in the past and the fix was to update BIOS. Alternatively, adding pci=nommconf to sysconfig also helped hide the errors but updating BIOS was the perm fix. Those errors are harmless (since they are corrected) other than filling up the syslog. Source:
  21. Any particular reason why you set it at 150GB? That is extremely high value for min free space. No wonder your SSD runs out of free space before the mover runs.
  22. Try to avoid needing more SATA controllers. Chipset SATA tends to be the most reliable and compatible. Another thing you might want to consider is to go Intel due to the iGPU and availability of ITX motherboards. For example, something that would really well in the Node 304 is the ASRock Rack C236 WSI with 8 SATA ports (6 3.5" HDD + 2 more for 2.5" SSD that can be "mounted" with velcro or a PCIe -> 2.5" mount adapter).
  23. For typical consumer uses of Unraid, there is no harm in mixing brand, model, capacity, etc.
  24. I think you need to turn on Intel Speedstep in the BIOS but it is disabled if you manually tune your CPU, including underclocking.
  25. Start with your PSU and power connectors. When the array starts, there is a current draw to the drives, which might cause a voltage drop on your CPU / motherboard / RAM, which leads to a freeze. Try disconnect and reconnect all the power connectors to the drives. Also, how old is your PSU? You have a relatively old system so if your power supply is just enough, its aging may drop it below requirement. Next thing could be your SATA card, which is PCI. A quick search of your controller sil3114 pointed to posts back in 2009 about freezing issues with it. So if you have a PCIe SATA card and/or able to do a config without the PCI card then that may provide some clues.
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