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Everything posted by testdasi

  1. I don't think it's possible for you to run Unraid and "reboot my system back to regular win10" with a single drive in the system. Unraid requires to format the drive to xfs / btrfs which Windows doesn't support. How did you do it? Details are important. Next thing, if you don't have an SSD in your system, get one regardless if you are running bare-metal Windows or not. ("bare-metal" = what you called "regular win10"). An SSD provides the most obvious improvement to perceived speed, in most cases even more obvious than a CPU / RAM upgrade. I'm quite surprised actually that anyone would build a Ryzen PC without an SSD. Tips: avoid QLC and DRAM-less SSD. They are cheap but in some cases can be even slower than a good HDD. Now back to your question. With a VM set up, you don't actually need another desktop. For example, my workstation VM is on my Unraid server and its performance is 90% of bare-metal. Almost everything has a tutorial now on Youtube (look for SpaceInvader One channel) but even with such step-by-step tutorials, it does help to have an idea of what you are doing. So keep that in mind and watch those tutorials (preferably all of them) to see if you think it's something you can do. And last but not least, always remember a VM will never be 100% bare-metal.
  2. That case has a design flaw causing practically zero cooling over the HDD. There are ways to mod it, some as janky as a strategically placed piece of cardboard, but make sure you google what you are getting into before buying. You might want to consider the Fractal Design Node 304 if you want an ITX build.
  3. Sounds to me like you set his mover schedule not often enough and/or have a cache pool that is too small for the amount of data that needs to be cached. Also, do you know that filling an SSD close to the brim has a detrimental effect to its lifespan? I think you might be trying to put a bandaid on COVID-19.
  4. Tools -> Diagnostics -> attach zip file Also copy-paste the PCIe devices section in Tools -> System Devices And copy-paste your xml
  5. So the first decision is AMD or Intel. AMD Ryzen (and Threadripper) CCX/CCD design carries innate latency penalty which manifests as fps variability while gaming (as compared to an Intel single-die CPU). Some can tell the diff, some can't so it very much depends on each's personal preference. In short, AMD has better overall performance while Intel has consistent but lower performance. The next consideration is Intel iGPU. There are 2 benefits to having an iGPU (a) hardware transcoding and (b) easier passing through GPU to a VM assuming motherboard supporting iGPU boot priority over dedicated GPU. (obviously, if you plan to get something like a Quadro P2000 then this tips the scale towards AMD) Point (a) is self-explanatory as it is a significant cost saving over an AMD build. Caveat: last I checked, latest gen Intel iGPU requires 5.x kernel for full support but Until 6.8.3 is still on 4.19 kernel. Point (b) is often overlooked. I just recently helped a forum member passing through his dedicated GPU just by enabling iGPU boot in the BIOS, without the need of a vbios. I think the best next step for you is to go pcpartpicker and create a prospective AMD and a prospective Intel build just to see what you would get for your budget.
  6. I think the simplest method is to go to the App Store -> Settings -> Set Enable Reinstall Default = Yes -> Apply. Then look for the app, there should be a "Reinstall (Default)" button. What I do is a bit different. I would uninstall the docker. Then from the console, go to /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user and then delete the my-[docker name].xml file. Edit: you seem to figured out how to do it on the GUI faster than my console method LOL 😅
  7. I just skimmed through this topic in less than 10 minutes. If that is "countless hours" for you then you have bigger things to be concerned about. Blaming others for your own laziness will get you quite far.
  8. It's not that. It's about keeping the SSD that is used for write heavy activities as empty as possible by keeping relatively more static data on the other SSD. You basically keep almost everything on 1 SSD and leave the other basically empty for heavy write activities. Write heavy would be something like downloading a 10GB Ubuntu iso using torrent. That is 10GB of the archive + overheads + 10GB extracted iso. Just 25 iso files equal one write cycle on your 500GB SSD. If half of your SSD contains static data, only half can be used for write, which means that half receives TWO write cycles. Depending on the controller, wear leveling may kick in eventually, moving static data out of the more pristine cells to level the wear. That leads to write magnification, which further reduces lifespan of SSD beyond the actual write need. So you can see it's nothing to do with the torrent docker itself, it's all those iso files that the docker writes to the SSD that you need to keep separated. For your usage, I would keep VM vdisks, docker image, docker appdata, libvirt etc all on cache. But the "incomplete" and "download" and stuff like that will be mapped to the unassigned SSD.
  9. Yoiu can have 1x 500GB as cache and mount the other as unassigned device. That way you can separate write-heavy data (e.g. your download temp files). That will improve the lifespan of both SSDs.
  10. Idle power consumption should not play any role at all in your purchasing decision. I have seen people overthinking this several times already in the last couple of months and I'm not sure why. The idle power consumption diff between a 9400 and 8700K is 5W. 5W -> 0.005kW -> 0.005 kWh / hour -> 0.12 kWh / day -> 43.8 kWh/year US average electricity price is $0.12 / kWh * 43.8 kWh / year = $5.26/year UK average electricity price is £0.15 / kWh * 43.8 kWh / year = £6.57/year If those annual amounts are a concern to you, you have bigger problems to deal with e.g. food and water!
  11. It's a manual xml edit. You can just remove the <cputune> section.
  12. Install User Scripts plugin from the app store Settings -> User Scripts -> create a new script -> copy paste script to the edit box -> save -> on the schedule box choose at first array start
  13. Your log should not even approach 100% to begin with so you have a problem happening for which errors are filling up the log. I would suggest as the first point to attach the diagnostic zip (Tools -> Diagnostics -> attach zip file). Note: we need the diagnostics while the log is at 100%, not after a reboot which does not contain what happened to the log.
  14. Remember that headline advertised numbers are always highly optimistic under very specific ideal conditions so any "real life" test will never come anywhere close.
  15. No that isn't due to the switch to iGPU. That is the AsRock Boot Manager. Go into your BIOS and select the USB stick as the default device and it should boot automatically to the boot device. Failing that, your keyboard should still work presumably? just press enter to select.
  16. The proper way is to run lstopo from the command line (see SpaceInvader One tutorial for the command). I used to have to install packages manually to get lstopo to work but I think it has been included by default to Unraid 6.8.x. The quick and dirty way is just count from your VM GUI. If your core count is a multiple of 3 (e.g. 12 or 6) then every block of 3 PAIRS is 1 CCX. Every 2 CCX (i.e. block of 6 PAIRS) is 1 CCD (die). If your core count is a multiple 4 (e.g. 16 or then follow the same process but every 4 pairs. So for your 3900X, your gaming VM should have 6c/12t and not 8c/16t. Most games don't need 8 cores anyway so there's really no need to go there. Also you might need to elaborate on your "single core performance" issue as well. Not sure what you meant by poor there.
  17. First and foremost, whenever a drive fails (or reports to have issues), the first thing you should have done was to get the diagnostics zip (Tools -> Diagnostics) which contain clues as to what happened. People regularly post disk issues on here and experts e.g. johnnie.black respond relatively quickly. Based on your forum activity, you didn't ask for help originally so keep that in mind for next time. Remember, you're not alone. What version were you on before upgrading? Did you stress test (e.g. run a preclear cycle) your drives before adding to the array? Your issue with booting looks to be a problem with the USB stick. Are you able to plug it into another (Windows) computer and run a disk check? Is your stick USB 3.0 or 2.0? Are you using USB 3.0 or 2.0 port on your motherboard for the stick? Corrupt / failing USB sticks are known to cause inexplicable issues e.g. hanging VM etc. Your corrupt drive last time and this time could just be due to a forced reboot while data is being written, leading to corrupt data.
  18. Read post from 1812 on page 9 (quote below) for the script to run at startup. Then point the container path to /tmp/PlexRamScratch The script restricts the size of /tmp/PlexRamScratch to 4GB so you Plex does not use all the RAM. 4G is a good starting point but you can adjust depending on needs.
  19. Rock solid. No instability to speak of. I'm running an older F12e BIOS due to issues I reported on page 3 about F12i BIOS. There is the latest F12 (no "e" nor "i") BIOS which I can't be bothered to update to since as mentioned, everything is rock solid. For a primarily gaming build, I would recommend you also consider Intel single-die CPU offering too. While having lower maximum performance, Intel single-die design means you get more consistent gaming performance (e.g. lower latency, less fps variability aka stuttering etc.). My VM is workstation-first, gaming-second (and I can't tell the diff with fps variability but I know someone who can) so TR is perfect for me.
  20. Yes, just run your RAM at 2133MHz would be safest. In terms of HBA, any LSI HBA would be good but you should do a search on forum for johnnie.black topic. He did a speed test of various adapters (which obviously work with Unraid) which I found really useful. Whatever you get, do NOT get anything with Marvell controller. You can freely mix HBA and mobo, with some exceptions such as Some HBA does not support TRIM so you shouldn't connect SSD to those controllers Your HBA speed maybe bottlenecked (e.g. running an x8 controller on an x4 electrical) so you may need to reduce number of connected drives to such controller Obviously SAS drives can't be plugged onto motherboard SATA (obvious but someone *cough* I *cough* made that same mistake - PS: it's not COVID-19 cough)
  21. Based on Backblaze HDD failure stats, I would say you won't need dual parity until you have 8+ data drives. That is assuming you stress test (e.g. run a preclear cycle) EVERY drive before adding to the array (including any existing drive you think is good - just because it has been working doesn't mean it isn't dying). Another thing to note is that HDD fails in probabilistic patterns so if you can afford it, have fewer 8+TB drives instead of more lower capacity drives. The more drives you have, the more likely you will have a failed drive.
  22. Then you would also need the syslog which would provide more clues as to what happened at boot. Or simpler, just attach the diagnostic zip (Tools -> Diagnostics).
  23. Whether it is able to or not depends on your router and forwarding settings, which isn't straight forward. If you want the VM to be able to access the docker then why not keeping them on the same bridge instead of having 2 bridges?
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