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Everything posted by testdasi

  1. Do it through the console (e.g. launch Midnight Commander aka "mc") or Dockers (e.g. Krusaders / Dolphins). You MUST remember to only move files from DISK to DISK. Moving files between share and disk is an easy way to lose it. If you are not sure of what you are doing then I recommend to just leave it.
  2. Highly recommend NOT to overclock an unRAID system. If you crash, that's a lengthy parity rebuild at best and corrupted array at worst.
  3. I read the docker run reference but still can't figure out how to priority one docker cpu over another. Please can you share how. Is it the --cpu-shares? Just based on the information provided on the reference, I set Handbrake to 128, Plex to 8192 and the rest to 1024.
  4. Me neither. And I have both a virtualised and a physical Win10.
  5. It was still running the checks appropriately. Just a little PHP warning that popped up on the rare apps that run in bridge mode, but with no ports defined (get_iPlayer) Updated... Awesome thanks!
  6. Quick question: If I close the script windows, does it actually halt the command that has already been called? So I created a script that manually trigger the mover (which naturally takes a while to run). But then that's the only command so I wonder if I can simply close the script windows and the mover would continue to run.
  7. Very nice! I just added fstrim and mover scripts.
  8. Updated to latest version but still have same error. My dockers are: Running: Crashplan, Get_iPlayer, Plex, Syncthing Not running: jDownloader2, Krusader
  9. Sorry silly question: what does it mean to be "headless"?
  10. I'm on 1.0 automatically. I didn't even realise I as on 1.0.
  11. The plugin shows this line above the "Errors Found" section. Not sure if it's anything to worry about. Warning: Illegal string offset 'Port' in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/fix.common.problems/include/tests.php on line 871
  12. Cache Dir plugin works most of the time so I can browse folders without spinning up drives. Tested it and it works. Parity check will have to spin up all drives anyway so I don't think that's relevant. And I did not mention anything about RAID. Within the context of unRAID, if 2 people access 2 different files on the same HDD, the disk will have to spin back and forth to get the data. If 2 people access 2 files on 2 HDD then each HDD serves its own file, no seeking. That's the performance point. I think we can agree to disagree and keep it there as it really depends on each's perspective.
  13. Fair enough but that's just perspective. My perspective is an empty drive is one that is not being used. A half-full drive is one that in the process of getting filled up. It's my asset -> I like to see my asset works Regarding the last sentence: It doesn't matter if you have all data in 1 drive or data spread out in multiple drives with unRAID. To access a single file, a drive must be spun up regardless of which scheme you are on. unRAID doesn't do stripe so the entire file is still on the same drive so only 1 drive get spun up => hence no unnecessary spinning up anyway. And if you are considering the scenario when multiple people access multiple files then it becomes a matter of performance vs electricity.
  14. I'm from the "spread it out" school with moderation. I do try to control what material gets written to which drive, but not to the extent that chicken eggs are always in basket 1 and duck eggs are in basket 2 and 3 etc. [*]The main consideration for me is that if I have a failed drive that is somehow not recoverable by Parity (or 2+ failed drives), trying to recover 4TB manually, in my opinion, is a lot less painful (and easier to succeed) than trying to recover 8TB manually (despite the 50% probability of not having to recover anything as the failed drive is empty). [*]If the drive is completely not recoverable, losing 50% of movies and 50% of TV shows, in my opinion, is a lot less painful than losing ALL the TV shows or ALL the movies. [*]I don't have the luxury of buying drives to leave them empty. The "moderation" part is the fact that I don't strive to make sure each drive has the same amount of free space. Close enough is fine, but not exactly the same. I basically just let unRAID decides based on a "Most Free" distribution.
  15. Be careful with that one regarding cooler. If I remember correctly, it has a narrow 2011-v3 socket, not the standard square one.
  16. Oops, I meant to reply to parkanoid's question ("no one noticed similar behavior?"). Nothing about motherboard. Just to point out that the number of people who can assign 32GB RAM to a VM is small so that's why few people are noticing / reporting it.
  17. Maybe the reason is very few people would assign 32GB RAM to the VM - and still able to start it. That realistically means the server has 64GB+ RAM and not that many motherboards support 64GB+ RAM to begin with.
  18. I am very familiar with 2-pane layout back since the Norton Commander days (oh gosh, I'm old ). On Windows I use Total Commander (and love it) and unRAID console I use mc. However, since I have set up password for root, ssl in + mc to manage files has gotten a little tiring. So I decided to pick Krusader docker to do file management through GUI => since I would already login using my root password to GUI. However, it was a matter of a coin toss as I had no idea if Krusader or Dolphin is better / more similar to Total Commander. So Krusader vs Dolphin, which one is better in your opinion? I reckon for basic file operations, they are similar so it probably comes down to the advanced functionalities.
  19. I found the problem!. Apparently it is related to OVMF BIOS. When switched to SeaBIOS, the resolution is no longer greyed out. That explains why people probably think "what a noob, just change resolution" when I raised the question. Since most people probably use SeaBIOS.
  20. I remember seeing someone making a script to do that. However, the same person said he doesn't think it's a good idea as it creates severe fragmentation. The question is why would you want to redistribute the free space?
  21. I think I have found the solution! I set up Syncthing on unRAID (via docker) + my workstation. Then it appears to be a simple matter to setting up the workstation side as "Master" and the unRAID side with "Staggered" versioning. Then set up Crashplan to backup the Syncthing folder on unRAID but exclude the version folder. In this way, I will always have a readily usable mirror for quick and easy restore for day-to-day usage i.e. just copy it back. Assuming I'm under attack, below are the Swiss cheese layers [*]The virus spreads very quickly on my mostly-ssd-based workstation. This should trigger a massive number of sync breaks and thus heavy activity. I should notice (a) my connection is unexpectedly continuously saturated, (b) my server HDD ligh is flashing high activity when there should be none and © a sudden massive increase in number of sync breaks. These would be the "brace for impact" warning. [*]The syncthing share is set to private and hidden. Hence, a typical ransomware would not see the network drives to encrypt. A more advance ransomware would not see any SMB share to encrypt - not that it can do anything as private = no writing from outside of the server. [*]Sync speed is limited by network speed (1Gbps). Hence, it is highly likely that the ransomware would have finished all the encryption of the workstation way before it can be fully replicated on the server. Presumably it would then pop up its "pay me or else" screen so I know for sure I'm under attack. I can then stop any potential further damage by (a) unplug the workstation and/or (b) use tablet to access the GUI and stop the Syncthing docker [*]Even if for some reasons I didn't stop the sync on time and all damages are replicated on the server (assuming it hasn't run out of space before that), the "Staggered versioning" option would mean I still have a good copy - in fact, the whole version folder is now my good copy. [*]If all above layers fail (e.g. a very advance virus that can encrypt via syncthing connection), Crashplan <-- it's almost too true in this sense . Any critic / hole spotting is highly highly appreciated. Kudos!
  22. Question: Is there anyway to periodically mount a SMB share? I want to (automatically) mount an smb share from my workstation to my unRAID server for back up purpose. It would only mount every Friday night and unmount on Sunday night. That should be doable if there's a command line or something I guess.
  23. Definitely stop VM autorun and double check core assignments. In terms of Windows, it should be automatic but you might be asked to reactivate.
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