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  1. I didn't download it. smartmontools (smartctl) was already present in my unraid installation - version 6.19. Also in order for it to recognize the drives it is recommended to update the drivesdb.h file which contains the drives names and how to handle their SMART data. My drives are of a new model (Seagate NAS drives), so I had to update the file in order for it to work.
  2. I know It has been a couple of months since someone posted something here. I'm absolutely new to unRAID, I bought a used Areca ARC-1680IX-24 and connected it to 6X2TB seagate in a Norco RPC-4220. I had problems with smartmontools not getting any SMART readings from the drives. I managed to track down this in the areca FAQ: http://faq.areca.com.tw/index.php?sid=308038〈=en&action=artikel&cat=9&id=85&artlang=en My controller had version 1.48 and after updating to the latest firmware (1.51) it works just fine. I thought it's worth mentioning in order to help anyone who's having this problem, and I can also confirm that this method works for 1680 controllers as well.
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