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Posts posted by whoopn

  1. Parity is already messed up.  

    I did the partition so it could actually get me access to the files. It was able to fully repair one but the other it put it all into lost and found. I’m about done getting the last of my files off. This array isn’t going to be saved. 

    Thank you for your help! I really appreciate you taking your time to help me. 

  2. I think the array might be toast, but I did manage to get like 99% of the data over to my zfs array.

    I rebuilt disk 1, but its not mountable, here are the diagnostics. I'm free to do just about anything I need to to this array, so if there is a chance we can get a little dangerous and make it work again I'm game. The most important data (photos) are all safe and sound on two separate arrays plus backed up to the cloud.


  3. 1 hour ago, JorgeB said:

    What do you mean wiped? It's still showing mostly full:


    Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/md5p1      3.7T  3.1T  642G  83% /mnt/disk5



    For the repair options, see the link above.


    Full yes, but an absolute mess, I performed xfs_repair on it and b/c it lost a lot of the inode data i just put everything in lost and found.

    Ok running xfs_repair first WITH -n to see what we're dealing with. Bad superblock, its looking for the secondary one now. I'll try the repair on Disk 1 first.


    Thanks for your help

    What should I do after we've run through the xfs_repair?

  4. Ok so here is what happened:
    1. First disk down I dropped my phone and it just happened to smack the disk release for the caddy (couldn't do that again if i tried), that got me my first red X.

    2. Second disk, I accidentally pulled a drive I thought was in unassigned devices (stupid mistake)

    3. I had my drives IN another array and the disk got wiped (yeah that sucked)


    So, disks 1 and 2 with red x's, those are technically probably fine, what I cant figure out is how to make unraid think that.

    What can I do?

  5. I'm seeing some behavior that I wasn't expecting, I'm trying to share some folders from Unraid through to a VM, the ones from my actual array I'm able to mount with the fstab commands below, but the one going to an unassigned device (that is mounted), I cannot write to the ones on the unassigned device.  I've tried all manner of what should be unnecessary chown commands (file are all 777 right now).


    What am I missing?  The exact same thing happened with a VM Unraid share from the cache drive...what am I missing? 


    Additional info: There are hardlinks to the folder (no idea from where)


    cat /etc/fstab | grep virtio
    PS_Library /mnt/PS_Library 9p trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,_netdev,rw 0 0
    HousePhotos /mnt/HousePhotos 9p trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,_netdev,ro 0 0
    AppCacheData /mnt/AppDataCache 9p trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,_netdev,rw 0 0


    I can write to PS_Library all day long...


    Thanks for any assistance in advance!


  6. 8 minutes ago, atribe said:

    Whatever you are using to send data to influxdb should create the DB. I use telegraf, it creates the db.


    I'm not sure the data logger does that, its expecting the database to be created for it.  Is there a way to create the database manually?


    Here are the instructions I am following: http://codersaur.com/2016/04/smartthings-data-visualisation-using-influxdb-and-grafana/


    I appreciate your help BTW!

  7. 2 minutes ago, atribe said:

    Influxdb doesn't have an admin interface anymore. That being said, try port 8086 instead of port 8183.

    Still no go, this was me troubleshooting earlier before I changed the ports back to stock, should've changed my screenshot.




    I don't know what credentials to use, does it need any?  What about creating a database?  I haven't done that either.

  8. Ok I must be missing something that everyone else seems to know already.


    I installed the Influx and Grafana dockers.  Grafana works like a charm.  Influx though I'm not sure if its up at all.  


    I tried enabling the web interface but I still get a 404



    I honestly don't care if I have a web interface but I have no idea how I'm supposed to interact with the db as a docker on unraid in any other way.


    What I'm really going for here is this page to complete successfully:



    I literally don't know what to fill in the fields with b/c I wasn't able to define any of these settings somewhere.


    I would really really appreciate any assistance as this is my first go at influx and grafana.  I swear I'm not stupid, but I encounter issues like this and I have my doubts...

  9. I have a question regarding the multiple IPs that are unavoidable on Docker (the host IP -in the range- and the docker0 interface in the range).


    How can I force plex to only work over a single interface?  My TV's plex app wont work otherwise.  I'd like to specify the range to be used.  I disabled docker0 and it worked great but NONE of my other docker apps work then.

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