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Posts posted by Selmak

  1. Following the upgrade to version 6.12, my system has become less stable, with random crashes that seem to be kernel panics. To address this issue, I took the advice of @bonienl and installed a second network card, which has mitigated the system crashes to some extent.

    However, I still encounter occasional kernel panics. I have attached my diagnostics in the hopes that they might shed light on the situation. In contrast, before the update (6.11.5), my system was running without any problems while utilizing macvlan.

  2. 19 hours ago, DrBobke said:

    I have tried in different possibilities, but none of them seem to work... 😞 

    see screenshot:




    Too bad that you don't know about Swag, anyone else? 🙂 

    If you are not using Swag, do you have a reverse proxy that you use and if so, what are you using?


    Thanks again,


    Have you tired just using occ ?



    Note: Both occ and updater.phar can be run without prepending with sudo -u abc php or sudo -u www-data php


    It also looks like the dir you are trying to use in the container is wrong it should be  i.e /config/www/nextcloud.


    Try running running occ then the command without specifying the dir.

  3. On 5/8/2022 at 11:32 PM, bonienl said:

    Unraid does not accept a system wide DNS setting, instead - if a specific DNS is required - you should configure that under extra parameters of the docker container.




    I used resolvconf from to do dns. (I haven't actually used my script in a while guess I don't have to now seeing as its integrated into the UI)


  4. Thank you for this.

    I have been trying to get swag fail2ban working for the last day with Authelia. I had it banning the IP address but it was not actually blocking the connection.


    Here is the error just in case anyone knows what it is.

    2022-01-26 13:06:07,664 fail2ban.utils          [1756]: ERROR   150757ff7190 -- exec: ip6tables -w -N f2b-authelia
    ip6tables -w -A f2b-authelia -j RETURN
    ip6tables -w -I DOCKER-USER -p tcp -j f2b-authelia
    2022-01-26 13:06:07,664 fail2ban.utils          [1756]: ERROR   150757ff7190 -- stderr: 'ip6tables: Chain already exists.'
    2022-01-26 13:06:07,665 fail2ban.utils          [1756]: ERROR   150757ff7190 -- stderr: 'ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.'
    2022-01-26 13:06:07,665 fail2ban.utils          [1756]: ERROR   150757ff7190 -- returned 1


    Anyway 10 mins after reading your post fail2ban is working with cloudflare.

    • Like 1
  5. Hi I have been routing some of my dockers via a custom wireguard network .

    I got the idea from and Reddit


    The way I have it starting up is via the go file.

    I did install resolvconf from You can also just use the --dns= flag on the docker containers.

    ip link add dev vpnac-us19 type wireguard
    wg setconf vpnac-us19 /etc/wireguard/vpnac-us19.conf
    ip address add dev vpnac-us19
    ip link set up dev vpnac-us19
    printf 'nameserver %s\n' | resolvconf -a tun.vpnac-us19 -m 0 -x  
    sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=2
    ip rule add from table 200 
    ip route add default via metric 2 table 200 
    ip rule add table main suppress_prefixlength 0
    ip route add blackhole default metric 3 table 200
    ip link set mtu 1420 up dev vpnac-us19

    Everything seems to work I can access the web ui of the containers.

    If I manually bring down the link with

    ip link del dev vpnac-us19

    the containers get null routed via.

    ip route add blackhole default metric 3 table 200


    I have been playing with a script from reddit. If I run it manually it works.. however it does not seem to insert the dns into the /etc/resolv.conf file?.  If I run the command manually it works.

    printf 'nameserver %s\n' | resolvconf -a tun.vpnac-us19 -m 0 -x 

    I tried getting the script to run via the go file and the userscripts but for some reason it would not work?.


    Here is the script I have been using.

    # Script to create a split tunnel wireguard interface that will only tunnel a specific
    # Docker network through wireguard. All other traffic will not be vpn'ed. The script will
    # create a boot configuration so the interface comes back online after reboots.
    # It also creates the routes so that WebGUIs are still accessible from the LAN and the
    # vpn'ed containers can still reach other docker containers.
    # Usage wireguard <up|down|status>
    ## Set variables
    # Name of the docker network to route through wireguard
    # This network will be created if it does not exist using
    # Name of wireguard interface to create
    # Nothing to edit below this line
    tecreset=$(tput sgr0)
    set_ok () { echo -e  -n "\\033[0G[ \E[0;32m  OK  $tecreset ] "; }
    set_failed () { echo -e  -n "\\033[0G[ \E[0;31mFAILED$tecreset ] "; }
    echo_and_run () { echo -n -e "\\033[$COL$*" ; "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1; }
    while_check () {
    while [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; do
            set_failed; echo_and_run $1
            echo $2
    set_ok; echo -e "\\033[$COL$CMD"
    if_check () {
    echo_and_run $1
    if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then
            set_failed; echo
            exit 1
    set_ok; echo
    vpn_check () {
    VPNIP=`docker run -ti --rm --net=$DOCKER_NET_NAME appropriate/curl`
    IP=`curl --silent`
    if [[ $VPNIP == *"Could not resolve host"*  ]]; then
    	set_ok; echo "Not Connected to Endpoint: Blackhole active"
    elif [[ $VPNIP == $ENDPOINT_IP ]]; then
    	set_ok; echo "Connected to $ENDPOINT_IP"
    elif [[ $VPNIP == $IP ]]; then
    	set_failed; echo "Not Connected to Endpoint: Blackhole NOT active!"
    # check module is installed
    MOD_CHECK=`lsmod | grep wire`
    if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then
            set_failed; echo -e "WireGuard Module Not Installed."
            exit 1
    set_ok; echo -e "\\033[$COL WireGuard Module Installed"
    # check for conf file
    if [ ! -f "/etc/wireguard/$DEV_NAME.conf" ]; then
    	set_failed; echo -e "\\033[$COL/etc/wireguard/$DEV_NAME.conf"
    	exit 1
    set_ok; echo -e "\\033[$COL/etc/wireguard/$DEV_NAME.conf"
    # check for wireguard module
    # Get IP addresses and subnets needed
    DOCKER_NET=`docker network inspect $DOCKER_NET_NAME | grep Subnet | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/[",]//g'`
    INTERFACE_IP=`grep Address /etc/wireguard/$DEV_NAME.conf | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d/ -f1`
    ENDPOINT_IP=`grep Endpoint /etc/wireguard/$DEV_NAME.conf | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d: -f1`
    up (){
    # add wireguard interface
    CMD="ip link add $DEV_NAME type wireguard"
    CHECK=`ip addr | grep $DEV_NAME`
    if_check "$CMD" "$CHECK"
    # set wireguard conf
    CMD="wg setconf $DEV_NAME /etc/wireguard/$DEV_NAME.conf"
    CHECK=`wg showconf $DEV_NAME 2>/dev/null`
    if_check "$CMD" "$CHECK"
    # assign ip to wireguard interface
    CMD="ip addr add $INTERFACE_IP dev $DEV_NAME"
    CHECK=`ip addr | grep $INTERFACE_IP`
    if_check "$CMD" "$CHECK"
    # set sysctl
    CMD="sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=2"
    set_ok; echo $CMD
    # set mtu for wireguard interface
    CMD="ip link set mtu 1420 up dev $DEV_NAME"
    set_ok; echo_and_run $CMD
    # bring wireguard interface up
    CMD="ip link set up dev $DEV_NAME"
    CHECK=`ip addr | grep $DEV_NAME | grep UP`
    if_check "$CMD" "$CHECK"
    # create docker network
    CMD="docker network create $DOCKER_NET_NAME --subnet -o ""="1420""
    CHECK=`docker network inspect $DOCKER_NET_NAME > /dev/null 2>&1`
    while_check "$CMD" "$CHECK"
    # add table 200
    CMD="ip rule add from $DOCKER_NET table 200"
    CHECK=`ip rule show | grep -w "lookup 200"`
    while_check "$CMD" "$CHECK"
    # add blackhole
    CMD="ip route add blackhole default metric 3 table 200"
    CHECK=`ip route show table 200 | grep -w "blackhole"`
    while_check "$CMD" "$CHECK"
    # add default route for table 200
    CMD="ip route add default via $INTERFACE_IP metric 2 table 200"
    CHECK=`ip route show table 200 | grep -w $INTERFACE_IP`
    while_check "$CMD" "$CHECK"
    # add local lan route
    CMD="ip rule add table main suppress_prefixlength 0"
    CHECK=`ip rule show | grep -w "suppress_prefixlength"`
    while_check "$CMD" "$CHECK"
    # add dns
    CMD="printf 'nameserver %s\n' | resolvconf -a tun.vpnac-us19 -m 0 -x"
    set_ok; echo $CMD
    # check vpn ip
    down (){
    # del wireguard interface
    CMD="ip link del $DEV_NAME"
    CHECK=`ip addr | grep $DEV_NAME`
    if_check "$CMD" "$CHECK"
    # check table 200
    CMD="ip rule add from $DOCKER_NET table 200"
    CHECK=`ip rule show | grep -w "lookup 200"`
    while_check "$CMD" "$CHECK"
    # check blackhole
    CMD="ip route add blackhole default metric 3 table 200"
    CHECK=`ip route show table 200 | grep -w "blackhole"`
    while_check "$CMD" "$CHECK"
    # check to make sure blackhole is active
    # check blackhole
    CMD="ip route add blackhole default metric 3 table 200"
    CHECK=`ip route show table 200 | grep -w "blackhole"`
    while_check "$CMD" "$CHECK"
    # check to make sure blackhole is active
    case "$command" in
        up) up "$@" ;;
        down) down "$@" ;;
        create) create "$@" ;;
        status) status "$@" ;;
        *) echo "Usage: $0 up|down|status" >&2; exit 1 ;;

    Does anyone know a better way to have it run?




  6. 8 hours ago, TheIstar said:

    Something I do not get from your text thought, first you say: "...they have put in so much time helping people..." -> have to.

    Later you say: "They don't have to help and share their toys." -> Don't have to.

    Which is it now, have or don't have?

    I literally said Just for the sake of helping.

    8 hours ago, TheIstar said:

    helping people just for the sake of helping the community.


    8 hours ago, TheIstar said:

    I do agree with 1 thing though. It would be great if the developers put in effort to work closely with the community as objectively it is something that contributes greatly to the success of UnRaid

    I agree on this if Unraid didn't have Docker and CA I would not personally be using it.


    9 hours ago, TheIstar said:

    I am thankful but I should not be forced to be thankful. I am because I choose to.

    No one is forcing anyone to be thankful however that should just come with someone helping you. Basic respect and all that.

    Obviously everyone's moral compass tilts in different directions that's just life I guess.


    @limetech FWIW  I am enjoying having the GPU drivers integrated into Unraid looking forward to future updates.

  7. On 11/23/2020 at 8:07 PM, TheIstar said:




    Now with this analogy, ask yourself.

    Is the reaction of @CHBMB (the uncle) proportionate and justified? Does a parent (@limetech) need to inform the uncle of these kind of things? Sure it is nice, but is it really needed? Do you think it is right for the uncle to punish the kid? Should the parent even be grateful that the uncle presents the kid a toy with sharp edges (I know I wouldn't).


    The only one the uncle should expect thanks from i.m.o is the kid. The community is and was grateful. Yet @CHBMB is the one who decided to punish the community and take away their toy because of his hurt feelings.






    Late to the party.

    I love unraid I have been using it for years, I have even recommend it to a family member and a friend who have gotten licenses.

    I have even contributed in my own little way.

    I have read your analogy twice and all I am getting from it is you think @CHBMB  is acting like a Spoiled brat and they should only expect thanks from the community. Even know they and other like them stepped up to help the community (parented) when the community were being ignored from the Unraid team (parents).


    Now that the unraid team has decided to parent again the uncle should expect no thanks and if other community members don't like it they can leave?

    Of course their feelings are hurt they have put in so much time helping people just for the sake of helping the community.


    Just like you said why should they help the kids if the parents aren't grateful and are scared their help will damage the kids?.


    Remember they aren't getting paid like the unraid team.They don't have to help and share their toys.


    With that being said maybe unraid will put more of an effort in when it comes to the community devs they are after all what make unraid what it is imo.






    • Like 4
  8. 7 hours ago, bonienl said:

    With Unraid containers may have either fixed addresses or dynamic addresses when used on a custom (macvlan) network.

    To ensure that "any" container can be accessed by the host, I took the approach as described in the blog, and modified it to the needs for Unraid.


    Instead of defining a subnet associated with the DHCP pool for containers, the complete macvlan subnet is split in two smaller subnets, e.g. a 1 x /24 becomes 2 x /25 and these subnets are used to set up a "shim" network which allows the host (Unraid) to access any container in the associated macvlan network.


    To make use of this feature it is a simple matter of enabling it in the Docker settings page (new setting which defaults to "disabled").




    Now I can ping the container "Pi-hole" with (fixed) address on custom network br0

    root@vesta:/# ping
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.096 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.040 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.032 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.020 ms

    And I can ping the container "Tautulli" with (dynamic) address on custom network br0

    root@vesta:/# ping
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.111 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.032 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.026 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.024 ms


    There is ONE CAVEAT ...


    When remotely accessing a container on a custom network over a WireGuard tunnel, you MUST define a route on your router (gateway) which points back to the tunnel on the server. E.g. route ==> (Unraid server)


    This is required because it is not possible to use NAT between a custom network and a WG tunnel, since everything is handled internally on the server and never leaves the physical interface, hence NAT is never in the picture here.


    Awesome work mate :)

  9. First of all thanks for the wireguard gui creating a vpn has never been easier.


    Like a lot of people here I couldn't access my dockers on custom IP address using the default macvlan network that unraid creates.

    However there seems to be a workaround. I found this blog by Lars Kellogg-Stedman which describes the problem and a solution.          


    Instead of letting unraid create the docker network do it yourself and use the --aux-address option.

    Then create another macvlan network to communicate to the containers.


    This is what I did.

    I deleted the network that the unraid gui made then I set up my docker network with the following.

    docker network create -d macvlan -o parent=br0 --subnet --gateway --ip-range --aux-address 'host=' mynet

    Then I added the other macvlan and these ip routes. I also added them to the go file.

    ip link add mynet-shim link br0 type macvlan  mode bridge
    ip addr add dev mynet-shim
    ip link set mynet-shim up
    ip route add dev mynet-shim

    Now I can access all my dockers :)

    Hope this helps people and thank Lars for his blog.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  10. Edit: It seems that rdp-calibre docker was not on the latest version of calibre.

    I changes "Set Container Variable: EDGE" to 1 and that download the newest version of calibre now they are both on 3.4.2.


    My books are importing no problems now.


    Can somebody help please.

    I am unable to import books via LL calibredb using the content server.


    I have LL docker and the rdp-calibre docker installed.

    I have enabled the content server with a username and password.

    I have read / write access to the db

    calibredb ok, version 3.42 Database READ ok Database WRITE ok

    I have the same paths mapped for the books library and download paths and a import path.


    When I try to import for example I get this error

    11-May-2019 12:53:42 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : Searching database for [The Girl In The Clockwork Collar] by [Kady Cross]
    11-May-2019 12:53:42 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : Exact match [The Girl In The Clockwork Collar]
    11-May-2019 12:53:42 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : Importing Steampunk Chronicles - The Girl in the Clockwork Collar - Book #2 - - Kady Cross into calibre library
    11-May-2019 12:53:42 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : [u'/opt/calibre/calibredb', 'add', '--username', u'calibre', '--password', u'calibre', '-1', '--with-library', u'', u'/import']
    11-May-2019 12:53:43 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : calibredb rc 1
    11-May-2019 12:53:43 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : calibredb res 218[Traceback (most recent call last): File "site-packages/calibre/srv/", line 48, in cdb_run File "site-packages/calibre/db/cli/", line 64, in implementation KeyError: u'format_group' u'format_group' ]
    11-May-2019 12:53:43 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : calibredb err 0[]
    11-May-2019 12:53:43 - ERROR :: IMPORTALT : : Postprocessing for u'Steampunk Chronicles - The Girl in the Clockwork Collar - Book #2 - - Kady Cross' has failed: u'calibredb rc 1 from /opt/calibre/calibredb'

    If I use the rdp-calibre gui I can import the same book with out issues from the same dir.


    Not sure what I am missing?


  11. Hi would it be possible to get an inotifywait script added to the RDP-Calibre docker please.


    Example inotify watches the ebook download dir then calls the update calibre script when it detects changes.


    inotifywait script at boot


    while true #run indefinitely
    inotifywait -r -e ,close_write,move,create, /download && /


    something like this for

    /opt/calibre/calibredb add --recurse --library-path "/config/" "/download" 2>&1



  12. Hi I have a quick Question about "Your server must have access to the Internet to use the unRAID 6.2-rc"


    I am using the trial and I think it is great.I am about to buy a licence but I am a bit concerned about always having an active internet connection to verify the licence.

    Will this be the case when the final release come out?


    I might be moving to a house with no internet access for a few months and I am concerned that I wont be able to use my server? :(