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  1. Thank you I was under the impression both variables where completely gone. I got it working under FreeNAS all I had to do was login to the Minio GUI, generate a new user which generates the unique user ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, I then assigned the user to the FreeNAS bucket. Then under TrueNAS (aka FreeNAS) I added the new access key and secret key for the amazon S3 credentials and is now backing again My restic cli is still broken under windows I just need to export the AWS keys again to get it going but ill do it tomorrow it's midnight here in Los Angeles and I'm falling at sleep lol thanks again
  2. I'm a bit confused if both MINIO_ACCESS_KEY and MINIO_SECRET_KEY have been depreciated. How do you authenticate when you're connecting from a minio client since they require the access key and secret key? I'm using restic under windows to backup to unraid minio but you can't connect unless you have both the access and secret key, same for FreeNAS since their cloud task (S3 in my case) requires both to authenticate
  3. I updated Minio to the latest version but I'm still having problems connecting I added MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD: and MINIO_ROOT_USER: since it was telling them it needed them. After relaunching the docker I now get this WARNING: Console endpoint is listening on a dynamic port (46167), please use --console-address ":PORT" to choose a static port.
  4. Anybody else using nzbtoSickbeard.py to sort your tv shows? After 3 years without a single issue the latest sabnzbd is giving me this error when processing tv-shows /usr/bin/env: ‘python2’: No such file or directory Was there a change in the python version or path in the latest docker? this issue started five days ago.
  5. Thanks guys I copy the .PLUS .PRO key files along with a few folders (the USB app didn't copy everything it seems like it just created a stock image and left out my config, packages, & pre-clear_reports etc pretty much any custom folder ), rebooted, was finally given the option to replace the key. Replace it, got the email, enter new URL key, finally rebooted once more and is now remembering my drives and all plugins, dockers, vms, folders rights are back to normal thanks a ton😄
  6. So I follow the tutorial on the wiki page to replace the usb drive, flashed a new Samsung USB drive with the backup flash zip file, rebooted, click on "invalid, missing or expired registration key" link under the Main menu, Then I have two options; either Purchase Key or Trial key I don't have the option to "replace key" so how do I get my pro key back
  7. Hi guys so I'm having this problem of all my drives getting unassigned when the Unraid server turns off by itself (via UPS power outage) or I manually reboot the server. As soon as the server comes back everything gets unassigned I have manually assigned each drive (about 23+cache) Now looking at the logs I see this: Nov 28 11:14:37 Tower kernel: read_file: read error 21 Nov 28 11:14:37 Tower kernel: md: could not read superblock from /boot/config/super.dat Nov 28 11:14:37 Tower kernel: md: initializing superblock Nov 28 11:14:37 Tower kernel: mdcmd (1): label 090C-1000-0372-615120000220 Nov 28 11:14:37 Tower kernel: write_file: error 21 opening /boot/config/super.dat Nov 28 11:14:37 Tower kernel: md: could not write superblock file: /boot/config/super.dat went into the flash drive and found the file exits but with a .CA_BACKUP extension So what exactly happen and how do I fix it, is the usb drive dying? or was this cause by one of power failures? I do have UPS configure so its doing the correct shutdowns. I also have 1 parity drive crap out on me recently and was replace about 2 weeks ago with a WD Red drive not sure if this cause a problem. I have multiple backups of my flash drive going back 3 months which are push to backblaze B2 cloud storage encrypted twice a month as well as local backups I downloaded from the flash backup option under the flash device settings. Do I just make a copy of super.dat.CA_BACKUP and rename it to super.dat or is this a more serious issue?
  8. The docker has been working fine since the docker was release months ago until today morning built. The only error I see in the logs is "19, 2019 8:26:28 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [] threw exception [Handler dispatch failed; nested exception is java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError] with root cause java.io.FileNotFoundException: /usr/lib/libnss3.so" I already try removing and reinstalling the docker clean (deleted the folder/settings off my appdata folder) still the same issue and I'm not running any reverse proxy etc.
  9. Anybody else getting this error with the latest version (3/19/2019) Whitelabel Error Page This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback. Tue Mar 19 08:01:32 PDT 2019 There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server Error, status=500). Could not initialize class sun.security.ssl.SSLSessionImpl I tried mapping an /error folder via the docker settings to see if it would write some kind of log but it didn't do much. :|
  10. is it possible to have Davos download multiple files at once instead of one at a time?
  11. ended up deleting the docker, removing the folder as well. Reinstall the docker and upload my backup configuration during setup Back to normal
  12. Can someone tell me how to roll back to the previous docker release. i update my unifi-video docker yesterday (latest) and since then it has been stuck on "updating in progress" for 14 hours now
  13. Anybody else using Python sabToSickBeard.py script and getting "/config/autoProcessTV/sabToSickBeard.py" does not have execute (+x) permission set" It has been working fine for half a year but after the last update the script refuses to run
  14. Hello I just finish installing the docker however when I click on the docker icon and choose WEBUI it opens a new tab on chrome but its empty. I can manually access the docker by typing the docker ip address:port but not via the WEBUI botton. I know is not my adblock extension on Chrome as I have disable it for my Unraid ip and I also have 10 other dockers and they all open up the correct ip:port on a new tab when I click on the WEBUI.
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