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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Bitte poste immer deine Diagnostics (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download -> die heruntergeladene zip Datei hier in die Textbox ziehen). Das ist wichtig damit man dir weiterhelfen kann bezüglich syslog usw... Damit kommen wir zur ersten Frage welche grafikkarte hast du (das würde aus den Diagnostics ersichtlich sein), usw... Ich kann hier wahrscheinlich nicht weiter helfen da ich keine USV besitze aber die Diagnostics sind ein guter start.
  2. Du musst das zusammemschreiben ohne abstand! "i915.force_probe=4c8b" (ohne anführungszeichen) Wenn du einen leerzeichen drin hast funktioniert es nicht da es technisch gesehen ein neuer befehl ist. EDIT: Bootest du eigentlich Unraid im UEFI oder Legacy Mode?
  3. Interesting, I've never seen that or tried that but in the end that's somewhat logical. The first thing is that this instruction are for Windows and not for Linux but it should be possible. The second thing is that you can't copy the bat file because it does nothing on Linux, but read on. I would try it as follows: Make the changes for the folders and files like in the tutorial but ignore the things with the bat file for now (create the folder, copy the files...) After that go to the CA App and download a second copy of KillingFloor2 and be sure to give it another name as the first on, somethin like KillingFloor2-2nd should do the job, be also sure to point the Game directory to the same directory as the first container, delete all ports and create new ones corresponding to you game config that you've changed like in the tutorial with the container and hostport set to the same port number (not just simply change the ports, these ports often doesn't like to be forwarded, eventually you can see the game but can't connect to it if you forward the ports) in the Docker template and lastly append the command from the tutorial for the bat file to your GAME_PARAMS in your Docker template and click Apply. This should basically do the job, since the bat file is the whole container and everything in the variable GAME_PARAMS is appended to the start command from the server. Hope that all makes sense to you.
  4. Can you open up a terminal from Unraid and see what the output of 'modprobe -v amdgpu' is? If the above command fails or you get an error try to do 'modprobe -v radeon' and see what the output is.
  5. Click on Edit on the first post and at the bottom you can change the status. This is only mecessary because your CPU is new and the i915 module doesn't know the new device ID's. So you have to manually tell the module that it should try this device ID if it can start the driver with it. This shouldn't be necessary in upcoming versions of Unraid so if 6.10.x+ is released you can remove that from your sylinux.cfg Hope that makes sense to you. Also this is a little simplificated answer...
  6. @mgutt Hätte noch eine maxtor 80GB zu Hause, können ja tauschen ^^
  7. Bei den Platten ist es so wie mit Apple und Android, einige schwören auf Seagate einige auf WD (Stromverbrauch und Geschwindigkeit sind mir persönlich im Array nicht wichtig, hab selbst nur 5400rpm Platten verbaut). Ich hab schon Berichte gelesen hier die sagen das sie schlechte Erfahrungen mit Seagate gemacht haben (mehrere defekte Platten) und dann gibts wieder die andere Seite die mit WD schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht haben (mehrere defekte Platten). Meiner Meinung ist jedem selbst überlassen was er kauft. Keine angst ich mach mir hier keinen Kopf, hab meinen eigenen.
  8. @Chris Mot please remove the file: /boot/config/modprobe.d/i915.conf and add this to your boot config: 'i915.force_probe=4c8a' and install the Intel-GPU-TOP plugin and reboot. EDIT: Isn't this possible through a remote terminal?
  9. Welche tests jetzt genau, ich hab auch nur WD's verbaut und bin restlos zufrieden. 6 und 12TB Platten.
  10. Example: with the rclone, Nextcloud and with a Cron job in the User Scripts plugin: This is a complete step by step tutorial. Download the rclone plugin from the CA App: Open up a Unraid Terminal and type in 'rclone config' It will ask what to do next, press 'n' to configure a new remote Enter your preferred name in this example name it 'Nextcloud' and press Return It now asks which protocol that you want to use, enter '37' for Webdav since Nextcloud uses Webdav Now enter the address of your Nextcloud with the inclusion of '/remote.php/webdav' instance in this case 'https://nextcloud.example.org/remote.php/webdav/' Now enter '1' to choose Nextcloud Enter you username for the Nextcloud instance and press Return Press 'y' to choose to enter your password Enter your password twice and press Return Leave the barer_tooken empty by simply press Return At Edit advanced config press 'n' Press on 'y' to accept the configuration And finally press 'q' to exit the rclone configuration Next download this script to your local computer (it contains a basic backup from your USB Boot device and your appdata directory, please see the steps from the first post how to exclude files and folders): Go to your Settings page in Unraid and click on User Scripts: rclone.script Click on Add new Script: Type in your preferred script name and click on OK: Hover over the little gear icon and click on Edit Script: Copy the contents from the downloaded script from Step 15 in the textbox: (Please first read trough the script and see if it fit your needs! NEVER BLINDLY COPY A SCRIPT FROM THE INTERNET OR SOMEWHERE ELSE AND EXECUTE IT ON YOUR SERVER READ FIRST THROUGH IT AND MAKE SURE IT FIT YOUR NEEDS AND IS CONFIGURED PROPERLY) : (You don't need to change the BACKUP_PATH since this path is used to mount your cloud storage to your server, this path should be empty and is created if it doesn't exists!) Make sure to modify the REMOTE_NAME to the name that you specified in Step 4 in this case 'Nextcloud' and also make sure to modify the REMOTE_PATH to a directory that exists in the root of your Nextcloud or create a folder in the root of your Nextcloud named 'Backup' like in this example (if you want to sync to a subfolder you have to modify the REMOTE_PATH to something like this: 'Backup/MyUnraidServer') : Click on Save Changes: Select a schedule from the drop-down menu or create a custom one (if you create a custom one I recommend looking into crontab.guru) : After you've selected a schedule don't forget to click on Apply on the bottom: Now you can click on Run Script to see the actual output from the script (keep in mind if you close this window the script will be aborted!) or you can click on Run in Background to run it in the Background now. Note: This script is only a example and it will keep the backups from the last x days defined in the DELETE_BACKUP_DAYS variable within the script. This script will basically create a directory in /mnt/remotes/age_backup and uses this directory to mount your Cloud storage to the folder to create backups for your USB Boot device and appdata, upload the files to your Nextcloud share and remove old backups that are x days old (by default keep the files that are not older than 14 days), unmount the above created directory and notify you when the backup is finished.
  11. Example: with the MEGASync Docker, a disk in Unassigned devices and with a Cron job in the User Scripts plugin This is a complete step by step tutorial. First of all create a account on mega.nz (they offer up to 15GB and as much as available bandwidth is available to free users) Download the MEGASync container from the CA App: In the container itself delete the Host Path and create a new one like described in the next step: Click on the bottom on 'Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device' and create a path like this (please make sure that you change the path to something that exists on your system), click on Add and then on Apply to start the container: After the container has started make sure that you enable Autostart: Click on the MEGASync icon on your Docker page and click on WebUI: After the WebUI opened click on Login and login with your credentials (please not that the Create Account button won't work in the WebUI): At install type select Selective sync and click on Next: Click on Change at local folder: Navigate to /mnt/sync and click Choose: Click on Change at MEGA folder: And create a new folder below Cloud Drive that is named Backup (if you backup more than one Server I would strongly recommend that you create individual sub folders in Backup for the individual machines that you back up): Click on next: When you see this message click on Finish and close the WebUI: Next download this script to your local computer (it contains a basic backup from your USB Boot device and your appdata directory, please see the steps from above post how to exclude files and folders): MEGASync.script Go to your Settings page in Unraid and click on User Scripts: Click on Add new Script: Type in your preferred script name and click on OK: Hover over the little gear icon and click on Edit Script: Copy the contents from the downloaded script from Step 14 in the textbox (Please first read trough the script and see if it fit your needs! NEVER BLINDLY COPY A SCRIPT FROM THE INTERNET OR SOMEWHERE ELSE AND EXECUTE IT ON YOUR SERVER READ FIRST THROUGH IT AND MAKE SURE IT FIT YOUR NEEDS AND IS CONFIGURED PROPERLY) : Make sure to modify the BACKUP_PATH to the Host path that you configured in Step 3 for the MEGASync container (this should be a empty directory with nothing in it since the script deletes everything in it except the current backup): Click on Save Changes: Select a schedule from the drop-down menu or create a custom one (if you create a custom one I recommend looking into crontab.guru) : After you've selected a schedule don't forget to click on Apply on the bottom: Now you can click on Run Script to see the actual output from the script (keep in mind if you close this window the script will be aborted!) or you can click on Run in Background to run it in the Background now. Note: This script is only a example and it will only keep the last backup and delete the older ones before it finishes. This script will basically create backups of the USB Boot device and appdata, remove old backups found and notify you when the backup is finished.
  12. age (pronounced: [aɡe̞]) Is a simple, modern and secure file encryption tool, format. It features small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability. Based on the excellent work form FiloSottile: https://github.com/FiloSottile/age This tool is command line only and meant for backup scripts. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ich777/unraid-age/master/age.plg Basics: After installing the plugin it will create a key file on your USB boot device that is named 'key.age' and located in /boot/config/ ATTENTION: I STRONGLY RECOMMEND TO BACKUP THIS FILE TO SOME OTHER LOCATION (PREFERABLY ON A SPARE USB KEY) OR PRINT IT OUT AND STORE IT SOMEWHERE SAFE! IF YOU LOOSE THIS KEY YOU CAN'T DECRYPT ANY OF THE DATA THAT WAS ENCRYPTED WITH THIS KEY FILE!!! Note: even if you uninstall the plugin the key.age file will not be deleted from the USB Boot device for security reasons (accidental deinstallation of the plugin) Usage: age-keygen Is called automatically on plugin installation and will create the 'key.age' key file mentioned above that will look something like this: # created: 2021-06-10T12:00:00+02:00 # public key: age1me4cr6ll89gy0r3r5hftu0sxjr8nlyd37nylufjq6adlljzdjpuqul5et0 AGE-SECRET-KEY-1AFWSPAZ7ZLM6UR9ZGXNT4U276EVHHEPNX0YRWW8EH05P487N89VQUA0HJA (I strongly recommend as stated above to backup this key file to a spare USB Key or print it out and store it somewhere safe, I would also recommend to remove the last line from the file on your USB Boot device after you made a backup of the file since this is the actual key that you need to decrypt the files - again, IF YOU LOOSE THIS KEY YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO DECRYPT THE FILES THAT WHERE ENCRYPTED WITH THIS KEY FILE) age To encrypt a single file you need your public key from the 'key.age' file, as a first example we take a picture with the filename 'test.jpg' that is located in /mnt/user/Pictures/ age -r age1me4cr6ll89gy0r3r5hftu0sxjr8nlyd37nylufjq6adlljzdjpuqul5et0 /mnt/user/Pictures/test.jpg > /mnt/user/Pictures/test.jpg.age This will keep the original file intact and create a file with the extension .age that is fully encrypted (of course you can also point to another output path for example if you have a disk through UnassignedDevices mounted just replace '> /mnt/user/Pictures/test.jpg.age' with '> /disks/YOURDISKNAME/Backup/test.jpg.age' for example) You can also store the public key in a variable with something like this: AGE_KEY="$(cat /boot/config/key.age | grep "public key:" | awk '{print $4}')" and then modify the above command to use the variable: age -r ${AGE_KEY} /mnt/user/Pictures/test.jpg > /mnt/user/Pictures/test.jpg.age If you want to create a encrypted tar archive from a directory (in this case from the USB boot device) do it as follows: cd /boot tar -cvzf - --exclude='./bz*' --exclude='*.tgz' --exclude='*.txz' --exclude='./previous' --exclude='./config/key.age' . | age -r ${AGE_KEY} > /mnt/disks/YOURDISKNAME/Backup/$(date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M')_USB_BACKUP.tgz.age Explanation: cd /boot (will change the directory to the boot device) tar -cvzf - (will create a tar archive to the pipe) --exclude='./bz*' (will exclude all bz files, the main OS, since we only need the config files) --exclude='*.tgz' --exclude='*.txz' (will exclude all plugin archives, since we only need the plg files) --exclude='./previous' (will exclude the backup from the any previous installed Unraid version) --exclude='./config/key.age' (will exclude the 'key.age' file) --exclude='*.zip' (THIS IS OPTIONAL and not in the command above but recommended if you have saved diagnostics or logs on your USB Boot device) . (tells tar that this is the directory that it should pack up as a tar archive) | (hand over the output from the pipe to age to encrypt the data that is created by tar) age -r ${AGE_KEY} (use age and the public key in the AGE_KEY variable to encrypt the date from tar) > /mnt/disks/YOURDISKNAME/Backup/$(date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M')_USB_BACKUP.tgz.age (output the file to a UnassignedDevices mount that is located in /mnt/disks/YOURDISKNAME/Backup/ and named something like this: '2021-06-10_12-00_USB_BACKUP.tgz.age') DECRYPT FILES: age --decrypt -i /boot/config/key.age /mnt/disks/YOURDISKNAME/2021-06-10_12-00_USB_BACKUP.tgz.age > /mnt/disks/YOURDISKNAME/2021-06-10_12-00_USB_BACKUP.tgz Explanation: age --decrypt (use age to decrypt a file) -i /boot/config/key.age (use the 'key.age' file that is located on your USB Boot device to decrypt the files ATTENTION: If you deleted the last line in the 'key.age' file like mentioned above you have to first restore your backup file with the last line included to your USB Boot device otherwise the decryption will fail) /mnt/disks/YOURDISKNAME/2021-06-10_12-00_USB_BACKUP.tgz.age (the filename to decrypt) > /mnt/disks/YOURDISKNAME/2021-06-10_12-00_USB_BACKUP.tgz (the filename of the decrypted file that will be created) There are many ways you can utilize this tool and these are only a few examples how to use age.
  13. Probier mal das zu deiner syslinux.cfg hinzuzufügen: "hpet=enable" (ohne Anführungszeichen) und reboote Sieht so aus als würde irgendwas mit deiner clocksource nicht stimmen... Eventuell behebt es das Problem in deinem fall wenn du die clocksource gleich auf hpet stellst. EDIT: Btw das bedeuted übrigens TSC: Klick
  14. After I updated the container today I get an error that the execution of /bin/tar has been denied and the container isn't able to start, the message repeats over and over again. I attached the log: tvheadend.log Has something changed that I've been missing? Also may I ask what is the difference between the version-9476680f vs. 9476680f-ls100? I've reverted now back to version: 63784405-ls97 which is running fine.
  15. Depending on the container that you use: you should make post in the appropriate support thread for the container @binhex: @clowrym:
  16. For the Nvidia driver start here (you have to be on 6.9.0+ to see the plugin in the CA App): I think the HBA's aren't supported anymore if I'm not wrong, please read this post here:
  17. @audioclass, @tianyun123lo & @Suriniya Valve fixed SteamCMD and installations from game server containers work now flawlessly again when installing games from scratch without the disk write error. To update SteamCMD restart one container and it will update SteamCMD. Please look here: Click You can append it to the GAME_PARAMS in the Docker template or you can edit the server configuration itself that is located at (the screenshot is from that site that I've linked - in your case you have to choose the Linux paths):
  18. Sollten die Karten nicht schon alle mit UEFI laufen mittlerweile da sich Nvidia dazu entschlossen hat keinen Code43 mehr zu produzieren in VM's sobald der Treiber installiert ist? Muss aber ehrlich gestehen VM's sind nicht wirklich mein Spezialgebiet... Mich würde aber brennend Interessieren ob die User hier die einen 11th Gen haben denn wirklich mit UEFI booten.
  19. Nein, das heißt einfach das du gezwungen wirst im UEFI mode zu booten ansonst funktioniert die iGPU nicht mehr und du brauchst eine dGPU wenn du im Legacy bootest. Aber ob das stimmt, bin ich mir nicht sicher, wäre interessant ob User die einen 11th Gen haben was dazu sagen können (soweit ich weiß ist bei den Asrock Boards sogar schon eine Warnung hinterlegt im BIOS wenn du Legacy aktivierst das die iGPU unter Umständen nicht mehr funktioniert). EDIT: Hab mir den Artikel erst jetzt durchgelesen, da ist sogar ein Screenshot von der Asrock Warnung im BIOS.
  20. ich777

    Docker CMD

    Probier es mal so das du folgendes in die Post Commands (wenn du die Erweiterte Ansicht anschaltest) rein machst: -c "knxd -e 1.1.99 -E 2.0.1:8 -i --send-delay=70 -b ipt:" Sprich (Bild ist leider abgeschnitten aber ich glaub du weißt was ich meine ) :
  21. This is just a Warning and can be ignored the message "Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 346110" is actually the message that the server is started and waiting for connections. Yes, I have appended this text to the GAME_ID description in the template (if you pull a new one from the CA App):
  22. Then I can't help and you won't see it in luckyBackup because this is basically the default command that is run by luckyBackup with a Cron schedule. But at least you can run the backups on a schedule for now this way...
  23. Try this command: docker exec -i --user luckybackup luckyBackup env DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/luckybackup --silent --skip-critical /luckybackup/.luckyBackup/profiles/default.profile > luckybackup/.luckyBackup/logs/default-LastCronLog.log 2>&1
  24. Does this happen when executing from the terminal itself or from the User Scripts, if from the User Scripts change '-ti' to '-i' (always forget about that... ).
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