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Everything posted by ich777

  1. @andris & @pk1057 now I think I got it! Please remove the plugin, reinstall it from the CA App, select again the TBS OS driver pack and reboot.
  2. @n3cron das heißt nur das Nvidia jetzt jetzt endlich wieder Offiziell, nach 7 oder 8 Jahren, die durchreichung ihrer Grafikkarten von einem Host Betriebssystem an eine VM erlaubt ohne Workarounds wie zB das das BIOS file in dem VM Template angegeben werden muss und endlich kein Fehler Code43 mehr in Windows ausgegeben wird. Das heißt aber nicht das du die Grafikkarte für Unraid und für die VM gleichzeitig verwenden kannst. Meines wissens ist es schon möglich eine Nvidia Grafikkarte die von Unraid benutzt wird an eine VM durchzureichen mit Workarounds aber nur musst du dann bedenken das du wenn die VM mal gestartet ist keine Bildschirmausgabe mehr von Unraid erhältst, auch wenn du die VM beendet hast.
  3. It would be worth a try. Eventually it is related to the motherboard change..
  4. Definitely not a driver problem: Can you try to reset the BIOS eventually (but only if you know what you are doing). Eventually something messed up the system...
  5. I also think so... I will try to install the latest driver on my server please give me a few minutes to try...
  6. Can you try a different driver version? Or at least are you able to perform a installation of the plugin and then go directly on the settings page for the Nvidia driver and choose for example the Production Branch press Update and after this Download? EDIT: Have you changed any hardware or updated the BIOS or something else? EDIT2: I only experience/know this issue if you have a custom build with the gnif/vendor-reset patch installed.
  7. After you installed the Nvidia Driver? Try to shut down the server entirely and then pull the power cord from the wall, press the on/off and reset button a few times (to empty the caps) wait for at least 30 seconds and turn on the server again.
  8. So I think is has something to do with the P2000... Are you sure that it is working properly? On what kind of hardware are you running the P2000? I now got a few reports of dying P2000's but the last one is now 3 months ago. Keep in mind this is just a guess... Try to ssh into the server and try to type in 'diagnostics' this will actually save a Diagnostics.zip on your boot device after you installed the driver, if this also fails then I think there is something wrong with the card... Can you connect a monitor to the P2000 so you actually can see what's going on after you installed the driver? Eventually type in 'tail -f /var/log/syslog' on the physical machine with a connected monitor to see what's going on.
  9. Please post your Diagnostics (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download -> drop the downloaded zip file here in the text box). Are you running a custom build? Do you have a active Internet connection on boot or do you have any Firewall or any other kind of other blocking software installed on your server like PiHole?
  10. Thank you for that, I don't think the TBS-OS drivers support this card, only the LibreELEC build. I only can tell you that my DVBSky tuners in my dev machine work just fine with LibreELEC build and those are CX23885 based: Have you changed anything on your hardware recently? Motherboard, CPU,...? If this is a AMD system please look if a BIOS update is available. I find only similar errors for the CX23885 based Hauppauge tuners and those mention about turning of IOMMU in the BIOS.
  11. Soll ich ein paar sexy fotos schießen von dem switch in aktion? Da sagt die regierung dann sicher nicht nein...
  12. I'm currently not at home, have to look later into this but the output from the modprobe command means that this module isn't integrated into the TBS drivers.
  13. What is the output of 'dmesg' (please put the output in a textfile and drop it here in the textbox). Try to do a 'modprobe cx23887'
  14. Don't forget the space between f and ". In the template switch on the top right corner to the advanced view and insert it at "Post Arguments". Chillen mit meinem kleinen Sohn.
  15. Nim den. ich hab jetzt beide zu Hause und mehr ist immer besser zwecks erweiterbarkeit. Der kleine wurde mir schnell mal zu wenig aber hab schon wieder einen Einsatzzweck für den gefunden.
  16. Please report such issues! I can't test every single driver version but from my knowledge every driver version works just fine at least with Unraid 6.9.2 (I also stick to thr latest production branch but at least I try to test every version ).
  17. It's strictly speaking not my container I only made the template: Source From my experience, yes the container tries to reconnect and if that fails it has no network connection. So to answer both questions, Yes and Yes (the connected container using the network from the OpenVPN-Client container and if it has no active VPN connection it has no connection to the internet so the other containers also can't connect to the internet, hope that makes sense to you). EDIT: Oh I almost forget to say you have to add: '-f ""' (without the single quotes) to the post arguments if you want to disable internet access if the VPN connection fails for whatever reason: Source
  18. Find ich gar nicht so schlecht wenn du 4 platten am laufen hast und auch noch der parity sync läuft, wenn fu das mit initialisierung meinst.
  19. Dann brauchst du nur Intel-GPU-TOP wenn du die AMD Karte in der VM verwendest brauchst du Radeon-TOP nicht. Unraid bringt zwar alles mit sich aber du musst die module immer noch per hand aktivieren zumindest irgendwo eintragen das die beim booten aktiviert werden. Wenn du dir schon ein Custom Image erstellt hast würd ich das zumindest gleich mit der Intel-GPU-TOP option im Kernel-Helper aktivieren, dann brauchst du nachher nix mehr per hand zu machen. Für das andere wäre @giganode der richtige da ich mich mit den AMD karten nicht wirklich auskenne bzw selbst keine besitze (muss mir immer eine borgen wenn ich was ändere an den tools).
  20. Please create a issue on Github or comment the issue from @pk1057, he already created two issues on Github.
  21. I don't do containers that I don't own anymore, if someone really want's a gameserver then please donate the game to me, otherwise troubleshooting is a real pain for me. Also I think this game has no dedicated server from what I've read online. Then I think something with the game or better speaking the files itself must be wrong. Can you at least try it with a vanilla installation of the container?
  22. @andris & @pk1057 & @Boo-urns I have now recompiled the TBS-OS drivers please delete the plugin -> then install it again -> go to the plugin page and select the TBS-OS drivers and reboot. Please report back if anything changed.
  23. Every version should work just fine. I can tell for sure that the 465.24.02 and also 460.73.01 working just fine since I use them with Emby and that is not very different. What wasn't working? Some people rely on the Production Branch and some on the New Feature branch, regardless of what branch you choose it should work just fine but keep in mind that the new Feature branch can have various issues/bugs but never experienced on. I only display the latest 8 drivers and if there is more than 8 drivers the last ones simply not displayed to not overload the plugin GUI.
  24. I will rebuild the drivers asap, eventually they fixed it already, please open up a issue on github with the error, it seems like there is something broken with the driver itself and nothing I can do about it. Eventually send me the link to the isuue on github.
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