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Everything posted by ich777

  1. This is really strange since I'm using it since the first day on my Unraid box and it works just flawlessly. Can it be that you have set the appdata folder to Use Cache 'Yes' instead of 'Prefer' or 'Only' in the share settings? If this is the case, the easiest solution would be to stop the container and then set the appdata directory to Prefer or Only after that start the Mover and wait for it to finish and then start the container again.
  2. Sorry I usually don't give support on mod servers since I'm really not familiar with modding the server (except for CounterStrike:Source and GO). If you find out what it doesn't save or why it's not saving, please feel free to contact me again. One thing that is a little strange to me because I have two users that use the FiveM Container with TxAdmin and they have never reported that something isn't working or saving.
  3. Eventually because you run it manually, this should not happen since TxAdmin should save into the home directory if I'm not mistaken or am I wrong?
  4. To start FiveM with TxAdmin only simply leave the variable 'ConfigFile' empty:
  5. Go to your template and click on 'Show more...' and set 'Debug Log output' to 'true' this will show you everything including who does log on and off, but as said above this is very verbose.
  6. Something like this was reported also a few pages back by another user here. I really can't tell what's the problem or issue here since this is game dependent, my container says at around 2.6 to 3GB but never went any higher. Also I don't know what size your world file is, mine is about 100MB now, also how many players on there and many other things. I think it would be better to post this issue on the Valheim Discord/Forums/Steam Community Hub because this is game related and there is nothing I can do about this behaviour in my container. One thing that can also be the case is that something in your save game is causing this... Keep in mind this game is in pretty early alpha and such bugs/issues are very likely to happen, but as said above try to reach out to the devs from the game, they should be able to help.
  7. What do you mean exactly? 😅 You made this beautiful guid/tutorial... 😍 I'm only here to give support for the container itself.
  8. Was du dir hier nimst ist eigentlich egal selbst der x16 adapter ist elektrisch nur mit x4 angebunden da die NVMe's auch nur x4 können, also kannst du dir auch normale x4 adapter auch kaufen aber vom prinzip her ist dein gedankengang richtig und auch die NVMe sieht gut aus nur bist du dann wieder vom Netzwerk limitiert da es nur 10Gbit/s kann also "nur" 1000MB/s und die NVMe laut spezifikation 3100MB/s (obwohl das nur lesen ist und bis zu). Aber ich glaube das ist dir klar. EDIT: 2600MB/s schreiben, obwohl das auch "bis zu" ist...
  9. It should be enough to add '>> /var/log/valheim.log', no guarantee that this works... What you can actually do is to set the Variable Debug Log output to 'true' and then add '>> /var/log/valheim.log' (this is very verbose!). But keep in mind that you save it to /var/log directory inside the container, wouldn't it be better to save the log to the server directory? Isn't the Docker log enough? Something seems wrong with the save game. From what I've see the container has also problems to connect to the internet, are you sure that the container has exclusive access to the internet without any blocking software like PiHole or Steam Cache in front of it? Please go to the support thread from the container and read the second recommended post in the game server thread.
  10. Ich glaube hier liegt ein verstandnissproblem vor, 1000Mbit/s (1Gbit/s) sind ca. 112MB/s Du würdest schon eine 10000Mbit/s (10Gbit/s) Netzwerkkarte brauchen um deine SSD auszulasten.
  11. Woher hast du das? in welcher konsole gibst du das ein? In der Unraid konsole oder vom container? Ich schätze mal die befehle sind zum ausführen im container bestimmt.
  12. The description actually says that you simply have to restart the container if a update of the game is released: The reason why I asked @Snipe3000 is because I implemented also a update script (because many user requested it) that will check automagically if a newer version is available every hour and restart the container if a new version is found if this variable is set to 'true':
  13. I'm currently looking into this and this will take some time since I'm really busy at the moment, the permission issue is actually because I tried a workaround and that did not fix it, anyways you can ignore that for now. EDIT: In one word, Cron isn't working for now with luckyBackup.
  14. Are you sure that nothing is blocking SteamCMD or have you installed any cachig software for Steam? I tested this now on my server and it downloads the version: [Eco Server beta release-204] (keep in mind that this is a complete fresh install) Here is the log: Eco.log From what I know the developers dosn't released the dedicated server and there is only one version available for Windows that doesn't work very well (someone got it running partialy but that is a workaround from what I know).
  15. Der gute alte "Editor" in Windows kann das auch (aber wie du schon sagtest @MartinG, richtig guter Editor).
  16. Glaube ich eher weniger da Apple nur erlaubt OSX in einer auf Mac Hardware laufenden VM zu installieren. 😆 Sieh dir das mal an: Klick Da brauchst du den gnif/vendor-reset Patch damit du die VM neu starten kannst, andernfalls bleibt das Bild schwarz nach einem Neustart.
  17. Please ignore the errors, Assetto Corsa Server Manager can't get/set certain system variables becaus the Server Manager is running in a container without privileged rights but the variables are set to the right value. EDIT: Also please note this is a message from the Assetto Corsa Server Manager and not from the game.
  18. @methanoid of you are interested I now have a plugin ready for the soundcard. Hook me up with a short message so I can send you the details.
  19. Exactly since I don't run it with screen to avoid further problems with Valheim. Is it necessary to be on the command line? I thought you could do everything also from the in game command line. Are you sure that the container has exclusive access to the internet without Pihole or any blocking software in front of it. I think ther emust be something in your network that prevents it from updating. Also have you put in your Stream credentials in the template, if so please remove it, the credentials are only needed if the are marked as required in the template with the red asterisk (*). I don't want to spread the command here because it would make no difference since the container does also issue this command on every start/restart of the container.
  20. As far as I can tell this is a card for old analog signals and not for Digital Video Broadcasting, can you still receive analog signals in the area where you live? From what I've found this is a really old card from 2003 or so I think. This plugin isn't designed to support such old cards and doesn't have all the necessary modules built into it for analog TV. DigitalDevices and TBS Open Source drivers won't work for this card, as you said the only drivers that can work are the LibreELEC ones. EDIT: The best thing would be to get a used TBS or something like a DVBSky card that you can get for really cheap prices these days (I also got a DVBSky DVB-C for my development machine for about Euro 35,- and a TBS DVB-S for about Euro 40,- - both are dual tuner cards).
  21. Yes you can do that or you execute every line or at least every command from the script in the terminal.
  22. Eventually but very likely when your appdata and also your docker.img and libvirt.img is on the array. This should not affect the spin down, is the USB device capable of spin down and also does it report that correctly, eventually this is the problem.
  23. This is really strange since I don't experience this issue on my server. @Kris6673 does this also happen on your server?
  24. Erwünscht auf jeden Fall, neuer Thread wäre das beste, bitte evtl. Hidden posten damit sich das vorher nochmal wer ansehen kann und freigibt bzw. dir auch noch Rückmeldung gibt (ich lese OSCAM).
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