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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Have you restarted the server or disabled and re-enabled the Docker service like the instructions on the first page and also the red box that appears told you? I think not because your Docker service told you that the runtime 'nvidia' isn't found and that's exactly the problem when you install the Driver and don't read the instructions or even the red box...
  2. No, because when you upgrade the Kernel version changes and the plugin detects that and it has to download the driver for the new Kernel version and that's why it fails. I would strongly recommend to set the default DNS server from Unraid itself to the DNS from your router or what you prefer since the server itself always needs exclusive access for the dockers you can always use the DNS server from your VM. That would be my recommendation (also do it like that on my server).
  3. Have you changed anything in the template? Are sure that you set the password to a minimum of 5 characters? In the Steam Server Browser with what IP and Port you try to connect? Can you try to start over with the container and leave everything at default? Delete the container, then delete the valheim folder that is located in your appdata directory and then pull a fresh copy from the CA App with the default settings (you can change the servername and the password after you verified everything is working properly). EDIT: Your log looks also fine and you should be able to connect.
  4. Ich selbst nutze Plex nicht aktiv, eher Emby, schätze mal Plex tickt so wie Emby und fällt auf CPU transcoding zurück, die 770 kann meines wissens nur h264. Bei h265 bringt sie dir nichts glaub ich.
  5. What? You have to uninstall the Intel-GPU-TOP Plugin, reboot, press CTRL+ALT+F1 when the blinking cursor appears, login with your root user and password, type in modprobe i915 (after that you have the /dev/dri directory) and at last type in /etc/rc.d/rc.4 If you already uninstalled the Intel-GPU-TOP Plugin then start at press CTRL+ALT+F1 when the blinking cursor appears.
  6. You mean with the 'Download' button or am I wrong? The download button doesn't work if you upgrade Unraid within the WebGUI and then Download the driver because the plugin can't know what version it should download, it downloads every time the Nvidia driver for the current version of Unraid. Hope that makes sense to you... Have you got a internet connection on boot or do you virtualize pfSense or any other kind of firewall on Unraid itself? This is really strange but if a restart does the trick it's fine I think... Not as far as I know since I down and upgrade very often on my Dev machine even down to beta35, yesterday I downgraded to 6.9.0 and then upgraded back to 6.9.1 without a problem. The only thing that you have to be sure is that you have a internet connection at boot since it looks for newer drivers and also if you upgrade for the appropriate version of the driver.
  7. Ja sicher, die eine die du für die VM verwenden willst bindest du einfach an VFIO (die "sieht" Unraid dann nicht mehr Tools -> System Devices), die kannst dann in der VM verwenden, die andere ist dann ganz normal für die Container verwendbar. Die 770 ist aber kein High performer, ich hoffe das ist dir bewusst... (glaub auch nicht das die h265 kann oder?)
  8. Have you setup a network with a valid Frequency? Otherwise the tuner cannot tune correctly, this is a common thing with TVHeadend. It's best to set the first known Frequency and it normally will auto discover all services afterwards. The tuning failed message is only because you set no frequency from what I see.
  9. Have you changed something in the template, looks like something is wrong with the network. Eventually send a screenshot from the full template please. Here is my log, I don't get this error: valheim.log Please also check if you got the share that valheim is in set to Use Cache "Only" or "Prefer".
  10. Theoretisch würde es funktionieren aber es fehlen hald viele Module zB Audio usw... Um was gehts hier genau, soll Unraid auf dem NUC laufen und dann Kodi auch noch oder wie? Theoretisch würde das mit GVT-g und VM's funktionieren aber das wird nicht offiziell unterstütz, ich bin da grad am testen...
  11. This is only a workaround for now, will do some more testing next week and report back. HW transcoding will work too with this workaround but you have to execute this commands.
  12. So is it working now? You have to give it another name too. Don't understand what you mean exactly. Please read the second recommended post on the top of this thread. Can you put the output from the Docker log in a textfile and drop it then here in the textbox? Is the docker working now amd can you connect with your local IP through the Steam Server Browser?
  13. Try to delete the entire container, also the 'valheim' folder in your appdata directory and then pull a fresh copy from the CA App to start over again, this time it should work. The reason because this won't work is because the game looks for the files on the Cache and the mover moves it to the array and after some time the game can't find certain files or the savegames and this could lead to this behavior. For your shares ypu can leave the setting at "Yes" but I recommend using Only or Prefer for the appdata dorectory since the files there have to be anyways constantly accessed. There are many ways but I think this is a question for a new thread in the General section.
  14. Please check your cache settings, that sounds like you are having set Use Cache to "Yes" instead of "Only" or "Prefer".
  15. Currently the Nvidia Plugin is configured to take over for GUI mode. In theory it is possible that I change the plugin again a bit so that you can disable the Nvidia Card for video output... But I will test a few things after the weekend and will look further into it, can you wait until I have done this? I don't want do do only workarounds, I want a proper solution to this and this involves some testing. May I also ask which onboard graphics do you have? Is it some kind of ASPEED chip?
  16. I think you are in the wrong thread. You have to remove '--runtime=nvidia' from the Extra Parameters from Plex, disable HW transcoding in Plex, remove the plugin, reboot. Yes this is a big problem, if you got a Intel Processor with a iGPU it should be also capable of HW transcoding, 4x 4k streams should be no problem...
  17. Ich hab das ein wenig anders, ich hab nextcloud in keinem eigenen container ich hab das direkt in swag integriert... Ja sicher kannst du das in eine sub-sub domain packen. Aber wäre für dich nicht der Nginx Proxy Manager besser geeignet? @mgutt was sagst du dazu?
  18. This is just normal for the usb tuners... It should yes. USB Tuners always a little problematic... Can you post a few screenshots from the tuners inside tvheadend?
  19. Ja kannst so machen, je nachdem wie deine config für swag aussieht oder du swag eingerichtet hast. Ich hab alles in eine config schön übersichtlich.
  20. You can generate a world on your local computer and then copy it over to the server, on how to do this please look at the second recommended post on the top of this thread.
  21. Have you tried already to boot into the CLI without the GUI? As I see from your diagnostics you are booting into GUI mode. What primary graphics card is choosen in the BIOS itself?
  22. Ich würde erstmal sagen mach einen Issue im Github von mayan auf nur leider haben die die Issues deaktiviert: Klick Evtl haben die sonst noch irgendwo support...
  23. Don't know if there is such a Container out there, at least not from me. I also don't play WoW and don't make Containers for games that I don't own anymore.
  24. Is this something for WoW? I will look into this but basically it should be possible. Have you restarted the container once? The permissions should be set on the start of the container. Also make sure that you stopped the container before trying to remove the runtime folder. Otherwise you can delete it from the command line.
  25. In Unraid selbst, das siehst aber dann automatisch.
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