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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Appreciated! You don't actually have to use the Unraid-Kernel-Helper if you only need Nvidia, DVB or iSCSI since I've already created Plugins that you can install from the CA App and they will install the Drivers or Runitmes. You need to use it for example if you want to integrate the gnif/vendor-reset patch, that's currently only possible with the Unraid-Kernel-Helper or if you are like me and like images with everything integrated. No, the Container is already updated and should work just fine.
  2. Search for dedicated server guides for ATLAS (but to be honest ATLAS is not the easiest game to set up), for example: Click But keep in mind that you don't have to do most of this stuff because the most parts already done by the container. The files are located in '.../appdata/atlas/' which files I really can't help because I actually don't own the game.
  3. Try a different port Container port 5900 and Host port something completely different for example 5950 or something like that. In my case I got many containers running with this setting to connect with a VNC Viewer to it from my local network for example Thunderbird.
  4. If you need any further information/help feel free to create a post.
  5. First of all, this is the wrong thread I think... On which Unraid version are you? You have to be on that exact Unraid version that you want to build the images for. You don't have to copy over any files anymore, just download it from the CA App and select the things you want to integrate in the images. After that you have copy/replace the bz* images that are created in your 'kernel' directory that are in the 'output-KERNELVERSION' folder to your /boot directory.
  6. The error messages would be really helpful... Can't help without the error messages. Yes I know that's why I use it through a reverse proxy with SWAG and I know many other does this with NGINX Proxy Manager. What's the error? I have a completely different approach, I write you in that exact moment from my Debian Bullseye container that I'm connected from a remote machine over Firefox and I even don't need a VPN or anything at all and the best thing I have a complete Desktop OS at my fingertips from nearly everywhere where a Browser runs.
  7. As I said, this won't work! Have you read the linked post how to do it and also the descriptions at the Ports, seems like you didn't...
  8. @lgil if you are on 6.9.0 stable you can go to the CA App and download this Plugin:
  9. In your syslog I see a lot of this messages: Also is this done by accident in your syslinux.cfg: BOOT_IMAGE=/bzimage vfio-pci.ids=8086:10bc initrd=/bzroot I can't even find a device in your system that has the id 8086:10bc
  10. First things first, only english support here... Really much appreciated. You have to that like with any other dedicated server too. Edit the files. REDIS is needed in order to run ATLAS itself, otherwise it won't run, you don't have to do anything about that. This is not different than if the server runs on dedicated box so to speak on bare metal . The Container does all on it's own (create the grid, add islands,...) and the server should be ready to join, you don't have to download the game itself or create the grid and start the server that does all the Container for you. If you want to change anything you have to physically edit the appropriate files but please be sure to stop the Container first if you are editing a file.
  11. Can you please post your Diagnostics here (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download -> drag the file here in the textbox).
  12. Are you running the container on Unraid or another system? You also have to use the right branch. A few screenshots from your template/configuration would be nice.
  13. With which IP and port are you trying to connect? Is the server running? A log output would be very helpful... Try it with YOURLOCALIP:2601 (since the query port is always the serverport + 1)
  14. Das ist aber 4.1.25 Generell ist es egal ob für Unraid oder nicht, hauptsache Docker, kannst dir alle selbst anlegen, evtl findest du ja was...
  15. Warum brauchst du so eine alte Version das Release ist von 27.11.2006? Ich glaube nicht das du die noch bekommst da Dockerhub erst mal die alten Images bereinigt hat und normalerweise keine so alten mehr verfügbar sind, außer natürlich du findest ein Repository auf Dockerhub das genau diese version noch hat dann kannst du es pullen indem du zB hinten bei dem Repository ':4.1.22' angibst (das folgende ist nur ein Beispiel, dieses Repository gibt es nicht mehr!):
  16. Konntest du mein Package schon probieren?
  17. Are you seeing the error here? The container needs 3 Ports, you want to give it 4... But also this can't work, please read the description of the Ports... Also please give it another name, otherwise the old container is overwritten! Please go to this post and follow the instructions:
  18. Please update the Plugin, feature is now integrated. @SavellM hopefully I have corrected all typos... Thank you!
  19. I don't know how Guacamole works, does it connect to VNC or what, a little more information would be helpful since I don't know Guacamole. If it can connect to VNC you can always create a port forwarding from the Container port 5900 to 5900 Host (or whatever Hostport do you want) and then should be able to connect to it.
  20. Can you try the emby/embyserver build from the official source just for troubleshooting reasons (you find it also in the CA App)? I have no problem with the above mentioned Container:
  21. No haven't got time yet. No this was just a minor update as 6.9.0 stable was released. EDIT: I will look into it
  22. Thank you for the report but in my case this works perfectly fine: You can also add a device also when you click on 'Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device' in the template and create it like this (but then you should not pass it through the Extra Parameters):
  23. I will look into this. Give me a few days and I'll report back. Can't imagine that this is a problem of the container...
  24. Wenn du die GPU an VFIO bindedt sieht Unraid sprich das Plugin die Karte nicht mehr und sie ist nur mehr exklusiv für die VM's reserviert. Hast du danach auch neu gestartet?
  25. ? I don't understand? Is it working now? Why so you don't want to run the game server like this? I can only say on my CS:Source server it is running flawlessly from the cache with SourceMod installed, a few mods and the server.cfg.
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