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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Yes you can run them from inside the container with this command: '${STEAMCMD_DIR}/steamcmd.sh +login anonymous +force_install_dir ${SERVER_DIR} +app_update ${GAME_ID} +quit' But keep in mind that you are having a hard time to update a running game and the update will fail. Btw have you read this, if we are talking about Valheim: For example here: Click The log and the configuration looks good and indicate a successfull startup. If your Router/Firewall doesn't support NAT Reflection then you can't connect from your local network with your PUBLICIP:2457, I would first try to connect to with your LOCALIP:2457 If you forwarded the ports correctly in your Router/Firewall 2456-2458 UDP (and only UDP) then you should be able to connect to the server from outside with PUBLICIP:2457 Was the server running before because I see you are using a old template, version of the Container, if it was running before eventually you are affected by the world destroy bug (I built in a backup function in the Container so that you can restore the world if needed - see the second recommended post in this thread on the top for more information).
  2. Wenn du es schon deinstalliert hast und neu gestartet hast kann es nicht mehr am plugin liegen.
  3. Du hast eine Quadro 400 (bitte nicht mit der P400 verwechseln, die sehen auch fast gleich aus) und die wird vom Treiber nicht unterstützt. Hier kannst du nachsehen welche Karten das unterstütz werden für die aktuelle Treiber version: Klick Du kannst diese Karte nicht mit Unraid benutzen, zumindest nicht für das Transcoding in Docker Containern. Hast du neu gestartet? Wird auch im Plugin und per Meldung angezeigt das du neu starten musst um den Treiber vollständig zu deinstallieren.
  4. Can you connect to Github? This seems like a network related problem since even Plugin the fails to download, have you got PiHole running somewhere in your network, if so eventually try to disable it. @Squid do you know that message on a Plugin installation? Never saw that before.
  5. With which IP are your friends connecting. Please be sure to give them your PUBLICIP:GAMPORT+1 also make sure that only forwarded the ports for UDP and not TCP or TCP & UDP. Eventually your ISP is blocking the ports and a port forwarding isn't possible. Have you got other services running that are reachable from "outside".
  6. This message can be safely ignored. EDIT: I think I should be creating a real support thread for the iSCSI plugin...
  7. You know that I also put a screenshot of the red box (Step 3) and the text is in there, actually when you read the fist post Step 5 tells you what to do next and where to go: Actually if you read Step 7 it tells you why you have to do this: EDIT: Please do the first post step by step even if you don't have the red box...
  8. Please read the first post everything is in there, simply click on the logo from the Plugin. Also you have to reboot or disable and reenable the Docker deamon for the Plugin to work -> why is also in the first post. Yes because I think you haven't rebooted or restarted the Docker daemon and the Docker dissapears because it simply can't find the runtime (also if you look at the message if you click Apply in the Plex Docker template and don't click DONE you will see that the creation fails and error out because of the mentioned reason).
  9. Put the command in the go file. If you force a transcode of a stream then the CPU should not be hit that hard (but it could be that you didn't notice it because the CPU is actually really old and only dual core I think), but keep in mind that if you CPU is not capable of a fromat it will fall back to CPU transcoding and you have no benefit. For example if the iGPU is used in a Ryzen 3200G for transcoding of a 4K file to 1080p the CPU hovers around 10-15% (that's for transcoding the audio, subtitle,...), if you try to transcode a file without the iGPU the CPU utilisation is about 80-90%. EDIT: I don't think your CPU is capable of transcoding HEVC and I even don't think it's capable of transcoding any or most of h264 profiles.
  10. Please read that post below, I don't think it's worth the effort because the tools/runtimes that are needed to utilze the card in Docker Containers are not compatible with the old driver version: EDIT: The oldest card you can use with Docker is the Kepler architecture I think this is the GeForce 600 series.
  11. Please see the first few pages, I think some people got this error too, I think they solved it by reinstalling it or regenerating the token when I remember correctly? EDIT: But the GPU is working at least for handbrake from what I've see.
  12. Sorry I don't give mod support. I only can tell you that you have to install the mod on both ends the server and the client. If it says it's enabled it should work.
  13. So the Nvidia-Driver Plugin is now working?
  14. No update the Container and add the variable or redownload it from the CA App.
  15. Does it work, what kind of cards do you own?
  16. No, what kind of Card do you have and what do you want to do with it? Have you got a build previously with driver 390.141? What do you mean you see no driver? A little more explanation would be good, is the Plugin installed? Have you followed the steps in the first post?
  17. Can you give me the output of 'nvidia-smi' also a screenshot from your Nvidia-Driver Plugin and also your Diagnostics Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download and drop it here in the text field.
  18. Have you installed the VFIO Plugin, if not go to your system devices and there should be Checkboxes, untick them, press Save and reboot.
  19. Ja genau die 6.9.0 sollte theoretisch sparsamer sein. Das ist natürlich möglich soweit ich gesehen habe ist auf dem Board ein Realtek RTL8111H und Linux und Realtek verstehen sich ja nicht sonderlich gut miteinander... Es kann aber auch durchaus sein das es eine andere Ursache hat, ich kann mir nur schwer vorstellen das die Kernel module jetzt schlechter statt besser geworden sind. Ich würde auf jeden fall einen Bug thread aufmachen, gib auf jeden Fall mit um welches Board es sich handelt und auch den Chip RTL8111H und bitte vergiss nicht die Diagnostics mit hochzuladen (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download).
  20. Yes, but I can't solve this not in any other way, they can disable it but they have to create the Variable inside the template or they pull the template again from the CA App with the exact same settings as their existing Container and the template will be updated. EDIT: I have updated the post.
  21. Yes, you simply type in 'modprobe radeon' then it should be activated. Keep in mind that you are running a fairly old CPU (I think they where released somewhere around 2005) and I don't think that you can make use of it in Jellyfin...
  22. The worst that could happen is that you get the world destroy bug, but I think this should be fixed, I restarted my container that many times and experienced never something like a progress loss or something similar. But the worst thing that could happen is that you have to restore a backup from the Backup folder, but I don't think this would happen, I even tried it out today with a "fake" update when playing and the server saved the world just fine, updated and started again without any progress loss... Should I disable it by default? I can edit the post so that it says that it isn't enabled by default and also include the steps if someone want's to activate it...
  23. From your diagnostics I can see that you have bound the divece 26:00.0 <- this is the Zotac GTX 1660 Ti bound to VFIO. Please unind it from VFIO, reboot and try it again.
  24. Can you try to boot with Legacy?
  25. That's good but most people won't come here until they have a problem and won't read the post... So I enabled it by default so even if you don't have the variable in the template it's enabled and I also think most people won't notice that something has changed...
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