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Posts posted by ich777

  1. Can you try to set the permissions again?

    1. Stop the container
    2. Open up a terminal in unraid (not the container)
    3. type in: 'cd /mnt/user/appdata/atlas' (please change 'atlas' at the end to your foldername in your appdata directory
    4. and then type in: 'chown -R nobody:users *'
    5. and also type in: 'chmod -R 777 *'

    (all without quotes)

  2. 3 minutes ago, cybrnook said:

    No worries, just wanted to make sure something wasn't going as expected. 🙂 Compiling now, will report back.

    If everything went well with the nVidia drivers the filesize of bzroot should be ~240MB, this should tell you everything went well with the nVidia drivers.

    EDIT: This is completely dependent on the variables you choose... and also the driver version could be 20 to 30 MB up or down.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Just now, cybrnook said:

    Yep, that may very well be it. I will try by modifying the Nvidia driver version to the specific version vs "latest" 🙂

    Please report back if you finished building the images, but keep in mind that it always can differ a little bit.

    I also have some filesize variations if I build the images multiple times with the same settings, don't ask me why (haven't got time to investigate)...

  4. 2 minutes ago, cybrnook said:

    @ich777 Is it expected that the sizes of the re-compiled files vary slightly in size? What I mean is I am using this to compile latest 6.9.0 beta 24 for Nvidia and DVB, using the defaults of latest and latest with beta enabled.


    The compilation seems to go smooth and without issue. But, if I download your pre-compiled beta 24 with nvidia and dvb and look at the file sizes compared to mine, they are slightly different. Does the fact that my architecture is an AMD system make a difference?



    Have you also left the nVidia driver version at latest? If so, that is pretty normal since I've baked the latest beta drivers into the images and these are not available with 'latest' since they are beta drivers you have to change it to '450.51' to get these drivers.


    It is also possible that the compression is slightly different, for example on the bzimage.

    I compile and create the images on my Xeon 2670's also possible that there is a slight difference.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, stevep94 said:




    One further query, as I mentioned above, within the "saves" folder there is a folder called "navesgane" and then within that one there is one called "stevesserver" (which is what I called the server I set up) but there is also a folder called "mygame" - any idea which is the server game? (I assume the one with the server name on it that I chose but I'm not sure what the "mygame" folder is??)

    I think this is the savegame that the container initially creates since the standard name for the game is 'mygame'. But since I'm not familar with the game (created it only on a user request without actually owning the game) I really can't tell what this is... :D

    You can try to move the folder out to another location and start the server and see if everything works.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, stevep94 said:

    Right, I've set up an auto backup at 3am every morning but I've set it to just backup the "saves" folder (and presumably all folders within?) within the 7dtd folder - the only thing I'm wondering is, will the game state need anything other than just the saves information or should I just backup the entire 7dtd folder?

    No, just the entire saves folder and all subfolders if there are any. ;)

    • Like 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, Varean said:

    also agree with @ich777, I use it to back the entire thing up once a week, and it deletes the old backup every week as well, but the way its worded it sounds like just overwrites the old one, but the CA Backup thread would provide clarity on it.


    Oh sorry for my poor explanation, I backup my appdata directory every day and then after 7 days it deletes the oldest backup file.

    • Like 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, stevep94 said:

    Am I right in saying I could basically set a nightly backup at 3am of the entire "appdata" folder and in the event of a catastrophic in-game error, simply copy the "7dtd" folder back into the appdata and overwrite the existing folder to revert back to the previous days state?

    Sort of, you can recover the data also with the CA Backup Plugin ;)


    6 minutes ago, stevep94 said:

    Will CA Backup let me do an incremental backup or will it just overwrite the existing data each night?

    I can't tell you if this also is possible, I keep copys of the entire appdata folder (in an archive that creates CA Backup) for 7 days and then CA automatically deletes the older ones (this is totaly how you set it up).

    Since I'm doing this on a drive that is mounted with Unassigned Devices I'm not keeping an eye on that... :D


    But you could ask that question in the CA Backup help thread ;)

  9. 8 hours ago, stevep94 said:

    Does anyone know if there is a way to do an automated backup of a game server on the 7 Days to Die server?


    We have been playing but one of the group took on a mission that involved a barn that we subsequently had demolished and made into another structure and as if by magic the barn re-appeared, taking our new building with it! 😬


    I can find the save game folder - although there is one called "mygame" and another with the name of the server so I'm not sure which is the right one!


    All I'm thinking is if I can somehow set the game to backup the save overnight in a new location, if anything like this happens again, we can just revert to the previous day's game state?


    Thanks for any advice...

    Yep, I also do it with the CA Backup plugin like @Varean said, you could also use the User Scripts Plugin and do it with a Cron job.

  10. 6 hours ago, zingerburger said:

    Doesnt hang anymore though something is failing and does a boot loop. Ill attach the logs. Thanks


    Also on a side note, how do I go about running multiple 7 days to die servers? Ive tried creating a new container and making new folder paths and ports (just host side or do i need to do both container and host ports for all?) for it though that didnt seem to work.

    This is because you've entered the URL the wrong way, might be a typo.

    Line 136 from the file 'csmm_output.log' says that you've enter 'htpps' in the URL (also I think this is the wrong syntax, normaly you don't need www infront of csmm in your address but that completely depends on your configuration, I think you don't have two subdomains configured):


    error: Failed to lift app: userError: Invalid global CORS `allowOrigins` setting: Must specify a protocol like http:// or https://, but instead got: htpps://www.csmm.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxx (See http://sailsjs.com/config/security for help.)


  11. 12 hours ago, zingerburger said:

    Trying to get the CSMM container running but am running into problems. Below is a copy of the logs, every time I try to start it it seems to hang at ‘Database found, injecting, please wait---’


    Any help would be great. Thanks

    Can you try it again, I recommend deleting the container and also the created directory in the 'appdata' directory and readownload it from the CA App.

  12. 4 hours ago, zingerburger said:

    Trying to get the CSMM container running but am running into problems. Below is a copy of the logs, every time I try to start it it seems to hang at ‘Database found, injecting, please wait---’


    Any help would be great. Thanks

    I have posted a bug on github, I will report back if I get an answer.

  13. 15 hours ago, Varean said:

    It's not a source game, everyone assumes you're running it under a windows machine so they say "Appdata/roaming" and its a file called "Config_gameplay.txt" but all I can find under appdata/scp-secretlaboratory is ConfigTemplates. I was trying to view the /mnt/cache directory, but I can't figure out how to view it.

    I thought it is based on the Source engine but I also could be wron :D

    When I speak from Appdata I don't mean the Windows Appdata directory since you installed the dedicated server on the server an not on your windows machine (of course the Game itself is on your windows machine but not the dedicated server).


    The /mnt/cache directory is basically the same as /mnt/user


    15 hours ago, Varean said:

    I also can't use a console on it, when I use 'screen -xS SCP' it tells me 'There is no screen to be attached matching SCP'

    You have to open a console from the container (click on the icon of the container and then console), I think you are opening the console from Unraid itself.


    15 hours ago, Varean said:

    On the SCP Steam help page, there is a guide for configuring SCP with SteamCMD, it shows a screenshot of the directory which I can pull up, but it shows the a file called 'LocalAdmin.exe' and in my directory LocalAdmin has no extension, and when adding an exe to it, Windows won't run it.

    This is the Linux version of the game not the Windows version...


    15 hours ago, Varean said:

    Now you should be able to make any changes to the config files you want, just make sure to restart the docker app after any changes.

    Nice that everythin is now working for you.

  14. 52 minutes ago, Varean said:

    That actually worked perfectly, not sure what setting I had messed with, could've been an issue with my router back then. 


    Maybe you could also help me with this, where do I go to edit the server config files?


    Sorry but there I can't help, I think this a source game or am I wrong?

    Should be in the created directory in the appdata under the subfolder scp or how the game is named.

    It's not different than a default linux gameserver. ;)

  15. 11 minutes ago, Varean said:

    So when I first got the docker installed, it worked fine when connecting to my internal server IP and port. But when trying to connect via my external ip and port it would say "Disconnected - The specified host is not available".

    Since trying to troubleshoot, it now says that for both instances, and when I try to read the log for the docker, the window scrolls with the log but after a bit both it and the tab I have open for my unraid server stops responding.

    Have you changed something in the config?


    Try to start over, delete the container and then delete the created directory inside your appdata directory and redownload it from the CA App.


    You don't have to let it sit overnoght I think SCP is not a really big game and should be downlaoded even with a 5MB/s line in half an hour.


    Is it possible that the container constantly restarts?


    EDIT: try to restart the container first before you do anything.

  16. 14 minutes ago, Varean said:



    I am trying to set up the SCP: Secret Laboratory as a docker, but I am having trouble getting the ports to forward from my router, and I just want to make sure it isn't an issue with the docker container. I left basically everything default in the container and let it sit overnight to download the game. Reading the log it does set my Server IP equal to my public IP address, there is a line about IPV6, which I have IPV6 disabled on my router Maybe that might be the issue?

    After multiple reboots I just can't get the port to show open, and I'm not sure if that is related to the fact that it can't see a service running from my server IP on that port.

    Have you forwarded both tcp and udp?

    The game works flawlessly on my server.


    The IPv6 message is just a warning and can be ignored.


    Please don't use standard port checkers if the port is open since this is not a webservice this is a gameserver.


    What does the steam server browser say if you type in your IP:PORT?


    Try it first with your internal server ip and port and then with your external ip.

  17. 53 minutes ago, emrepolat7 said:


    ---Trying to get latest version for DigitalDevices driver---
    ---Latest version for DigitalDevices driver: v0.9.37---
    ---Trying to get latest version for LibreELEC driver---
    ---Latest version for LibreELEC driver: v1.4.0---
    ---nVidia driver manually set to: v450.51---
    ---Trying to get latest version for Seccomp---
    ---Latest version for DigitalDevices driver: v0.9.37---
    ---Trying to get latest version for LibreELEC driver---
    ---Latest version for LibreELEC driver: v1.4.0---
    ---nVidia driver manually set to: v450.51---
    ---Trying to get latest version for Seccomp---
    ---Latest version for Seccomp: v2.4.3---
    ---Trying to get latest version for 'nvidia-container-runtime' driver---
    ---Latest version for 'nvidia-container-runtime': v3.2.0---
    ---Trying to get latest version for 'nvidia-toolkit' driver---
    ---Can't get latest version for 'nvidia-toolkit', putting container into sleep mode!---



    what am I missing?



    Nothing, they moved the toolkit to another location, give me some time and i will fix this, will report back ;)

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