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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Can't tell what's wrong but you know that the driver that you install in the image with this container is mainly for use in the Docker containers itself and not for a VM? I think that the error could indicate that the graphics card is used for a VM and also for a Docker or at least also reserved for the Docker service. What hardware are you using? If you are using AMD Ryzen hardware I would strongly recommend trying the Unraid beta (but keep in mind that this a beta and not everything is working properly).
  2. Du kannst die Platten ja benutzen aber irgendwan in naher Zukunft werden die komplett kaputt gehen. Wo oder in was hat der Verkäufer die verbaut gehabt. Wie gesagt der start/stop cycle ist extrem hoch für diese on time.
  3. Danke. Sieh mal hier (scroll ein wenig runter da ist die genaue beschreibung): Click
  4. Also aus deinem SMART bericht geht hervor das die festplatte bereits 24780 start/stop cycles durchgemacht hat, was für die eigentlich relativ viel ist (ist eigentlich ziemlich viel für eine festplatte die erst 1,38 jahre alt ist...). Dadurch das du aber sehr viele fehler bei 198 (Current_Pending_Sector) hast würd ich davon ausgehen das die festplatte defekt ist...
  5. Update the container and the server runs in a screen session to connect to it open up a Unraid terminal (not the from the container) and type in: 'docker exec -u nwnee -ti NAMEOFYOURCONTAINER screen -xS nwnee' (without quotes). Or you can also open up a terminal from the container itself and type in: 'screen -xS nwnee' (without quotes). To disconnect from the screen session press CTRL+A and then CTRL+D, then simply close the terminal window. I've also added this description to the template but it will take a few hours to update in the CA App: CONSOLE: To connect to the console open up the terminal on the host machine and type in: 'docker exec -u nwnee -ti NAMEOFYOURCONTAINER screen -xS nwnee' (without quotes) to exit the screen session press CTRL+A and then CTRL+D or simply close the terminal window in the first place.
  6. At the forum Index look for "Multi-Language Section" Click (it's one of the last entries) there you will find "German".
  7. We have already translated german. Only available with the new beta releases in the CA App. P.S wir haben hier sogar schon einen deutschen bereich im forum.
  8. Exactly, I think this is also how the beamdog container works but a little different. I will modify the container so that screen is used, so you can easily connect to the console of the gameserver (just open a terminal from the container and connect to the screen session).
  9. Wohin hast du die files kopiert, direkt auf's array, sprich welchen pfad hast du genommen (/mnt/user/...) oder /mnt/diskX/...=? Du hast überall die Cache eingeschaltet
  10. Kann es eventuell sein das du ordner auf dem array erstellt hast ohne eine freigabe zu machen? Wieviele dateien hast du kopiert? Kann es sein das du es direkt in den container kopiert hast weil evtl ein pfad nicht gestimmt hat?
  11. This should not happen again. I will look into this so that the message tray isn't supported doesn't even show up on first start.
  12. Yes that can be the main issue since you are changing the resolution. Does it work now?
  13. Can you provide a screenshot please? Have you tried to close the message or press enter or escape?
  14. Have you even seen my logs? The server works just fine and please look here: https://steamdb.info/app/380870/ This is totaly a problem that the container can't find the files because it's not pointed to the right physical location. EDIT: if you lookup 108600 this is the game itself. The page that you've linked is not always up to date. EDIT2: i now see what you've done you changed the game id to 108600 that's the problem. Please note that all my containers are ready to play and you don't have to change anything.
  15. The error message at the bottom tells you that the container can't find the executable, you are right the container is running but the gameserver inside of it not. Please also try to remove the created folder for the container inside your appdata directory. First stop the container remove it and then delete the 'projectzomboid' folder from your appdata directory and after that redownload it from the CA App. Are you sure that your appdata directory at the share settings is set to Use Cache Only or Prefer? Otherwise the files will be transfered to your array and that's not the physical path to the gamefiles. Another thing you can try is to set the path from /mnt/cache/appdata/... to /mnt/user/appdata/... (but I think this will not work since this game needs the physical path to the gamefiles otherwise your error occours). Btw only the server files needs the physical path SteamCMD works fine if you use /mnt/user/appdata/...
  16. What Unraid version are you running? Have you a cache drive installed in your server? You need to specify the real path to your installation not '/mnt/user/appdata/...' the right path is '/mnt/cache/appdata/...' or '/mnt/disk3/appdata/...' depending on where the gamefiles are. I also downloaded the container and installed it on my Unraid server and it starts and runs perfectly fine. Oh I forgot have you entered Steam credentials? If so delete them, you only have to enter the fields are marked as required. I attached the log of a full startup of the container: ProjectZomboid.log
  17. Updated all Custom Unraid v6.8.3 builds with nVidia builtin to nVidia driver version 450.66
  18. Is your server not reachable from outside (your Ip to the outside world, by default it has to be reachable from outside otherwise it won't show up)? Do you find it in the Steam server browser (View -> Server then click on Favourites then on Add Server then enter your IP:27016 click ok and then lastly click on Refresh). You can send me a message if you click on my name and then private message.
  19. Are you sure that you ticked the right boxes (private servers...) can you send me a private message with the IP so that I can try to connect?
  20. For me it does work fine: https://ark.gamepedia.com/Server_Configuration#GameUserSettings.ini I think this should be the right one, please note that these are completely game specific questions and since I don't play ARK I can't answer them but what I know for sure is that you have to add the values (there are plenty of them that are not in by default). Yes all of them, also a game specific question, please try if the link again... all answers are in there...
  21. I think it is 'GameUserSettings.ini', see here: Click
  22. You have to delete the entry and create a new UDP one with the container and the host port set to 27016 and you have to set it in your settings file to 27016 or you do it like that: (simply add '?QueryPort=27016' without quotes, this should do the trick) You have to delete and create a new entry because Steam query ports doesn't work if you map it from one to another port, they have to be the same...
  23. The server works OOB without adding anything. the ?listen? command is already applied in the container by default. Please try it with the default settings, have you even tried to connect with the default settings? This is the startup command: Click I try to make the containers to use easy as possible without adding anything to it.
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