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Posts posted by ich777

  1. 13 hours ago, jwiener3 said:

    Yes sorry, typo there. I AM able to login with ssh, not the gui.

    Then there might be something wrong with the bzroot...

    Try to go back to the stock one and try it again.


    EDIT: sorry should be a bit more specific, put your usb thumb drive into your computer download the Unraid version 6.8.3 from the downloadpage and replace the bzroot/bzmodules/bzfirmware/bzimages after that put it back on your server and reboot, another method will be to log via SFTP into your server (should be still possible if you can connect through ssd) a tool for that would be WinSCP if you are on windows, then go to your boot directory and replace the above mentioned files.

  2. 12 minutes ago, jb93 said:

    hello im woundering how i could update to 7d2d A19 its an alpha build and has to be opted into?


    If this is the latest beta look one page back (keep in mind that this is thr same if you have a linux dedicated server):


    EDIT: But please also read the comments that follows, one user reported that after the update it doesn't work anymore and he had to completely reinstall it.

  3. 18 minutes ago, bigbangus said:

    It's pretty pretty awesome considering. I would say maybe adding a time stamp or elapsed time on build in the log would be good to benchmark and identify anything odd. You mentioned some expected build times in your post, so I thought that would be good. But really if you read the log it's sufficient to see what happened. So again. not really it's pretty awesome.

    The build times are completely variable since some tasks are core count dependent and some tasks favour clock speed so a real comparison is not really possible... Also I don't want to compare the virtual size of things based on this container...  :D


    The mentioned 30 minutes are really for slow machines with let's say a Core2Duo or something similary...

    • Like 1
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  4. 22 minutes ago, bigbangus said:

    Big big thanks to ich777 for this container + instructions. Also big thanks to rachid596 for providing this AMD USB/Audio fix patch from reddit. Such a gamechanger. Love this community.


    Was able to build this in ~10min with a full core workout. 


    The log showed successful patch of AMD function level reset fix

    And now I'm rocking and rolling in plex with nvidia and got my Win10 VM with USB hub + audio passthrough working. Life is good.

    2020-07-01_05.29.38.log 361.07 kB · 0 downloads quirk_no_flr.patch 2.12 kB · 0 downloads

    Appreciated. :)


    If you got any suggestions for improvements please feel free to ask, but I think the container has enough features for now... :D


    Please if you ever rebuilding the Kernel/Images again, delete the container and redownload it from the CA App to be always on the latest version and up to date ;)

    • Like 2
  5. 4 minutes ago, dfox1787 said:

    Its working now.


    the fix was:


    1 - do not use another steam account to download the server. use public. 

    2 - do not edit the IP details in the server config

    3 - remove TCP entrties from the docker settings

    4 - be patient 



    Thanks for the update ;)


    1 - Yes, only use the credentials if the are marked as required in the template (I have to update the discription of all my steam containers but that have to wait for now)

    2 - This can cause problems because eventually the container assigned another IP address or translates something differently ( is the best way to go in the most containers)

    3 - Should also work if you let them in there (I will definetely update the template)


    One last question, the server works also if you don't put in the steamaccesskey or am I wrong?

  6. 37 minutes ago, WeAreTheDynamite said:

    The mods and serverconfig.xml were transferred using windows file explorer directly into the appdata/7dtdbeta folder, runing chomd/chown from the terminal seems to have fixed the permission issue. 


    Its now using between 15-300MB of ram just cycling through a boot loop...


    Loading Steam API...Warning: failed to init SDL thread priority manager: SDL not found

    Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
    Waiting for user info...OK
    Success! App '294420' already up to date.
    ---Prepare Server---
    ---SaveGameFolder location correct---
    ---Savegame location found---
    ---UserDataFolder location correct---
    ---UserDataFolder location found---
    ---Server ready---
    ---Start Server---
    Found path: /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer.x86_64
    /opt/scripts/start-server.sh: line 91: 66 Aborted ${SERVER_DIR}/7DaysToDieServer.x86_64 -configfile=${SERVERCONFIG} ${GAME_PARAMS}
    ---Checking if UID: 99 matches user---
    usermod: no changes
    ---Checking if GID: 100 matches user---
    usermod: no changes
    ---Setting umask to 000---
    ---Checking for optional scripts---
    ---No optional script found, continuing---
    ---Update SteamCMD---
    Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
    [ 0%] Checking for available updates...
    [----] Verifying installation...
    Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
    -- type 'quit' to exit --
    Loading Steam API...Warning: failed to init SDL thread priority manager: SDL not found

    Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
    Waiting for user info...OK
    ---Update Server---
    Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
    [ 0%] Checking for available updates...
    [----] Verifying installation...
    Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
    -- type 'quit' to exit --
    Loading Steam API...Warning: failed to init SDL thread priority manager: SDL not found

    Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
    Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
    Waiting for user info...OK
    Success! App '294420' already up to date.
    ---Prepare Server---
    ---SaveGameFolder location correct---
    ---Savegame location found---
    ---UserDataFolder location correct---
    ---UserDataFolder location found---
    ---Server ready---
    ---Start Server---
    Found path: /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer.x86_64



    All is fine on my primary server which is on the stable release branch, and i don't think I've done anything different.... I've probably missed something.


    Can you try to start the server without mods or even start over new?

  7. 14 minutes ago, WeAreTheDynamite said:

    Upon a second restart, it appears the container is trying to set file permissions but is being denied access to do so...



    Sorry I can't help, mine works after a restart fine.


    EDIT: I also see that you have mods installed... how did you copied them over?

    EDIT2: Please answer the other questions too.

  8. 30 minutes ago, WeAreTheDynamite said:

    Mine seems to have Downloaded after a reboot of the docker, but it still won't start... Here are the logs.

    Success! App '294420' fully installed.

    The server doesn't seem to actually start, though I do have the server files in appdata...

    The log looks good since, how much RAM does the container use, mine is about ~2.2GB if it uses about that the server should be up and running.


    Anything other I simply can't help and I can't test anything because I don't own the game.

    If you and a second person report it as broken I will pull it from the CA App, simply because I can't test/help.


    @dfox1787 After looking at your config file you deleted the whole line under the password or am I wrong? If you did so please add this in the password line 'serverPassword'.

    The entry 'serverPassword' has to be in there even if you don't want a password (the password follows after this entry - if you want no password type nothing after it).


    EDIT: @dfox1787 this should be your config file: config.cfg

    And don't forget to restart the container after changing anything in there.

  9. 28 minutes ago, WeAreTheDynamite said:

    I'm having trouble installing the 7dtd -beta latest_experimental, just keeps boot looping



    Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
    -- type 'quit' to exit --
    Loading Steam API...Warning: failed to init SDL thread priority manager: SDL not found

    Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
    Waiting for user info...OK
    ---Update Server---
    Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
    [ 0%] Checking for available updates...
    [----] Verifying installation...
    Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
    -- type 'quit' to exit --
    Loading Steam API...Warning: failed to init SDL thread priority manager: SDL not found


    Any idea?


    Sorry took a while this game is not small and this also took a while on my 250Mbit/s line... :D


    I have to say that I don't own the game and I started over by completely downloading it but in my case it works (but can't say if I can connect since I'm not owning the game...).

    Where have you put the '-beta latest_experimental'? Also doesn't the log say more? Can you attach a screenshot from your template configuration?

    I attached the log and also a screenshot: Log.txt



  10. 24 minutes ago, dfox1787 said:

    just gets stuck on here without creds


    No, you are not stuck, just wait like the discription says, look on the usage of your CPU, the container is downloading the game and this can take very long and the log is not frequently updated in this process but I can't change anything about that.


    EDIT: @dfox1787 also, please don't interrupt this process and wait for it to finish since this can cause problems...

  11. 3 minutes ago, dfox1787 said:

    yeah i can see it internally.


    Also i have noticed if i rename my server it doesnt change the name. 


    Port 27105 was used when i had factorio and it worked so guess its not the ISP blocking it. 

    Step by step, try to get the server working from outside.

    Factorio only needs 27015 and 34197 UDP.

    The Forest needs 27015, 27016 and also 8766


    Oh, what I've seen so far on your screenshot that you attached later, don't use a Steam credentials (only use them when they are marked as required) and also you don't need the option -serversteamaccount

  12. 11 minutes ago, dfox1787 said:

    No idea what to do at this stage. 


    I knwo my port forwarding is correct becuase of all my other game servers and also if i creat a port listener on 27015 and 27016 i am able to telnet to the device when tethered. 


    any docker settings i could be missing?


    this is also on my log file


    Platform assembly: Z:\serverdata\serverfiles\TheForestDedicatedServer_Data\Managed\System.Configuration.dll (this message is harmless)
    Platform assembly: Z:\serverdata\serverfiles\TheForestDedicatedServer_Data\Managed\System.Xml.dll (this message is harmless)
    DS configurations tests: Host fail network configurations tests. Please check error log and your configuration.

    Try to start over. Delete the container and also delete the created folder in your appdata directory.


    No, I just downloaded it from the CA App clicked on Apply waited for it to finish and port forwarded the required ports, that's all what I've done.


    Also is the server reachable from inside your network through the Steam server browser like I showed in my screenshots above?


    Please also note that some ISP's block also some ports, you have to ask if this is the case with your ISP too and if they can disable the blocking of the ports.

  13. 2 minutes ago, rachid596 said:

    How do you access to the full log ? My chrome browser hang and i have to close it and ré open it.

    Envoyé de mon HD1913 en utilisant Tapatalk

    I do this completely differently... :D

    But you can do that by enabling this option in the template:



    Or you can let the window open and after the build finished the browser windows should recover and you can scroll through the full log (in my case with Firefox).

    And the last way is to open up a terminal (wether it's via Putty, the webconsole or any other SSH connection to your server) and type in: 'docker attach NAMEOFYOUCONTAINER' (without quotes and replace NAMEOFYOURCONTAINER with the containername eg: Unraid-Kernel-Helper).

    • Like 1
  14. 15 minutes ago, rachid596 said:

    No problem. You have time. I do it manually now emoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.png.
    Have a good day

    Envoyé de mon HD1913 en utilisant Tapatalk

    The patch files are read...


    I see this if I use your two files in the log:

    patching file drivers/pci/quirks.c
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 5133.
    Hunk #2 FAILED at 5143.
    2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/pci/quirks.c.rej
    patching file drivers/pci/quirks.c


    The rej file shows that these section can't be patched:

    --- drivers/pci/quirks.c
    +++ drivers/pci/quirks.c
    @@ -5133,6 +5133,7 @@ DECLARE_PCI_FIXUP_EARLY(PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL, 0x443, quirk_intel_qat_vf_cap);
      * FLR may cause the following to devices to hang:
      * AMD Starship/Matisse HD Audio Controller 0x1487
    + * AMD Starship USB 3.0 Host Controller 0x148c
      * AMD Matisse USB 3.0 Host Controller 0x149c
      * Intel 82579LM Gigabit Ethernet Controller 0x1502
      * Intel 82579V Gigabit Ethernet Controller 0x1503
    @@ -5143,6 +5144,7 @@ static void quirk_no_flr(struct pci_dev *dev)
     	dev->dev_flags |= PCI_DEV_FLAGS_NO_FLR_RESET;
     DECLARE_PCI_FIXUP_EARLY(PCI_VENDOR_ID_AMD, 0x1487, quirk_no_flr);
    +DECLARE_PCI_FIXUP_EARLY(PCI_VENDOR_ID_AMD, 0x148c, quirk_no_flr);
     DECLARE_PCI_FIXUP_EARLY(PCI_VENDOR_ID_AMD, 0x149c, quirk_no_flr);
     DECLARE_PCI_FIXUP_EARLY(PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL, 0x1502, quirk_no_flr);
     DECLARE_PCI_FIXUP_EARLY(PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL, 0x1503, quirk_no_flr);


  15. 3 minutes ago, rachid596 said:

    I will look into it and correct it if there is a problem ;)

    Will let you know but please give me a few days...

    • Like 1
  16. Just now, rachid596 said:


    I'm now able to create a custom firmware with amd USB3 and audio patch for Unraid 6.8.3 and the beta.

    Thank you very much for your great plugin.

    Do you have a Paypal for donate?

    Great, can you share what you did only to give me a little bit of insight (since I'm not having any new AMD hardware)?

    Yes, you find a button in my Plugin and also on in the CA APP at my Docker containers.

  17. 4 hours ago, tr0910 said:

    Hey, thanks for the report.  ZFS is very cool, but @steini84maybe we should update post1 with "Where not to use ZFS"


    It would appear that using ZFS to mount USB devices is not a good use case, (or should only be done in cases where  you are aware that ZFS is not plug and play with USB).  For normal disk maintenance, unRaid leads us to believe that we can safely do this with the array stopped.  ZFS is a totally different animal. 


    Would best practice be to put a  "zpool export" command into Squid's awesome user scripts plugin and set it to happen  on array stop, and "zpool import" on array start?  On first startup of array, you should not need this as ZFS will automatically do the zpool import.  It would seem that user scripts supports all this and could make ZFS behave like the unRaid array.  Would this make sense?


    That's actually a really good idea and I doesn't thought of that, will implement that in my Container to avaid future problems on the next update.

    Am I right that 'zpool export -a' is the right command to unmount all ZFS drives?


    EDIT: @tr0910 If you are building a new Kernel/Images with my Container with ZFS drivers the import/export is now linked to the Array start/stop (also the prebuilt images in my thread are updated).

    • Like 1
  18. 1 hour ago, dfox1787 said:

    yes i have opened all of the ports required for the server. Both TCP and UDP, same procdure i do with my other games servers and any other application si use that requirespublic access. Hopefully this screen shot will reassure you :)


    I did run Factorio but noticed it used the same ports so removed the server as i dont really play it these days. 


    Great if you could test it and let me know.

    Container works just fine from 'outside' and you only need to forward UDP ports, I will delete the TCP ports in the template. ;)


    Attached a few screenshots:


    Screenshot from the Steam Sever browser (please be sure to enter your IP and the port 27016):



    Screenshot from the ingame server browser, the highlighted server (looks like someone else run the container with the default settings):



    Here a screenshot from inside the game after entering the password and joining (prette useless since it's only a screenshot from the game):



    Screenshot from my firewall settings (both TCP and UDP are forwarded tested only UDP after this screenshot):



    My test setup for a connect from 'outside' is as follows:

    Disconnect my fiber connection to my PC, connect my pc to my mobilephones hotspot via WIFI (with disabled WIFI and Intra on my phone), then try to connect to the server.

  19. 1 hour ago, dfox1787 said:

    Yes of course the ports are forwarded, based on the ports the container uses. my other game servers port forwarding and firewall rules are configured the in the same way and they are all good. 


    Using ping.eu to check the ports it appears they are closed however if i create a port listener on my windows pc and change the Portforwarder IP the port is then open. 


    I ran a port scan and it doesnt detect port 27015 listening on the server. It sees the minecraft port and some others.

    I will test that as soon as I got home.


    Yes, it sees TCP ports that are open but it will not see UDP ports that are opened also one thing is if you open the port it should be open and should be displayed as open regardless of something is listening or not.

    Have you also opened 8766, 27015, 27016 both for TCP and UDP?


    Are you also running other gameservers than Minecraft?


    EDIT: I think I should remove the TCP entries as I discovered they aren't needed anymore, but I will test that as soon as I got home.

  20. 8 hours ago, jordanmw said:

    Having issues getting the latest beta on 7d2d- kinda like what happened with alpha 18.  I try to do the -beta latest_experimental game parameters and it doesn't load the new build.  I was hoping it was just something simple but even if I wipe the whole thing and redownload it- is just loads the 18.4 version that is in the main branch.  Maybe they changed something again and threw your docker off?  I can provide logs if needed.

    Where did you fill in -beta latest_experimental at the grafik.png.819fd3df8cb36c57869703cf3038065c.png?

    You have to fill it in at: grafik.png.b766e1974ee9080b53e6afe6c587e798.png.


    I don't think they've changed anything that breaks the container, if so it has to be a big change on Steam's end if it doesn't download the game properly...


    The GAME_PARAMS and the GAME_ID are two completely different commands.

    With the GAME_ID you choose which game to download through SteamCMD and also you can add for example your option -beta latest_experimental (in your case this should be: '294420 -beta latest_experimental' wihtout quotes).


    The GAME_PARAMS are startup commands for the game itself.


    It's a bit difficult for me to troubleshoot this game since I'm not personally owning it, but I hope this helps. ;)


    7 hours ago, dfox1787 said:

    Can anyone help with the forest server? I run a few game servers, all allow my friends to connect fine with the appropriate firewall rules in place but the forest will not work. 


    i have check everything firewall wise and its all good. 


    Works locally but its almost like it doesnt have a gateway set



    Connected to Steam successfully
    The Forest Server is not VAC Secure!
    Game server SteamID:90136686949038083
    CoopSteamManager Initialize
    CoopLobby.LeaveActive instance=
    0009:fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl WS_SIO_UDP_CONNRESET stub
    CoopPlayerCallbacks::BoltStartBegin CoopVoice.VoiceChannel:[UdpChannelName Voice:1]
    0062:err:winsock:interface_bind Failed to bind to interface, receiving broadcast packets will not work on socket 04b8.



    I will look into that when I got home from work but the errors that you see are mostly from WINE (since there is no native linux dedicated server, correct me if the dev's already released one).


    Have you forwarded all ports with the corresponding protocoll?


    3 hours ago, Craej said:

    So right before you posted this, I was studying the log more and it worried me the same thing you said about the save file being empty.  So I checked the file 0000000814 in the save directory and it was 0kb. So hoping for the best I just deleted all the 0000000814 empty files including the ones in the caves folder, hoping it would revert to the next save file. Thank goodness it did and my server booted up normally.


    Hard reboots, I've been dealing with hardware issues on my rig. I'm thinking my PSU is dying. But I think it's exactly what you said the unfortunate case of the game saving the world right when I had a hard reboot causing an empty save file.

    Nice, I strongly recommend you to install the plugin 'CA Appdata Backup/Restore v2' and make daily backups (you don't have to stop the container when a backup is running - there is an option on the bottom of the plugin where you can enable that it don't stops).

    In my case I've set it up to make a daily backup at night and to keep a copy of every day for 7 days long and then it automatically deletes it. ;)

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  21. On 6/26/2020 at 10:26 AM, steini84 said:

    I would like to hear if someone knows the answer to this. This has happened to me using a USB disk (power failure, disconnected etc.). On Linux (unRAID and Debian) the server works fine, but I get incredibly high load and nothing I try works to reset ZFS to a useful state. I could not even reboot normally and had to force a reboot. In FreeBSD this is similar, but since the load is calculated differently there the signs were not as obvious, but pretty much the same problem.



    Hey @steini84,

    I ran into a similar problem, I don't know if you seen it already but I created the container to build a custom Kernel/Images for Unraid with nVidia/DVB/ZFS builtin without any plugin needed.

    This is the default behaviour of ZFS since it goes to a 'wait' state read this: Click

    Also this thread from L1 should make it a little bit clearer: Click (a little old but still up-to-date)


    Hope this helps, this is all that I've found from my research.


    EDIT: I personally don't use ZFS on Unraid because it's not my usecase... but as said above I ran into the same problem after accidentally disconnecting a drive from a running test ZFS pool.

  22. 39 minutes ago, jj_uk said:

    I have the xbox working with the bedrockconnect DNS.

    Yes. You can enter a port on xbox.


    I'll create a few instances of this docker on different ports and see it'll work.

    Hopefully LAN games on minecraft searches all ports as I can't see where that can be changed (android).

    Here is a screenshot from android when you add a server:




    I can tell you that this works if you create multiple instances (tested this with another container but not with yours @binhex but should also be no problem. ;) )


    EDIT: I think you are talking of the 2nd tab within minecraft.

    In the 3rd tab on the bottom you can add custom servers. ;)

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