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Posts posted by ich777

  1. 17 hours ago, Natcoso9955 said:

    What settings did you use?

    And your saying you can sign-in with steam and it redirects back to csmm?

    Yes it's working fine, I use my domain with http:// and I've made a custum subdomain for cssm.

    Eventually @Spectral Force can help, he uses this container.

    You don't have to use an external database, please try it with the built in.


    1 hour ago, box said:

    I'm trying to figure out how to update the Terraria server, I set it to be version (officially released yesterday) and restarted it but it stays on Can you help me figure out how to update it? Here is part of the log:


    Please update the container, i've released a fix and it should now work. This game drive me nuts... (they recently changed a few things and this ruined my version check).

  2. 1 hour ago, LordShaaver said:

    These are the steps I took.


    1. The variable "Game version" inside the docker template is set to

    2. I downloaded Terraria Server from https://terraria.gamepedia.com/Server#Downloads and extracted the content into the docker folder.

    3. I downloaded TShock 4.4.0 Pre-release 4 for Terraria from https://github.com/Pryaxis/TShock/releases and extracted that into the docker folder and overwrote the TerrariaServer.exe file that came with the "Terraria Server" zip file. The Terraria version I choosed was the Linux based one.

    4. Started the container and the log showsed the old server version and when I try to access the terraria server with Terraria I get a message saying I'm using the wrong version. The Terraria client version I'm using is the version.

    Step 2 isn't necessarry, this older 'release' build of TShock reports every build as


    Don't use the linux build, this server is based on windows because TShock is not 'really' compatible with linux.

    I think the newer build is not compatible with my mono version but it could also be a general issue (keep in mind this is a pre-release as it on github say's).

  3. 9 hours ago, Natcoso9955 said:

    I changed to http, and also removed the cert from proxy ( and obviously removed the force SSL), still getting 502 error.


    This is the address that is generated after clicking signin on steam. (i have broken each & parameter into a new line for easier reading) obviously as this comes from steam, this would be the default url generated by steam when a website has a signin with steam module, but even this appears to be going to the correct address (unless for some reason the return to is wrong, http%3A%2F%2Fcsmm.xg-gaming.duckdns.org%2Fauth%2Fsteam%2Freturn = http://csmm.xg-gaming.duckdns.org/auth/steam/return)


    This is the url from the CSMM page with 502 error:

    (again broken on & parameter for easier reading)


    Sorry i've tried this with my domainname and it works flawlessly.

    But i also use the Let's Encrypt container from Linuxserver.io with a reverse proxy.

  4. 1 hour ago, LordShaaver said:

    I don't get that to work. If I place the latest version manually in the server folder and start the container it reverts it to v1.3.5.3.

    If I then place the latest version again in the server folder and by doing so overwriting what the container did when it startet, the container failes when it is started the second time.

    From what the latest version? The game itself? Have you set the Prefered Version to otherwise it won't work...

  5. 8 hours ago, EmilionDK said:

    Hi And thank you for the good work you do :) 

    The Terraria-TShock Docker I'm trying to run version but it doesn't pick up the latest version of TShock (v4.4.0-pre3) and Terraria

    (The Game Version variable is set to:


    The log:

    TShock (Mintaka) now running.
    AutoSave Enabled
    Backups Disabled
    Welcome to TShock for Terraria. Initialization complete.
    [Server API] Info Plugin TShock v4.3.26.0 (by The TShock Team) initiated.
    Terraria Server v1.3.5.3

    And If I manually overwrite the files it fails

    So my question is
    Is it possible to choose the TShock version yourself with a variable? 


    Looked into this, the container pulls only official releases and is the latest official release the following version are 'Pre-Releases' and that's why the container won't pull it.

    You should be able to update it manually by simply placing the files in your serverfolder.

  6. 4 hours ago, Natcoso9955 said:

    So i have the steam api key set as csmm.xg-gaming.duckdns.org, this is also the address i have in proxy.

    I have just tested and can access via phone, but have the same issue. sign in with steam redirects after some time with 502 bad gateway

    According to CSMM documentation for reverse proxy it had extra settings. i have configured nginx proxy manager to have custom configuration as follows:

                proxy_http_version 1.1;
                proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
                proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
                proxy_set_header Host $host;
                proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
                proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
                proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
                proxy_read_timeout 300;
                proxy_connect_timeout 300;


    When i remove the above, the error changes from 502 to 504 gateway time-out.

    It sounds like a redirection error.

    A few post above you mentioned that your URL is: "http://csmm.personalised.duckdns.org"

  7. 6 hours ago, EmilionDK said:

    Hi And thank you for the good work you do :) 

    The Terraria-TShock Docker I'm trying to run version but it doesn't pick up the latest version of TShock (v4.4.0-pre3) and Terraria

    (The Game Version variable is set to:


    The log:

    TShock (Mintaka) now running.
    AutoSave Enabled
    Backups Disabled
    Welcome to TShock for Terraria. Initialization complete.
    [Server API] Info Plugin TShock v4.3.26.0 (by The TShock Team) initiated.
    Terraria Server v1.3.5.3

    And If I manually overwrite the files it fails

    So my question is
    Is it possible to choose the TShock version yourself with a variable? 


    I will look into that, but it should always grab the latest version, but i think there might be some error or something has changed.


    2 hours ago, Restfulleo said:

    Can you also apply this fix to the t-shock image as well? Looks like it can't find the version and is defaulting to

    Yes, but this will take a few hours, the link was already applied but the downloadlink changed again.

    They don't use static links anymore.

  8. 1 minute ago, Icemanpat said:

    Yes sir, I have PiHole. But it's always been on here. So guess it is a new issue that is going along with the SteamCMD issue. I've been rebooting it since last night. I'll keep rebooting.

    Thanks for the help.

    Keep up the great work.

    You could also try to put the extra parameter '--dns=' after '--restart unless-stopped' in the template if you switch to andvanced view eventually this will help (so that this container will use always this dns server).

  9. 2 minutes ago, Icemanpat said:

    Update state (0x1) running, progress: 0.00 (0 / 7437776)

    This line shows that the container or better speaking SteamCMD can't fetch the update because it doesn't continues.

    Do you have PiHole or SteamCache installed somewhere in your network (this can also cause problems).


    Please delete 'true' and try to restart the container.

    Keep in mind that Steam is under heavy load these days and a few pages back someone had the same problem, he had to restart i several times for it to update - I think this is a SteamCMD issue.

  10. 28 minutes ago, Icemanpat said:

    Ark Servers appear to have been updated last night. I have been unable to get my server to grab the update which is preventing me from playing as my client can't see the server from in game.

    I can only see the server up and running and showing the older version through steam.

    I have rebooted multiple times but still not grabbing an update.

    Please set validate to 'true' (withouat quotes), after that send a screenshot from your template configuration and also the startup log.

  11. 11 hours ago, mast3rkryptos said:

    Thank you for the reply! I was seeing the overridden values in GameUserSettings.ini, even when the Docker template values for Server Password or Server Admin Password were blank. That being said, if I put my Server Password, Server Admin Password in the Docker template, and MaxPlayers in Game Parameters, the appropriate values are set in my server on the next startup. It's actually rather odd, it seems as though some parameters (like XPMultiplier) aren't overridden if I modify them in GameUserSettings.ini, as opposed to passing them through the Docker template Game Parameters.

    I think they changed something how ARK works and what is overridden and what not.


    2 hours ago, Natcoso9955 said:

    Can i ask what you set you nginx proxy with, im using duckdns and created an entry csmm.personalised.duckdns.org and have that pointing to my internal IP


    I have CSMM hostname as "http://csmm.personalised.duckdns.org"


    However when i go to the weblink (internal or via proxy) i can get the first page, but then click sign-in with steam and it fails (502 nginx error). Im not sure if this is an issue with steamkey api, or something ive configured.

    Have you entered the right URL when creating the Steam API key.

    Also it seems like the site is not available from outside or something is not redirected correctly.

    Can you try to reach it from outside for example with a mobile phone with wifi disabled?

    Steam must be able to reach the site.

  12. 4 hours ago, mast3rkryptos said:

    I have been running into some issues with the ich777 Ark: Survival Evolved docker selectively overwriting hand-edited portions of my GameUserSettings.ini, in particular:



    I make sure to stop the docker before consoling into Unraid's file system, making and saving the updates, like setting MaxPlayers=10, and then start the docker, however the server then has MaxPlayers=70. I have run into this as well setting the above two passwords.


    I can set these values in the "Server Password", "Server Admin Password", and "Game Parameters" in the Edit page of the docker, but am curious what I am doing wrong that is causing portions of my GameUserSettings.ini to be overwritten.  


    Thank you in advance!

    @bubo Can you help please?


    But i think the container overrides the values because you set them in the Docker template, have you also seen the Game Parameters, there you can set also all that you can do as in the config file. ;)



  13. 1 hour ago, Restfulleo said:

    My container cannot find or open /serverdata/serverfiles/terraria-server-1402.zip. I think the container is having an issue finding the latest server exe for terraria.

    I think this is a porblem with the Terraria download itself if you try the link https://terraria.org/server/terraria-server-1401.zip (this is the download link where it tries to download if you enter the version it works) but with version the link doesn't work https://terraria.org/server/terraria-server-1402.zip

    I will look into this, but give me a few days.


    Applied a fix for this please update the container, you now also can install the zip files manually by placing it in the main directory. ;)


    1 hour ago, shidraconis said:

    I am having the same issue as well, but the workaround I came up with in the meantime was to stop the docker, download the server files and copy them to the appdata folder that the game files download to, and start the docker. The server launches just fine as Just make sure the version number is the same in the docker settings. From the active log it was saying that it couldn't rm some serverfiles or unzip the new update.

    I think this is a porblem with the Terraria download itself if you try the link https://terraria.org/server/terraria-server-1401.zip (this is the download link where it tries to download if you enter the version it works) but with version the link doesn't work https://terraria.org/server/terraria-server-1402.zip

    I will look into this, but give me a few days.


    Applied a fix for this please update the container, you now also can install the zip files manually by placing it in the main directory. ;)


    2 hours ago, Skrumpy said:

    Applied a fix for this please update the container, you now also can install the zip files manually by placing it in the main directory. ;)

    • Like 2
  14. 6 hours ago, Sin said:

    Could you help me please, whats wrong with my setup ?
    I have read the whole tread in the last 5 hours but i couldn't find the fix.

    My problem:
    I have one running server, (this is cool, thank you for the template) now i want to create a second running server on another map.
    As the first step, tried to start it on the same map, as a test but the second server is not visible in ARK game, or it does not work correctly.
    I tried to use the recommended ports (Server game instance 2 7779 7780 27016 27021) from here, then i tried to use different ports (3320x) based on a few screenshots from this thread. 

    And i tried to use the the same appdata/ark-se folder in Server2 too. 

    (Port forwarding triple checked too.. ) 

    Do you have an idea ? :)
    Thank you!


    You can always use the same SteamCMD directory since it is only used to download or update the game, the only thing that i would change is where the Serverfiles are.

    Please don't use a Steam Username/Password if it is not marked as required!

    Have you also changed the serverports in the config itself?

    Also please don't set validate to true if you your first server works fine.

    You can always set the Network mode to Custom and assign it a static ip in your homenetwork then you don't have to mess with the port settings (you must set Bridging to yes in the Network settings of your Unraid server and reboot if you don't have this option on your Docker page).


    3 hours ago, solojazz said:

    Terraria just came out and I put it in the docker config and its showing as up to date in the console (on so just wondering where does it check the version and download the files from?

    I think this is a porblem with the Terraria download itself if you try the link https://terraria.org/server/terraria-server-1401.zip (this is the download link where it tries to download if you enter the version it works) but with version the link doesn't work https://terraria.org/server/terraria-server-1402.zip

    I will look into this, but give me a few days.


    EDIT: Applied a fix for this please update the container, you now also can install the zip files manually by placing it in the main directory. ;)

  15. 44 minutes ago, Ockingshay said:

    thanks for the reply :)


    I did a lot more reading and you're right on both accounts!


    1) The easiest way to do this is to edit the server.properties with a file editor. I used notepad++ and browsed to the appdata folder in windows.


    2) Changing my character to "operator" involved editing the "permissions.json" file and adding the following info:

            "permission": "operator",
            "xuid": "253327479523894"

    2a) To find one's xuid, you simply click on the log icon in the dockers tab in unraid webgui next to the Minecraft docker and then start playing minecraft. When you join the server it tells you who just joined and what their xuid is!


    Seems i'm going to be getting very familiar with the inner workings of this game over the next few years, haha!

    Actually for 2 the way by connecting to the console is way easier... ;)

    But now that you're OP you can OP other players from the ingame console/chat.


    Nice to hear that everything works as expected. ;)

  16. 1 hour ago, Ockingshay said:

    I've never edited a docker before in console and i would like to edit the server.properties file in the minecraft bedrock addition docker. I run this for my kids but they keep getting lost. I've done a little research and the easiest way is to teleport to eachother. I have tried the command but it says that cheats are not enabled on this server. In properties, there are many options but they are all greyed out. Is there an easy way to enable those in the GUI? or should i simply edit the server.properties file? will that persist after an update?


    I'm useless at console and know very little commands. i have tried vi but that doesn't work. what is the command to use?


    many thanks for making an old fart look cool to their kids!

    You don't have to edit the container in the console, if you have shared the directory in which you have the bedrockserver (usually the appdata folder) then just open it through smb or whatever you connect to your server and open the server.properties with a text editor of you choice and search for this line: 'allow-cheats' and change it from false to true like this: 'allow-cheats=true' save the file and restart the container.

    I think for issuing this commands you have to be OP on the server.


    Connect to the game console (in the description from the container is a described how to do this) and type in: '/op YOURMINECRAFTUSERNAME' then you have the ability to OP other players from the ingame chat/console or issue teleport or other 'cheat' commands.


    I hope this makes it a bit clearer...

    (all above commands without quotes)

  17. 6 hours ago, droopie said:

    does DebianBuster-Nvidia require gpu passthrough? my cpu supports virtualization but doesnt passthrough the gpu in vm's. 

    No doesn't require passtrough but you need to install the Linuxserver.io Nvidia plugin and install the version of your choice.


    What are you going to do with this container?

  18. 2 hours ago, deaerator said:

    Wondering if this is a serious error and how do I fix this?

    This is using the Ark Server Template.

    [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed


    If you search for this specific line and add dedicated server in the searchengine of your choice or even search for line in this thread you will find the answer. ;)


    This is actually only a warning.

    The game simply can't find a running instance of the Steam client.

    If you think of it this is totally normal because how would you run a instance of the Steam client on a headless machine...

  19. 1 hour ago, OdinEidolon said:

    Hi, I'm trying to use the NWN-EE server, and I can't for the life of me figure out how to:


    • load games
    • save games
    • in general interact with the server manually

    When using the official beamdog server, when running `docker attach DOCKERNAME`, once gets a CLI to the server itself, where calling `save`, `load`, etc. will perform the relevant actions. But not with this docker, right? How can I save the game when using this server?


    Regarding loading, at first I thought that I could `load` the game using the `'GAME_PARAMS'='-load 9 -quiet'` docker environment variable. But this does not seem to work, the server does not load anything. Here is the `docker run` line:

    docker run -d --name='NeverwinterNights-EE' --net='lsio' -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'LOG_LVL'='5' -e 'MOD_NAME'='The Aielund Saga Act II - Defender of the Crown' -e 'NWNEE_V'='latest' -e 'MAX_CLIENTS'='7' -e 'MINLEVEL'='1' -e 'MAXLEVEL'='40' -e 'PAUSEAPLAY'='1' -e 'PVP'='2' -e 'SERVERVAULT'='1' -e 'ELC'='0' -e 'ILR'='0' -e 'ONEPARTY'='0' -e 'DIFF'='3' -e 'AUTO_SAV_I'='15' -e 'SRV_NAME'='test' -e 'PPW'='testpwd' -e 'APWD'='adminDocker' -e 'PUBLIC_SRV'='0' -e 'RLD_W_E'='0' -e 'GAME_PARAMS'='-load 9' -e 'UID'='99' -e 'GID'='100' -e 'UMASK'='000' -p '5121:5121/udp' -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/nwnee':'/nwnee':'rw' --restart=unless-stopped 'ich777/nwnee-server'

    And here is the docker log:

    ---Checking if UID: 99 matches user---
    ---Checking if GID: 100 matches user---
    ---Setting umask to 000---
    ---Checking for optional scripts---
    ---No optional script found, continuing---
    ---Starting MariaDB...---
    ---Starting Redis Server---
    ---Server Version Check---
    ---Server versions match! Installed: v8193.13 | Preferred: v8193.13---
    ---Binaries Version Check---
    ---Binaries versions match! Installed: v8193.13 | Preferred: v8193.13---
    ---Prepare Server---
    ---Checking if everything is in place---
    ---Configuring Redis---
    Background saving started
    ---Checking for old logs---
    Starting NWNX...
    Base address is: 0x000055ad3bf19000
    g_pExoBase is: 0x000055ad3caf6580
    Corrected 5967 ASLR addresses
    Neverwinter Nights Server
    Build: 8193.13 [3ba0f825]
    Copyright BioWare Corp 1998-2004
    Registering crash signal handlers.
    Server: Loading...
    N [22:13:25] [NWNX_Core] [NWNXCore.cpp:565] Loading NWNX.
    Working Directory For Game Install Is: /nwnee
    Working Directory For Your Resources Is: /nwnee/Neverwinter Nights
    Server: Running...
    Server: Loading module "The Aielund Saga Act II - Defender of the Crown"..................................................................................................................
    Server: Module loaded

    No loading is performed, as evident from the logs (a message 'loading something something' would appear otherwise).


    Can anybody help? Thanks in advance!

    Sorry but i can't really help since i don't know how things work but i've seen that you can save ingame or am i wrong?


    If you report that the container is not workin properly then i will pull it from the CA App.


    But somethin must work, this container has 3.8k pulls on it...

  20. 2 hours ago, alesck said:

    Nop, nothing in Unassigned devices. 


    Any android phone is PTP or MTP (selectable in parameters beside Mass storage media (maybe in hidden developper menu in some cases)), any camera with PC link over USB should also be PTP or MTP. 


    I will try to install RPD in a graphical ubuntu VM to test USB passthrough .. maybe it will works.

    On my phone not (I'm run a custom version of Lineage OS).


    Yes that will work but for usb hotpluging you need to passthrough a whole controller to the VM as long as i know, also a VM is a little overkill for this... :D


    Also now that you've mentioned it is a ptp device not listed under /dev/ptpX?

    Try to create a new path with /dev and hand that over to the container (eventually try also to run it with privileged mode).


    EDIT: Is there no option on the camera to use it as a normal usb drive (then the solution with Unassigned Devices should work).

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