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Posts posted by ich777

  1. 8 hours ago, alesck said:

    I don't think we can mount PTP or MTP devices without abstraction like lib-gphoto2, in fact that's the purpose of RapidPhotoDownloader.

    Doese it show up in the Unassigned Devices on the Dashboard?

    I cant test this since I don't have any PTP or MTP device...


    I'm sorry but i don't know how other users been using it since on this container has at time of writing 7.7k pulls i think it should be working somehow but i can't help since i don't got such a device, eventually i look into it wich devices have this mode (my phone sadly not) and eventually i find a cheap device that i can buy to test.

  2. 4 hours ago, TheSquigglyline said:

    I as using steam credentials. I just did a fresh install of the docker/steam-cmd/ark-se. here is my log

    Don't use credentials since the download can fail or not work correctly.

    Only use it when it's marked as required in the template.


    4 hours ago, TheSquigglyline said:

    I am changing the ark game server settings to match my desired server. Things like xp multipliers and tame timers. Things i should be able to change. https://ark.gamepedia.com/Server_Configuration

    This should work without any problem...


    4 hours ago, TheSquigglyline said:

    Things changed in the config: network type is br:0, console shell is bash, steamcmd and ark files file location changed to ark share stored on cache. That is all I have changed. Didn't enter in anything else that is blank.

    What is the path exactly /mnt/user/... or /mnt/cache/... (It must be /mnt/cache/... if you have it on the cache).

  3. 2 hours ago, alesck said:


    In unRaid Tools > System Devices > USB Devices my camera is present as

    Bus 001 Device 009:ID 04b0:0428 Nikon Corp. D7000

    Unfornatly I've tried many configuration in privilege mode, none works.


    share path (RW) /dev/bus/usb

    share path (RW) /dev/bus/usb/001

    share path (RW) /dev/bus/usb/001/009

    share device /dev/bus/usb

    share device /dev/bus/usb/001

    share device /dev/bus/usb/001/009


    I'm out of idea :(

    I will try that as soon is i got time with a usb stick or something else (eventually my mobile phone).


    What you can do is to import your folder on your unraid and then import it in RapidPhotoDownloader.

    Or if you want to automate that process you can use the Unassigned Devices Plugin with auto mount and a copy script.

  4. Just now, Korshakov said:

    Zabbix Agent 2 Documentation:



    Zabbix Agent2 Docker:


    Agent2 is officially released so no need to use trunk tag latest tag is perfect.


    Something more to read about zabbix agent2



    If it was you who created those templates in "CA App Store in Unraid" then I WOULD LOVE YOU TO HIGH HEAVENS if you could make templates for zabbix server and web interface using postgres database as well. Zabbix has put a lot of time to postgres as its better than mysql due to constant writing to database. (its better for zabbix is what i mean).


    Hope i wrote everything. Please contact me if you wish for further info.

    I created 2 of the 3 templates in the CA App (I think the Zabbix Agent is created by another user).


    I will look into this but please keep in mind that it could take a bit since my spare time is at the time really, really, really limited... :(

    First of all i will look into Agent2 and then i have to dig into postgres because i'm not really into it and i try everything before i release it... so this will take longer.

  5. 15 minutes ago, alesck said:

    I didn't mout the camera into the container, when I connect usb, it pop in. In dmesg from the container console i can read this when I connect my camera :

    usb 1-6: new high-speed USB device number 7 using xhci_hc


    Futhermore, my camera is in PTP mode and I can't change it from it's menu, and if I connect it to my Windows machine it is R/W.


    official help says : 


    And there is the problem, the container can't simply access the device itself, you have to physicaly mount it somehow to the container (the container can see it but not mount or even access it.


    I never tried to pass a device directly to a container but it should you should do it like follows:
    Go into the template and add another path and set the container and host path to: '/dev/bus/usb' (also it is possible that you must enable Privileged, but I recommend you to try it out first without Privileged).


    A Docker Container is an isolated image, it might see the device but can't actually connect to it only after you configured it right.

    Also the 'Container' is not the same as 'your Computer'.

  6. 1 hour ago, alesck said:


    I've a problem with RapidPhotoDownloader, 

    Installation goes well, docker start too but when I plug my Nikon D7000 in a USB port it pop into RPD and I have this message :


    I'm confused because I usually connect it to a raspberry with gphoto2 on it and everything works well !


    In docker logs thre is this


    everytime I click "Try Again" the last line repeat.


    Has someone ever had this issue ? 

    Thank you !!






    How did you mount the camera inside the container? With an extra startup parameter '--dev=' or did you mount the path to the camera directly in the template?


    Is the camera in PTP mode (Picture Transfer Mode)? Seems like RapidPhotoDownloader is detecting that the camera is read only.


    26 minutes ago, Korshakov said:

    I've tried adding variables:

    -e PUID=99 \
    -e PGID=100 \


    However no joy, I am afraid this docker container does not support these? I might be wrong i really don't know. On zabbix docker hub there is no mention of puid of pgid. All it really says is to run it privileged or mount the volumes i want to monitor.




    Can you provide a link to the new container? I'm not really familar with Zabbix since i'm not using it, I only created the templates and tested if everything is working...

  7. 6 hours ago, Korshakov said:

    Hey guys, as you may know zabbix-agent2 is out. Which brings support for docker monitoring natively.

    I managed to get this working properly on CentOS 8 server running docker, there was only one issue which was that server couldn't fetch data from agent.

    Fix to that was to simply add user "zabbix" to docker group issuing this command: "gpasswd -a zabbix". I have exacly the same issue in zabbix-server logs again with unraid so i tried to do the same command. While the unraid did successfully added user zabbix to docker group I still cant get it working.


    Here's how i manually created docker container in unraid.


    docker create \
    --name zabbix-agent \
    --net host \
    --privileged \
    -e HOST_OS="Unraid" \
    --restart unless-stopped \
    -e ZBX_HOSTNAME="Unraid server" \
    -e ZBX_SERVER_HOST="" \
    -e ZBX_ACTIVE_ALLOW="false" \
    -e TZ=Europe/London \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -v /usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker \


    Any idea what am I missing to make this working?


    I think this can be a permission issue of some kind have you allready provided the UID or GID to the container otherwise it uses eventually the wrong user or group but on the other hand you don't have to create a user for this on unraid (also i think users will be wiped if they are created from the command line if you reboot the server, someone correct me if i'm wrong ;) ).


  8. 5 hours ago, TheSquigglyline said:
    ---Checking if UID: 99 matches user---
    ---Checking if GID: 100 matches user---
    ---Setting umask to 000---
    ---Checking for optional scripts---
    ---No optional script found, continuing---
    ---Update SteamCMD---
    Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
    [ 0%] Checking for available updates...
    [----] Verifying installation...
    Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
    -- type 'quit' to exit --
    Loading Steam API...Warning: failed to init SDL thread priority manager: SDL not found
    Logging in user 'XXXXXXXXXXXX' to Steam Public ...
    Generated client id: XXXXXXXXX
    Listening for IPv4 broadcast on: 27036
    Listening for connections on:
    Received broadcast message from client XXXXXXXXXXXXX (DESKTOP-IAK4KNQ): xx.x.x.xx:27036
    Logged in OK
    Waiting for user info...OK
    ---Update Server---
    ---Validating installation---
    Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
    [ 0%] Checking for available updates...
    [----] Verifying installation...
    Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
    -- type 'quit' to exit --
    Loading Steam API...Warning: failed to init SDL thread priority manager: SDL not found
    Logging in user 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' to Steam Public ...
    Loaded client id: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    Listening for IPv4 broadcast on: 27036
    Listening for connections on:
    Logged in OK
    Waiting for user info...OK
    Update state (0x0) : Timed out waiting for update to start, bailing.
    Error! App '376030' state is 0x204 after update job.
    ---Prepare Server---
    ---Server ready---
    ---Start Server---
    [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.

    Been fighting getting and ark server up and running for hours now. When i fresh install it shows up in steam servers but as soon as i change O:\ark-se\ShooterGame\Config\defaultgame.ini of defaultgameusersettings.ini it stops showing up and never works again. Here is the latest log

    Are you logging in with Steam credentials in the container? If so don't do it for this container!


    I think there must be an issue with the config itself, doese the log not say more if you do a fresh install (It should go on after the warning that it can't detect a running Steam Client).

    5 hours ago, TheSquigglyline said:

    as soon as i change O:\ark-se\ShooterGame\Config\defaultgame.ini of defaultgameusersettings.ini

    What did you change? I don't understand what you want to say.

    What did you change in the files, it should work as a normal ark linux dedicated server and should not be different.



    23 hours ago, boss89 said:

    ive tried deleting the runtime folder via explorer from my main pc and it wont delete, any hints ?

    Doese it work now? Have you set the variable 'Accept EULA' in the Docker template to 'true' otherwise the server wont start.

    From your screenshot i see that it creates all the necessary files.

  9. On 5/12/2020 at 7:16 PM, deaerator said:

    Curious how do I setup a Cluster and add Mods to your ARK Docker?

    I don't know anything about clustering ARK or the mods for AKR, you can search this thread for cluster and you will find a few posts and someone who describes this.

    But it should all be possible, it is the same as a linux dedicated server and mod installation and clustering should also be the same.


    EDIT: I've seen you asked the questen already a year ago here is the answer:


  10. 4 hours ago, boss89 said:

    ive tried deleting the runtime folder via explorer from my main pc and it wont delete, any hints ?

    This can is the result of a permission issue but you can get arround this using this:


    Open up a terminal from unraid and type in:

    'cd /mnt/user/appdata/minecraftbasicserver' (if you have the minecraft folder there and it's named 'minecraftbasicserver')

    Then you have to be CAREFUL!


    'rm -R runtime' (if your minecraftfolder is named 'minecraftbasicserver')

    Please be very carefull with this commands since you are dealing with serious commands and can delete something other too...


    Can you also post a picture of what's in the folder of you minecraftbasicserver?

  11. 9 hours ago, Syaoran68 said:

    I'm currently using host mode on unraid. i've tried it with just the port itself if you look at the original post SS. it was just set the 27015. and still was having problems with it. 


    i think that bot manager is an addon? i actually do not have it in my menu. i do have advanced admin commands from another plugin i downloaded. its just a bit easier to manage from rcon lols

    That's not a plugin, simply drop the attached file into your ...appdata\cstrikego\csgo\addons\sourcemod\configs restart the server and you have the new menu, is your plugin as simple as pressing a few buttons?

    You have to rename the actual commands since they are in my case in german (google translate will help you out ;) ).



    I think it's a pure network problem since it works fine on my server... Sorry but i can't help...

  12. 2 hours ago, Syaoran68 said:


    Theres the edit button for the TCP rcon config.


    i just got sourcemod/metamod installed.. still would like rcon access so i can change the game mode on the fly.. as well as kick bots and such.. so when you get a chance! thank you so much!

    Did you configured the container in Custom br0 (or something like that) network mode? I think it has something to do with your network config also please don't use the ip adress there only the port but if you configured it in Custom br0 mode that you don't need to expose ports because the container has it's own IP and expose all port by default.

    If you configured it in Host mode you have to expose ports but also the port alone without a ip adress.

    If you configured it in Bridge mode it should be the same as in Host mode.


    You can do that by the sourcemod admin menu, no need to go back to the console and type in commands this is a screenshot from a TF2 admin menu but it's always the same (press the key that you've assigned to the sm_admin command and the menu pops up, don't forget to also add you as a admin in the admin file):



    You have to dig through the logs if it says that the sm plugins are loaded.


    I think this tutorial should work but keep in mind that you don't need ftp access to your server since we are using Unraid and can upload it directly in the folder click (was the first thing that i've found on google) ;)

    (Don't forget to restart the container if you modify something)

  13. 16 minutes ago, Syaoran68 said:

    Hi ICH777,


    i've included the screenshot of the entire config here ->

    game params -> +game_type 0 -usercon +game_mode 1 +mapgroup mg_active +map de_dust2 -tickrate 128 +sv_setsteamaccount XXXXX


    I'm just joining the game and using in game console trying to get rcon setup using rcon_server "localip:27015" along with rcon_password "setpassword". Then using rcon status. which is throwing me back the error saying cannot connect to remote server. 


    I'll look into sourcemod but it doesn't look like there are any decent setups for docker containers or even an unraid app setup.


    Can you please attach a screenshot from the rcon port opened with the edit button (background is that i've got an error in the old template so that the port is translatet wrong).

    localip? You have to enter the server ip eg:


    Source-/Metamod is really simple download it and extract it like the documentation says (you also need to create a .vdf file for the game you are using), then you can add your account to the serveradmins and then the last thing is that you bind a key to sm_admin in the CS:GO console, sounds like lot work but it's really not.


    EDIT: I now tried it on my server and it works fine.

  14. 41 minutes ago, Syaoran68 said:

    Hey guys! looking for a bit of help. i got the CSGO server spun up on a local unraid docker. i can access the game via the local network and will worry about port forwarding in a bit.. in the autoexe.cfg i've put the hostname and a password for the server which has no problem taking, but it just wont accept the rcon password. i have -usercon tag active, but every time i login to the server and set my rcon_address to the same address i use to connect to the server and the rcon_password to the password i set it say it cannot connect to the remote server. i tried to put the rcon password also in the server.cfg file but that doesn't work either. so not sure whats going on here.. 



    Can you post a screenshot from the variable 'TCP RCON' when you click on 'Edit'.

    Also i recommend you using Meta-/Sourcemod much easier with the on screen menu.


    What does the console say when you connect? How did you enter commands using rcon? Have you changed any ports? Please also provide a full screenshot from your template Docker configuration page in Unraid.

  15. 4 hours ago, boss89 said:

    Trying to get minecraft working and im getting the following line

    Cannot exec '/serverdata/serverfiles/runtime/jre1.8.0_241/bin/java': No such file or directory


    any ideas ?

    Is it possible that you have interupted the first startup of the container?

    To solve this it should be enough that you stop the container delete the runtime directory in your appdata and restart the container.


    This error apperas because it finds a java folder but it can't execute/find the java executable.

  16. 20 minutes ago, DogeKitteh007 said:

    Me and some friends have been playing Call of Duty 2, 4 and MW2 on LAN for years.


    Now, I was thinking about setting up a dedicated server when I came across this:


    My questions then:

    Can this docker be set up/imported on unRaid?
    If not.. any chance you could make a version for it/them? The games are all on steam now, I believe.


    Thanks for all your excellent other gameservers. They are great.

    I will take a look into that, but i think this container is not possible with unraid since docker-compose is necessary from what i've read and that is not available on unraid.


    Give me some time, got not much spare time in the next few months, not everything is possible in the containers but very much (look at the DebianBuster-Nvidia container that i released recently for Steam In Home Streaming ;) ).


    Thank you, appreciate that!

  17. 7 hours ago, jb93 said:

    hello im having troubles setting up the csmm-7d2d docker and i have no idea what to set in the domain name area do i need to get my own domain or what do i need to do i have tried to set it to the example. but it aways fails do i need to set up a website for my 7d2d server to use this? sorry im new to both setting up servers and unraid. thanks for all the help and the awesome dockers!

    The log looks fine but i would use http instead of https for this container.

    You have to set your domainname eg: http://csmm.yourdomainname.com or http://csmm.yourdomainname.duckdns.org (the domainname which you set at the Steam API Key creation because Steam will communicate with this domain.

    No you don't have to setup a website because the container will just do that for you (I strongly recommend you to reverse proxy the port from the container - in your case 1337 - to your port 80 or 443) or you port forward the Web Port to port 80 or 443 (but that's very unsecure) in your router, but the last solution is really unsecure!


    This container is not the best to start if you are new to this because it's a little difficulty to set up if you are not familar with this.


    With the game containers it's a completely different story you just have to port forword the ports in your router and you're good to go, no further setup required.

  18. 59 minutes ago, Mikey160984 said:

    found the problem... its due to the "new lack" of smb. I had it configured via smb to sync the files to the backup server. Had to change it to the local thing now. Had some issues at first, but now it seems to work fine again

    Yep, i've already wrote that in the first post, also one line was missing in the code.

    Please read the first answer above.

    • Like 1
  19. 4 hours ago, Maggi0r said:

    Thank you very much so I have entered that.
    When I look at system devices in unRaid, I don't see a name there.

    However, if I forward the device to a VM, it works without problems.

    Regards Maggi

    USB Gerät in VM.PNG

    USB Gerät Touchscreen.PNG

    Yep because a VM has access to the physical device and you install the driver inside the VM but with Docker the driver must work on the Host.


    4 hours ago, Mikey160984 said:

    Since the last update, DirSync is filling up my Docker Image File to the maximum. Anyone got the same issue? Re-installed it several times, but as soon as it starts to sync, it fills up the Docker File. Didn't change anything before, just updatet...

    I will look into that, can you post a picture from your template configuration, i think a path isn't set right and DirSyncPro sync to a directory inside the container.
    Which sync method did you use?


    EDIT: Found it, the last update removed the SMB option and i forgot to put one line in the code.

    Now you have to use the Unassigned Devices plugin to mount an SMB share and then create a path in the template to that share so that it picks up.

    Completely my fault... Sorry

    Do a force update on your unraid docker page with advanced view turned on and then start the container, you will see a light tutorial how to do use it now with an SMB share.

  20. 24 minutes ago, luca2907 said:

    i tried many times to use your debainbuster Docker (without nvidia), it starts and everything seems to work fine - but - the root password i set on the installation of the docker seems never to work. (already installed and deleteted it a few times) is there another root password next to them i set on the installation of the docker? or what do i do wrong?


    nothing changed in the installation template except the password there is to set


    Greetings and thx in advance :)


    How did you access the root user?

    1. open up the noVNC webgui
    2. open the terminal
    3. type in 'su'
    4. type in your password set in the template (no screen output is shown when you enter a password in linux)
    5. press enter

    now you should see root@HOSTNAME


    If that doesn't work please type in the terminal 'printenv' and look if the variable 'ROOT_PWD' is set to 'secret' (this is an indicator that you are using the latest version of the container).


    Also you don't have to delete and install the container every time, the root password is set on every start of the container.


    I've also tried to change the password and it works just fine ;)

    • Like 1
  21. 1 hour ago, Vagus said:



    I don't have a cache drive, although I do sometimes get errors from the "Fix Common Problems" plugin stating an issue with Docker and the cache drive being set. I have mostly ignored it, since I do not have a cache drive.


    For reference here is that error:




    But I don't have a cache drive, and my appdata location is set to cache NO:




    Not sure if that helps at all.

    Oh, without a cache it's difficult to set up this container because you have to locate the files from the game on the physical disk please look if the files are really on disk1 (because your path is /mnt/disk1/... by default it's /mnt/cache/...) if the files are on disk1 which filesystem are you using on disk1?

    If they are for example on disk3 please change the path from /mnt/disk1/... to /mont/disk3/... (also please make sure that they don't spread across multiple disks).

    I would strongly recommend that you install a cache disk (change the path to /mnt/cache/...) or another disk with the Unassigned Drive plugin with the filesystem set to 'brtfs' (then change the path to /mnt/disks/THENAMEOFTHESHARE).

  22. 7 hours ago, Vagus said:

    Hi Ich777! Managed to get my Avorian server up and running successfully, but now I'm having difficulty running the Arma 3 server.


    I am having some issues grabbing a log full log, but this is a snippet which I feel has the error that's stopping the server from running:



    Can you provide a screenshot from you template configuration?

    Als did you have a cache drive installed in your server?

  23. 9 hours ago, Maggi0r said:

    Ah ok thanks that was the error with the PCI BUS.
    Now I have a question I would like to forward a USB device to this Docker. What do I have to do for it?

    I have already found the DEvice BUS using lsusb, but if I add this to the extra parameters with "--device = / dev / bus / usb / 001/004" then the device still does not work.

    thank you

    You can also try to mount it as a Path (there was a bug in a previous version of docker so that the permissions aren't set right).

    Also if you are using device you must use it this way: '--device=/dev/bus/usb/001/004:/dev/bus/usb/001/004'

    But this will only work if the drivers are woring on the host.

  24. 2 hours ago, Maggi0r said:

    I looked at that again. I installed the NVIDIA plugin and also installed and restarted NVIDIA UNRAID. But the mistake still seems to be the same.



    Debian NVIDIA Container.PNG

    Can you open a terminal and type in: 'nvidia-smi' and post the output?

    But you have installed a nvidia graphics card in your server?

    Also please provide the full output from the log.


    EDIT: Found the problem, you've entered the wrong PCI adress or in the false format you have: 'PCI:09:00.0' but right it would be: 'PCI:09:00:0'

  25. 18 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

    Yes, but...

    The nvidia build of Unraid is unsupported by Limetech. Feel free to support this yourself, but let people know that if they have issues with unraid while implementing this that it's not a general support thing, they will need to follow up with the LinuxServer IO folks and yourself, and any general support issues need to be dealt with while NOT using the nvidia build.


    There are so many things that are particular to this setup, and the docker system in unraid is meant to be as gotcha free as possible. Having containers that only run when you have a LSIO plugin supported nvidia video card as a non primary GPU not used in a VM and all the settings that must be modified goes against the "just click and run a container" mindset.


    Running VM's with hardware passthrough is complex enough, I can't see unraid generally supporting container video passthrough any time soon.


    I've allready updated the discription that this plugin is necessary (also the container won't start if you don't pass your GPU UUID to it).


    Nowadays many of the containers are now not simply click and install.


    But it's simply possible with this container with the Nvidia plugin installed (also passthrough the primary GPU to a VM is not recommended i thought or is it?), if i passthrough the primary GPU to a VM my server crashes randomly.

    I also support this container myself that's why this thread exists. ;)

    But your answer in this case isn't 100% right.

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