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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Can you post a screenshot from the variable 'TCP RCON' when you click on 'Edit'. Also i recommend you using Meta-/Sourcemod much easier with the on screen menu. What does the console say when you connect? How did you enter commands using rcon? Have you changed any ports? Please also provide a full screenshot from your template Docker configuration page in Unraid.
  2. Is it possible that you have interupted the first startup of the container? To solve this it should be enough that you stop the container delete the runtime directory in your appdata and restart the container. This error apperas because it finds a java folder but it can't execute/find the java executable.
  3. I will take a look into that, but i think this container is not possible with unraid since docker-compose is necessary from what i've read and that is not available on unraid. Give me some time, got not much spare time in the next few months, not everything is possible in the containers but very much (look at the DebianBuster-Nvidia container that i released recently for Steam In Home Streaming ). Thank you, appreciate that!
  4. The log looks fine but i would use http instead of https for this container. You have to set your domainname eg: http://csmm.yourdomainname.com or http://csmm.yourdomainname.duckdns.org (the domainname which you set at the Steam API Key creation because Steam will communicate with this domain. No you don't have to setup a website because the container will just do that for you (I strongly recommend you to reverse proxy the port from the container - in your case 1337 - to your port 80 or 443) or you port forward the Web Port to port 80 or 443 (but that's very unsecure) in your router, but the last solution is really unsecure! This container is not the best to start if you are new to this because it's a little difficulty to set up if you are not familar with this. With the game containers it's a completely different story you just have to port forword the ports in your router and you're good to go, no further setup required.
  5. Yep, i've already wrote that in the first post, also one line was missing in the code. Please read the first answer above.
  6. Yep because a VM has access to the physical device and you install the driver inside the VM but with Docker the driver must work on the Host. I will look into that, can you post a picture from your template configuration, i think a path isn't set right and DirSyncPro sync to a directory inside the container. Which sync method did you use? EDIT: Found it, the last update removed the SMB option and i forgot to put one line in the code. Now you have to use the Unassigned Devices plugin to mount an SMB share and then create a path in the template to that share so that it picks up. Completely my fault... Sorry Do a force update on your unraid docker page with advanced view turned on and then start the container, you will see a light tutorial how to do use it now with an SMB share.
  7. How did you access the root user? open up the noVNC webgui open the terminal type in 'su' type in your password set in the template (no screen output is shown when you enter a password in linux) press enter now you should see root@HOSTNAME If that doesn't work please type in the terminal 'printenv' and look if the variable 'ROOT_PWD' is set to 'secret' (this is an indicator that you are using the latest version of the container). Also you don't have to delete and install the container every time, the root password is set on every start of the container. I've also tried to change the password and it works just fine
  8. Oh, without a cache it's difficult to set up this container because you have to locate the files from the game on the physical disk please look if the files are really on disk1 (because your path is /mnt/disk1/... by default it's /mnt/cache/...) if the files are on disk1 which filesystem are you using on disk1? If they are for example on disk3 please change the path from /mnt/disk1/... to /mont/disk3/... (also please make sure that they don't spread across multiple disks). I would strongly recommend that you install a cache disk (change the path to /mnt/cache/...) or another disk with the Unassigned Drive plugin with the filesystem set to 'brtfs' (then change the path to /mnt/disks/THENAMEOFTHESHARE).
  9. Can you provide a screenshot from you template configuration? Als did you have a cache drive installed in your server?
  10. You can also try to mount it as a Path (there was a bug in a previous version of docker so that the permissions aren't set right). Also if you are using device you must use it this way: '--device=/dev/bus/usb/001/004:/dev/bus/usb/001/004' But this will only work if the drivers are woring on the host.
  11. Can you open a terminal and type in: 'nvidia-smi' and post the output? But you have installed a nvidia graphics card in your server? Also please provide the full output from the log. EDIT: Found the problem, you've entered the wrong PCI adress or in the false format you have: 'PCI:09:00.0' but right it would be: 'PCI:09:00:0'
  12. I've allready updated the discription that this plugin is necessary (also the container won't start if you don't pass your GPU UUID to it). Nowadays many of the containers are now not simply click and install. But it's simply possible with this container with the Nvidia plugin installed (also passthrough the primary GPU to a VM is not recommended i thought or is it?), if i passthrough the primary GPU to a VM my server crashes randomly. I also support this container myself that's why this thread exists. But your answer in this case isn't 100% right.
  13. You have to install the Nvidia Plugin from Linuxserver.io and then install the corresponding images and reboot your server. It reboots because this variable is not configured properly: 'Xorg Dsplay Output Port' (or you simply have to leave it empty if you have a monitor attached) You have to try out wich what for you. EDIT: If you have a monitor attached please leave the fiel 'Xorg Dsplay Output Port' empty but also be sure that you don't use the primary graphics card from the BIOS with this container! The line with the contianer.cfg is only there if the resolution is not set correctly and you want to set your own resolution or a different resolution. Actually i got it to work in my container, if you have the Nvidia Plugin installed (and everything correctly setup for the plugin) you can attach a monitor to your nvidia graphics card (don't forget to let the variable 'Xorg Dsplay Output Port' empty) and then start up the container, it should output the image of the VNC server but much smoother. EDIT: ALSO PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU HAVE TO SET ANOTHER VIDEO CARD IN THE BIOS THAN THIS CONTAINER IS USING.
  14. No, because the steam username and password are not marked as required so please don't provide a username or password, otherwise the download will fail. All is set so the server will start up with the default configurationa, you have to only provide values where the fields are marked as required in the template and you're good to go. What setup? It works like any other gameserver, configure the preference files and restart the container and it will load the new config, it works as a normal dedicated server on a linux machine. You have the template, i also make the description of the ports say wich protocol to use (TCP or UDP). Please read the description of all values and you're good to go. It works like a normal gameserver on linux but now in a container and easy to use for unraid. As like most of my containers it's easy as clickin on the app in the CA App and click apply. Please also note that some games take a really long time to download and the log will tell the progress only every 3rd minute or so but you can monitor that also on the cpu usage.
  15. I hope you don't mind me asking... Is it possible to get the two kernel modules: 'joydev' and 'uinput' with this plugin/images? I recently released a container to play Steam games with In Home Streaming (even over the internet) inside a container but the only problem is that these two kernel modules are needed to enable 'real' controller support, now i have to map the controller buttons to keyboard or even mouse inputs and that's really frustrating for some games. EDIT: Not needed anymore, got it solved.
  16. One thing, doesn't DirSyncPro has something like scheduled syncing built in? I may be wrong but i think there is an option...
  17. Have you installed a cache drive in your server? If so please change the path from '/mnt/user/appdat...' to '/mnt/cache/appdat...' like in this example: If not you have to specify the disk on wich your appdata folder with the containing CS1.6 is instead of the cache.
  18. I had set up two cron jobs one for docker start and one for docker stop once a day and let it run for a few hours, you can also set it to shutdown if it's finished inside of dirsync pro but please keep in mind that most of my dockers run with the restart-unless-stopped option (you can remove that in the Docker Startup parameters - switch advanced mode on in the template), i would go the way with the cron jobs.
  19. I will patch that so that SMB will give a warning and say that SMB shares should mount through UD, i will look into that as soon as i got time. I don't recommend real time synchronisatzion and also the filesystem must support this... I do scheduled backups with a cron job to start the container with the headless option.
  20. Oh nice that it works now. For the modpacks i can't help since i don't know how they exactly work but can't you specify a path to where the modpack is installed or downloaded?
  21. Yep, jou have to set it to local and then create a new mount point (or edit your existing mount point) to /mnt/disks/[nameofyoursmbshare]
  22. Sorry forgot to ask a SMB share on another server? If you mounted it not through the UD plugin please try it with the plugin and select in the template R/W Slave.
  23. Please report back if you got the problem again, where is the destination? Is it on a smb share or did you mount it through the Unassigned Devices plugin if you mount it with UA don't forget to mount it with R/W Slave.
  24. I can't reporduce the error, everything copys just fine and if i click a second time on sync nothing will sync anymore: Click on sync for the 2nd time:
  25. A few bytes would make the thing easier, but you can also send me a file that has 20GB.
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