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Posts posted by ephdisk

  1. On 2/22/2024 at 5:00 PM, granite said:

    Just tried to install this, however it errored out. I assume it's a syntax issue with the template?


    docker: invalid spec: :REV_SERVER_TARGET:rw: empty section between colons.
    See 'docker run --help'.

    The command failed.

    The template line for REV_SERVER_TARGET is incorrectly set as a Path instead of Variable. 


    I created a REV_SERVER_TARGET variable line and deleted the original path entry.  That got rid of my errors and also helped it start faster. 


    Aside from that Unbound fails to start intermittently and the container stops responding to DNS unless you restart it a few times.  As much as I love this idea, I had to revert back to the official.  I will be keeping tabs on this though.  Please keep up the great work. 

  2. @SimonF

    I have it working now! Thank you for helping troubleshoot this.


    So this command works under user "ADMIN" but did not work under my custom user account that I created  "unRAID"


    Even though I was able to log in to the BMC manually with the "unRAID" user it was not recognizing via the command either.  I just deleted the user from BMC and re-added with the same credentials.  Now it is letting me in and your command works with the re-created user "unRAID".


    It is also working from within the GUI Config and now reading properly.  I apologize for not trying this before but my validation was that I could manually log in with those credentials that should mean that the IPMI plugin should be able to as well. 


    Thank you again for your insight.  Side note, this is an H12 motherboard using the X11 settings.  As far as I am aware, the BMC is unchanged between the X/H11 and X/H12 boards. 



    • Like 1
  3. The Readings tab shows blank.  Even after reboot.  I have also used the Default and Reset BMC and re-entered credentials.  I just uninstalled the plugin and installed fresh but it doesn't seem to communicate over network. 





    BMC Log not showing any events of attempted sign in from user unRAID


  4. @SimonF

    Just installed your latest plugin.  It seems to run as "anonymous" just fine and read stats but now is immediately rejecting my "unRAID" user account for BMC. 


    The unRAID log doesn't show any activity.  Is there a log that I can help parse and provide to you?

    The BMC log doesn't show any activity from user "unRAID" attempting to log in.


    Thank you again! I am more than happy to help you test this in any way I can.

  5. I really loved this plugin. I had a X8 motherboard with limited IPMI controls but it could read sensors very well.  I just recently upgraded my motherboard/cpu to a H12 series but it picked right up when I had the same username/password as the old controller. 


    Everything was working under the older plugin.  I saw the notice about migrating to the newer version and upgraded immediately had the IPMI account locked.  I retyped the password and it worked for a brief second then locked the account out again. 


    I have tried creating another user to specifically assign to unRAID.  That also is locked out immediately. 


    There are no retry setting or notifications from within unRAID IPMI plugin settings aside from "Connection Failed"


    It appears to be hammering the login credentials and ignoring the custom password. 






    I have turned off the Notifications and Fan Control, defaulted the settings and tried to start fresh.  All with the same results.  Please let me know if I can provide any other information.  Thank you for this wonderful plugin and I hope to get it working again soon. 

  6. 3 hours ago, kennygunit said:


    Pardon the newbie question, but where should i be looking for this file?  I don't see it even by searching my servers root directory  :(


    I was able to SSH in to my server.  But this will only last until you reboot. 

    sudo nano /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php



    The permanent way would be to modify the boot via SSH:


    sudo nano /boot/config/go


    Paste this at the end:  (Shift Insert or Right Click)


    # Fix Docker - Case Insensitive
    sed -i 's#@Docker-Content-Digest:\\s*\(.*\)@#\@Docker-Content-Digest:\\s*\(.*\)@i#g' /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php 


    Ctrl X and save then Reboot. 



    All thanks goes to HyperV, Morthan, and ich777 ❤️

    • Like 9
    • Thanks 4
  7. 1 hour ago, Morthan said:

    Pardon my rudeness but your sed command replaces the entire line with just that text.


    I adjusted it a bit and use this instead, so it only replaces the found text ( I almost always use different delimiters because the slashes get in the way of seeing what is being done with the backslashes in the way)

    sed -i 's#@Docker-Content-Digest:\\s*\(.*\)@#\@Docker-Content-Digest:\\s*\(.*\)@i#g' /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php


    I used https://sed.js.org/ to check the syntax




    Thank you both for trying to make a permanent fix to apply at boot. 


    Morthan your output is perfect:

     preg_match('@Docker-Content-Digest:\s*(.*)@ii', $reply, $matches);


    ich777 your output removes important content from the line:  



    • Like 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, HyperV said:

    I had exactly the same issue and could not find any solutions on the forum or the internet. So I did some digging myself and found the cause of the issue. The docker update check script gets the remote digest of the latest tag from the docker repository via a header called 'Docker-Content-Digest'. The script checks for this header with a case-sensitive regex pattern. Manually querying the docker hub registry gives me a header called 'docker-content-digest' (mind the casing). The docker hub registry must have recently changed the casing of this header, because it broke for me in the last 24 hours. I'm running on Unraid 6.8.3 still, so I'm not 100% sure if this issue also exists in 6.9.x.

    If you feel up to it, you could quite easily fix this yourself until there is a real fix. I'll describe the steps below:

    Open file: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php

    Go to line 457.

    There you should look for the text:


    and replace it with:


    Save the file.

    This will make the header check case-insensitive and should make it work again.


    Thanks for the deep dive @HyperV This fixed it for me! 


    I was just able to refresh and update any containers that I didn't manually force. 


    I am still on 6.8.3 because I use custom IP addresses in my docker environment and I have seen that it is still causes lock ups in 6.9.x




  9. 16 minutes ago, sjoerger said:


    I was about to post the same thing. I saw there was image update this morning and I get the same error as well as the following:


    2021-03-12 09:20:19,429::INFO::[SABnzbd:425] par2 binary... found (/usr/bin/par2)

    2021-03-12 09:20:19,430::INFO::[notifier:122] Sending notification: Error - unrar binary... NOT found! (type=error, job_cat=None)

    2021-03-12 09:20:19,429::ERROR::[SABnzbd:444] unrar binary... NOT found!

    2021-03-12 09:20:19,430::INFO::[SABnzbd:450] 7za binary... found (/usr/bin/7za)

    Include me in getting this error too.  I am still on 6.8.3

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