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Posts posted by johnvid

  1. 23 hours ago, amnesia said:

    Hey Space,


    Any ETA on when we'll be seeing the Big Sur update come through? And any information on if we will need to do a fresh install? Because the spoofed model number for my Mac VM isn't supported in Big Sur.



    Yes!! Would love to have it. Almost resfreshing the docker page every few minutes. But still nothing ;)

  2. Hi there,


    I am a little bit new at ssh but when I follow a tutorial about configuring a plugin I get stuck at changing the dir. Hope someone can help me out. ;)


    When I use the telnet client in HOOBS and I want to change from '/hoobs/etc #' to '/hoobs' I get the following error:


    sh: cd: can't cd to ~/.hoobs/: No such file or directory


    I am simply using the command 'cd ~/.hoobs/' Does anyone know what I am doing wrong here?


    Hope someone can help me out. 

  3. Hi there,


    I was wondering if it was possible to delay the SMB Share from the "Unassigned Devices" Plugin?




    When in a powerfailure and the UPS is also empty everything goes down. But when the power comes back 2 machines are set to start automatic. 


    Machine 1(Unraid) boots in about 70 seconds. 

    Machine 2(Synology) boots in about 4 minutes or so. 


    Machine 1 auto-mounts a smb share from Synology on Unraid startup. But when it tries to connect the smb share the Synology is not ready to accept connections yet. 



    So does anyone know how to delay the smb auto-mount?


    thanks in advance.

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