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Posts posted by RiverElf

  1. 11 hours ago, steini84 said:

    Unraid a incredibly safe as an appliance if you only use the GUI.

    However I have been messing with it since 2010 (4.7 if I remember correctly) and never had any catastrophes (like data loss). Still using the original setup, only with additions over the years.. and some dead drives that all rebuilt correctly :)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Sounds good! :) unRAID looks very appealing to me. Being new to NAS one of the things I'm trying to learn more about, is how data integrity and data safety in unRAID compares to other solutions like ZFS and OpenMediaVault with the SnapRAID plugin - both of which appear to run a checksum before data is written to parity which should help protect against silent errors / bitrot. I'll probably start a thread about that in the relevant forum. It sounds like you haven't had any problems with bitrot, which is reassuring :)

  2. 3 minutes ago, steini84 said:

    Yeah was thinking via /boot/config/smb-extra.conf for samba. Don't remember what the way for samba is.

    But this is all pretty advanced if people are only used to GUIs. Pleas be careful when playing and don't run with scissors ;)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Ha! :) yeah, it sounds quite advanced to someone like me. I'll try not to get cut if I ever dare go there. Nice to know that with this plugin there appears to be a way to run both ZFS and unRAID on the same system - if one has the knowledge and experience to do it safely ;-)

  3. 21 hours ago, steini84 said:

    Yeah you could do that. Basically it allows you to have one or more zfs pools on your server independent from your unraid protected drives.


    My use case is three ssd drives in a raidz-1 for my vms and docker with automatic snapshots. I also replicate my pool to a 3tb external drive that I also rsync my most important data to daily (and snapshot on the USB drive)


    It's so independent that it does not integrate at all into unraid shares, dashboard etc, so if you want to export your pools to nfs or samba you need to do it manually.


    Thanks for your reply!:) When you write: " so if you want to export your pools to nfs or samba you need to do it manually." I suppose you mean by command line interface? I've got so much to learn O.o

  4. At the moment I am learning about NAS basics and the different server software solutions that exist. I am trying to understand what this ZFS plugin adds to unRAID. Does it allow one to run an array of drives with ZFS in a system which otherwise runs unRAID? So you could run 4-6 identical drives with ZFS in RAID-Z2 and the rest of the drives in the system with unRAID?

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