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Everything posted by Energen

  1. Except that it would be encrypted so not really an issue, as long as it was encrypted properly.
  2. All looks good to me, if you're happy with it. Nothing is wrong with the hardware so I'll share my opinions with you. I'll just say that if you strictly plan on using this for an Unraid build then you can probably cut some costs. Even with transcoding for Plex, if you even transcode anything, you [probably] don't need a $240 graphics card (in my opinion). Get a CPU with graphics. A $90 fan.. *shrugs*... too high for me but if it's what you want then great. There's "got to be" other quiet fans at 1/3 the cost. Unless this is going to be a focal point in the room, to talk about with everyone that comes over like a piece of artwork, I would look at cutting the cost down on the case. $120 case to sit in a corner is too much. You're starting off good with 32GB of RAM.. depending on what you do down the line you may feel like you want more RAM available.. so if you're not buying the RAM now because you already have it (the price says $0) then that's fine.. if you are buying it now then I might suggest going to 64GB if you can get a good deal. Other than that it looks like you're good to go. Obviously you didn't plan on using any server grade hardware so that makes it easier.
  3. Yes you could use the 14TB separately by mounting it outside of the array with Unassigned Devices plugin, and then you can access it via SMB just like normal.. but just know that you would never be able to add it to the actual parity protected array because it would be larger than your parity drive. So if you wanted to do that then you could do something like this in Unraid: cache: 1x 512GB SSD - the other SSD could then be used as a parity protected fast disk in the array where you run VMs off of, or whatever.. limiting writing to the disk to only specific things. or cache pool: 2x 512GB SSD (basically a RAID for the cache drive itself, better option for protection of the cache drive) parity: 1x 4TB array disk 1-3: 3x 4TB unassigned devices outside of parity: 1x 14TB
  4. I'm still waiting for this board to become available. I was interested in it for a new PC (not Unraid) build. I don't know what the holdup is but they seem really not in no rush to get it to distribution. As far as iommu, don't know.
  5. Seems like some work to implement, if it's still valid.. but he could have a TrueCrypt volume on your server so only he can access it via TrueCrypt. Otherwise he's better off just using Dropbox or some other cloud service with an encryption component like BoxCryptor. https://www.boxcryptor.com/en/ Actually, he could also just use BoxCryptor on an Unraid share. That works too, and easier to use than the TrueCrypt method.
  6. Lots of questions here.. a few I can't really answer, don't know enough about the subjects. Here's what I can respond to.. First and foremost, plan out what you want now, and for the future. Nothing is worse than spending X amount of dollars now just to want to change everything again for better hardware a year or two from now when you start wanting to do more stuff or play around with stuff. That's the boat I'm in right now, I want new mobo/cpu which will also require new RAM. $600 or so down the tubes because I didn't know I would want to do more stuff later on. Plan now, buy once! With that said -- ok. Your hard drives, well if you plan on having a parity drive then one of those 14TB drives has to be your parity drive because parity has to be as large as the largest drive in the array. If you had other plans for those drives then maybe you can use them outside of the array and not have to waste one for parity... The Ryzen or Intel debate.. well, it sounds like you want GPU transcoding so my suggestion might be to focus on the Intel with igpu and a supporting board (not sure about those X9 boards, the new X11 boards with c246 chipset are what's talked about recently for igpu transcoding support) that way you don't need a graphics card and can use the x8/x16 slot for a SAS card if you need more SATA connections. Some server boards have limited pcie slots so using one for a gpu might limit your speeds for a SAS card.. probably not, but maybe. If you are more set with using a gpu for transcoding (which is probably easier anyways) then get whatever board you like that suits the cpu you choose.. plan ahead. Get the most capable cpu now that you can afford, and if you can't afford it then save up a little more and get it later. Those cpus you listed all look good.. lots of cores, decent core clock speed.. I personally like the look of a cpu over 3ghz for a new build... and for whatever it is worth I look at the single thread passmark benchmarks .. I have no idea how those benchmarks affect anything in a practical sense but those all have single thread scores below 2000. I don't know what that means but in my planning I looked for a cpu closer to 3000. Does it mean anything? I don't know.. but makes me feel better. You haven't mentioned RAM other than DDR3/4.. so you'll have to think of how much you want and go from there. I looked at one of those X9 boards and it had a ton of RAM slots so plenty of room to expand later, but if you had a board with only 4 slots then you'd have to plan up front for the limited ability to upgrade. I started with 16gb of ECC DDR4, then eventually added another 16GB... hit my limit of slots there. On my current setup I'd have to start over and buy 32GB sticks in order to upgrade. ECC is $$. Do you plan on ECC? The general hardware questions -- as long as it's an ATX/mATX board then they will fit a standard case. The SATA ports are the same. The PSU will plug in the same (size your PSU accordingly for all the drives you want to add in the future). The SCU/AHCI stuff is about the SCU sas controller .. doesn't matter for anything except that using / not using / mixing drive types could determine your SATA speeds (3gbs/6gbs). This is what I just read about it.. don't take it as gospel. That's about all I can answer.. Hope this gave you something to think about and didn't make it more complicated for you. I just like to type. Good luck!
  7. https://www.google.com/search?q=virtio+guest+agent
  8. Looks fine to me, don't know why it wouldn't be ok. It's literally just a box with some connections...
  9. Very nice, ready to rock!
  10. Good to hear. Hows the quality of the UPS feel? Build quality and stuff like that.. going by the pictures they look somewhat generic compared to an APC or CyberPower.. but I guess it's not always about looks
  11. With those drives you would need to make the Slot 6 drive your parity drive, if you wanted parity. Parity always has to be at least as large as your largest drive in the array, so you could not use a 4GB drive as parity for a 14GB drive... make sense? You'd also have to add the drives to the array one by one or something like that if they have data on them already. You'd need to move all the data off a drive before you can add it to Unraid. That's the most tedious process of all. For example, if that 14TB drive were empty, you could move all the data from the 2 SSD's and 2 of the 4TB drives onto the 14TB drive, then add those SSDs and empty drives to Unraid, then move the data from the 14TB drive onto the array, and then move the next set of 4TB drives onto the 14TB drive, add those and repeat until eventually you got all your data onto the array and all the drives added. It's a process for sure.. Other than that you'd be good to go. As far as the benefits of Unraid.. for that you'd have to do your own research and comparison to what you use now. Unraid is very cool, I like it. That's all I can tell you...
  12. You can make your own script like jonathanm said or you can use CA Appdata Backup / Restore to back up the entire /cache mount. Or you could use any backup programs in docker to make a copy of the /cache drive.
  13. https://wiki.unraid.net/index.php/UnRAID_6/VM_Management#Step_5:_Install_the_VirtIO_drivers_from_inside_the_VM_.28Windows_Guests_Only.29
  14. Looks like that's about the going price on a lot of sites... good deal for sure. However I can't find any info on what the drive itself is. If you were thinking about stripping this down to pull the drive to use in Unraid, it's not easy to find out if it's SMR or CMR.
  15. Well hell, if that's what you've been working on already then that's some damn good work. Since it looks like you've got that going pretty good then I'd suggest possibly a method of adding movies to Radarr so that you could one-click add them to your library -- or to add any selected items to their own rss feed that can be imported, rather than an rss feed of 'all' missing items. Nice work.
  16. I'll do my best to answer your questions.. I'm not an expert at anything but have time on my hands lately.. As far as I know and have seen so far for myself (which has not been a lot) all reverse proxy stuff (like reverse proxy with nginx) is handled via config files, so it's not exactly what I'd call native. You can't open a web gui on unraid and set up your proxies. Yes you can continue to add as many disks as your unraid license allows without losing data -- each disk is added to the array. Yes docker is supported and portainer already has a docker available in Community Applications.. anything that you can't find in Community Applications can be installed manually if you wish using docker commands. Can unraid be used in virtual box... if you strictly mean "in" virual box, as in running unraid as a virtual machine.. yes, it's possible.. there's some threads/videos on how to do that... but that's not the "native" use of unraid. It's possible but I'm not sure if it's "advisable" to run it as such. You don't need the NVMe for the operating system in a sense like installing Windows on it... Unraid runs off a USB stick, 16GB is probably plenty of space but throw it on a 32-64GB flash drive and call it a day. The NVMe can then be used for whatever purpose you want ... as a cache disk would be just fine. As to all the hardware related questions ... any newer, faster hardware will always be better for you. Period.
  17. I had this problem yesterday while I was probably trying to do too much at once with the array. As far as I could tell I had no open links to any of the disks, console windows, etc. I just rebooted it *shrugs*. You can find out what is holding it up in the system logs, you might see something like unmounting disk3, retrying disk3, etc etc
  18. This is kinda cool, fills the "gaps" (no pun intended) of collections you might have never known had related movies.. Would it be possible to add more information to the result list of movies that are missing to include what movies the match is related to -- that you already have? For example one of my results is #FromJennifer (2017) The Jennifer Found Footage Collection Never heard of this movie, nor this collection... why is it a match to my library? After looking it up on TMDB I see the collection has 2 Jennifer (2016), which is the movie I have (never watched it). So it would just be nice to see what existing movies the collections are related to if you're unaware of the titles. Here's a thought too, since you have to query TMDB in the first place anyways to get the collection info, store the names of all the movies in the collection to display in the missing movies list and display them as present/missing. Example: Maybe just the font color could change for present/missing or something like that. Also another thought, maybe you could group the collections together .. so again for example #FromJennifer is the first result on my list because of the alpha sorting.. then To Jennifer is missing also, way down in the T's.. maybe you could group them together by collection name so that they are displayed together. Think of this.. I think I have one James Bond movies that I haven't watched yet.. the newest one.. so every other James Bond movie is listed as missing, if all those movies were listed under one collection that I could ignore.... amazing.
  19. It would be nice to have a full suite of options related to the UPS already built into Unraid in a pretty GUI. But I imagine that it would be a good amount of work to create such a utility for all the available options, or even to get to a basic starting point of a couple options.. Until then, you can create your own scripts to do what you want.. https://www.systutorials.com/docs/linux/man/8-apccontrol/ apcupsd already creates the relevant status updates for power events, you'd just have to configure those events to trigger a script that did something like virsh shutdown <name of vm> or even virsh suspend to pause the VM without fully shutting it down if the power outage is only a couple seconds you may not want to shut it down and restart it https://libvirt.org/manpages/virsh.html
  20. Energen


    Nextcloud app on Android does not look like it deletes photos if you delete it on the phone.
  21. There could be an easier way but I just tried this quickly... Open a console window for mariadb (click on the mariadb icon on your docker page and select console) type in mysql -u <root/admin username> -p and hit enter, then enter your password then it will show you the version, such as Server version: 10.4.13-MariaDB-1:10.4.13+maria~bionic-log mariadb.org binary distribution
  22. Energen


    Well the easiest way would be to install the google photos app on your phone.. and sync to your google account. Then you could use google sync to download onto your Windows pc automatically. Other than that, I was actually just testing this out with Dropbox, Box, and Nextcloud. Dropbox looks like it works, Box seems like it would be a paid upgrade to sync photos automatically, and Nextcloud seems to work ok also. I'm no pro at nextcloud but they did sync to my Unraid server. Not sure about automatically deleting... I'll try to test that now. Nextcloud doesn't seem to be the fastest to sync.
  23. I just came across this plugin and it's exactly what I knew I needed... so just wanted to say thanks! Would you be able to apply the same type of categorizing to the plugins page? That would be kinda cool too...
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