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Everything posted by Energen

  1. https://webdav.xterm.eu/media/windows-drivers/kvm-win-drivers/
  2. I personally never had Kodi-headless running correctly, it was unresponsive on the webui end and ran like crap for me. That said, lots of people use it just fine. But are you sharing a kodi database between multiple devices (play history, etc)? That's kind of the only reason for using kodi-headless or any similar option. https://kodi.wiki/view/MySQL If you aren't sharing a database file then you can just set up your devices to connect to an Unraid share (SMB/NFS) and scan for media files. Sharing the database though makes it so that only one machine has to scan anything (Unraid) and the other devices just play, no need for scanning and building their own database. What I used when I did use Kodi was a custom version of LibreELEC in a VM that allowed running it without a graphics card passthrough. It worked out much better for me. The only downside is that this was only built into one version of LibreELEC and hasn't been updated since then for any new versions.
  3. Not sure on that error but yes you need to start with the sample file from the site. Then put that file into /mnt/user/appdata/privatebin --- not into a folder named conf.php
  4. Thanks for the follow up. Looks like if I go ahead with an upgrade I would probably get the X11SCA-F because of availability. The SCA is listed as a "workstation" board and all the other X11 C246 boards are "server" boards --- but nowhere to be found right now. The SCA is available on Amazon and Newegg and has all of the "server" board features.
  5. Yes, here's a basic script to do that. virsh start <name of vm> sleep 30m virsh shutdown <name of vm> Or you could just start it and then have the Windows VM shut itself down after a period of time.
  6. Looks like this works... -v '/mnt/user/appdata/privatebin/conf.php':'/srv/cfg/conf.php':'rw'
  7. I have not used the winNUT program but I do use the apcusbd (https://sourceforge.net/projects/apcupsd/files/) program on Windows to accomplish the same task. My configuration file only needs two lines for basic operation. UPSTYPE net DEVICE <UNRAID_IP>:3551 Just another option.
  8. Seems it might be possible but would actually require interacting with apcupsd rather than as a "user script" that's easy to just drop into Unraid. This would take some custom work, but not overly difficult it doesn't look like. https://www.systutorials.com/docs/linux/man/8-apccontrol/ Specifically you'd be wanting to implement a script when apcupsd triggers this notificaiton: powerout apcupsd generates this event as soon as apcupsd detects that the UPS has switched to battery power and it is not a self-test.
  9. I don't use it specifically for this, but I do use it to reduce file sizes/resolutions of stuff I don't need/want in their original format. Basically any setting you choose that's below 4K will result in a smaller file. I personally don't believe in the 4K hype and wouldn't make any difference visually even if you have a 4K screen to watch it on (I do, and 4K looks the same as 1080, which looks the same as 720, which looks just as good as 480... but my eyes are older), so I'd say just choose whichever resolution you want to give it a shot. You can encode only a small part of the bluray to see what the output would be like, you don't have to do the entire thing. When I do convert stuff, I've been using Matroska/H.265 usually either 720p or 480p if it's something silly like an animation. You could start with 1080p and see how that looks to you.
  10. Are the drives encrypted? Probably not or I feel you would have mentioned that. But I was surprised that encryption used up about 21GB of a 3TB drive.
  11. Sorry to hear Fabiolander, that's certainly a depressing situation. It's encouraging me, though, to swap one of my data drives as a second parity drive.
  12. So the listed container sizes only apply to the containers that are there, but the docker image itself can have left over stuff from previous dockers you've installed and deleted also. That could be one thing to look at. For Plex, you should have a transcoding location mapped to the array somewhere so that it's not "in" your docker container. By default anything that's not mapped to the array ends up in your docker file taking up space. You can read a few things about mapping docker containers and why the docker image fills up here You can also use a couple apps such as Portainer to examine your docker containers and see what's taking up space... One thing I do occasionally is use the information from these comments to clean up my residual docker containers https://gist.github.com/mlebkowski/471d2731176fb11e81aa#file-cleanup-docker-sh I start all my docker containers that I have installed / want to keep / not be touched and open a console window and run 'docker system prune' to remove any left over stuff from old dockers I've deleted.
  13. So you seem to be missing the point of Unraid's parity drives and rebuilding an array from failed disks. If in fact the drives are dead and you can't get them working then you'll have to replace the drives with new ones and rebuild your array. You're not trying to copy any data off them or have anyone else try to recover any data from them. https://wiki.unraid.net/UnRAID_6/Storage_Management#Replacing_disks But it's also pretty rare/odd/strange/whatever that two drives "fail" at the same time, so I'd be looking for some other reason of them not mounting before replacing them. Chances are you would have been experiencing problems with them beforehand if they were actually bad. Not always, but usually.
  14. I had been messing around with this a little bit trying to make it a more interactive function with push alerts and such. The main problem with all of these ideas though is that they don't seem to account for unauthorized access, in extreme circumstances. Let's say that the server gets stolen and someone starts it up. Without the keyfile it's useless, ok that's fine. But you don't know that the server is missing -- and your ftp is running -- and it's restarted and data is loaded. That's not fine. Let's say that the array started / stopping / stopped scripts (from another thread about this) are present and the array is stopped by a bad actor, the keyfile gets downloaded (or is still present) and the array can be restarted with data in tact. That's not fine. In either case as long as the keyfile is not already there simply having the ftp server turned off will prevent the ability to get the keyfile downloaded, as long as you remember to keep the ftp off. That's ok. Now let's say you're away on vacation and the server reboots for whatever reason and is now offline -- but you have a family member that needs access to the server, but your ftp server was turned off because you weren't expect it to reboot.. so now it's running at the array stopped - need keyfile to start array. What to do? Give up your passphrase to someone to type it in and start the array.... not a big deal most likely but not the first choice. Try to talk them through opening a console prompt and running some commands to fetch the keyfile from your ftp server... good luck with that. Let's say you're able to get the keyfile onto the system remotely, now you still have to start the array with the keyfile present. Well that involves a restart of the gui. It's not the cleanest solution per se but I don't think it would exactly break anything doing that. Also, ftp on your phone doesn't work UNLESS you're on a router and can get an open port for access. So if all you have is cell network access -- your server is not starting any time soon. Will unraid's ftp server run without the array started? That might be better to connect TO unraid rather than to your phone. I was trying to implement a way of getting a notification if the server was restarted unexpectedly and then have the choice of transferring the keyfile and getting the array started. I have push notifications going ok and the scripts for downloading the keyfile can include a command to restart the webui to load the keyfile ... so all in all it's dirty but it works. I never really finished cleaning all this up and simplifying the process... so I guess I'm just thinking out loud in case there's any better ideas that anyone can come up with. One person in another thread talked about connecting to the webui via vpn, and that seems to work well enough and might even be easier even if not as automated. Ok I've spewed enough about this... ideas, thoughts, comments?
  15. Got a couple thoughts here... don't know if any of them are good. You can use a power supply such as this http://www.phanteks.com/Revolt-X.html which will power both systems independently of each other, but a comment on Reddit said "I ended up connecting all of my corsair hd120 fans to corsair commander pro to control them on iCue software. Since revolt x psu sends power to all sata/molex/pci-e no matter which system is turned on, my fans will run even when only my itx system is turned on." So that seems kind of neat. And easy. Or maybe something like this http://www.phanteks.com/PH-PWSPR.html If you had 2 power supplies then you might be able to use something like this https://www.amazon.com/Maxmoral-Computer-Cooling-Controller-Splitter/dp/B07N3B9KHB .. I'm thinking that you get an adapter (probably have to customize your own) with two sata/molex connectors on one end, to connect to each of the power supplies, and one sata/molex on the other end to connect to this board, and that way at least one of the power supplies is always powering this splitter. Similarly, you power two splitters -- one from each PSU -- and connect the fans to both sets with extra fan wiring.. More involved there than the other way I think. The question is --- what would happen in either case if this splitter that is made for 12v is now getting power from two PSU's... would it burn up? Possibly... also what would the fans do if they normally run at 5v or whatever and now are getting power from two PSU's at the same time... If you knew the ins and outs of electronics you could make your own wires to solve this problem. An in-line resistor or something that would take all the input power but only output 12v or whatever is expected. More work. Or you make all the fans connect to USB and you power them off a wall plug like charging a cell phone........ That's all I'm coming up with for now..
  16. Not really sure to be honest. Since I've never used it I don't know if it's not working as expected. I have not tested any of the email stuff but when I log in to the site there's an error message at the top: Error: APP_KEY is set to a default value, to update it backup your database and then run php artisan ninja:update-key Now I did create an app key and pass it as an argument for the container, so not sure about that one.. but then on the console running that php command gives this error / # php artisan ninja:update-key Could not open input file: artisan errrrrrrrrrr, ok, hold on a sec. When I ran that command on one of the other dockers it worked right away, and this custom container it did not, but I just realized that when it's talking about 'artisan' it wants that file and I found it in /app so running that command in that directory works... there's no prompt about wanting to update the key so I just had to type 'yes' to get it to continue, refreshed the website and the error message was gone. So as far as anything else, that was the only problem I saw...... now that's resolved. Well then... Wonder how to remove the free version "created by" watermark...... hmm....
  17. I just started playing around with this a little bit and I basically got stuck with not being able to load the page, like everyone else.. tried some of DesktopMaster's stuff and didn't really get any further. So instead of using the docker from community applications, I tried the official invoiceninja docker instead (invoiceninja/invoiceninja) and that didn't really get me anywhere either. Then I found another docker image after a youtube video ... and it works more than any others so far. https://dbtechreviews.com/2020/07/invoice-ninja-installed-in-docker/ https://hub.docker.com/r/cdnhammernet/invoiceninja I just added a new container using cdnhammernet/invoiceninja and put in the basic variables to get it working.. and it works. Not sure what's different about this one compared to the others but it's a starting point.
  18. I wouldn't bother with the Ethernet protection. The idea behind that port is to protect you from any surges through the ethernet cables themselves. Also does some filtering.. "Maintains clean power for connected equipment by filtering out electromagnetic and radio frequency interference to improve picture and sound quality." I don't think the filtering part is really needed... or the surge protection. If you wanted to use it, then I think you would want to have your cable modem IN to the UPS and then OUT to your router. But the surge suppression is listed at only 405 joules, which is nothing. And the filtering could potentially make your signal even weaker. Most ethernet cables are shielded already anyways. And no those ethernet ports on the UPS have nothing to do with shutdown commands or any communication. They are only for the surge protection.
  19. CyberPower may not be the best solution for you then, looks like they primarily serve US based customers. Best they seem to offer for the UK is a 3 battery / 3 surge unit https://www.cyberpower.com/uk/en/product/sku/BR1200ELCD-UK#specification You can use power strips on the battery plugs, provided that you don't overdo it. If you used two of them to separate hardware you'd be better off. You could see if any of these APC units offer more https://www.apc.com/shop/uk/en/categories/power/uninterruptible-power-supply-ups-/computer-and-peripheral/N-a4lk5lZ7ykz98 I don't know anything about this brand but someone here mentioned it in another UPS thread.. looks like 5xUK plugs is the best they offer https://powerwalker.com/?page=product&item=10120033&lang=en
  20. So it looks like you ended up with the X11SCH-F after all. Do you have IPMI (remote console) and iGPU ,working together? I ask because I've seen someone mention that any of these X11 boards can be used for IPMI with iGPU but the X11SCA-F is the only board that specifically lists Intel UHD P630 graphic which makes it sound like it's the only board that might support IPMI/iGPU simultaneously. I'd be more interested in the X11SCH-F or X11SCH-LN4F if I can get IPMI and iGPU working together (even though I don't really need iGPU for transcoding, but if I can have it why not get it..) I would use IPMI console/KVM more than iGPU but the option for both would be good.
  21. The graphic was from the QVO, the information was for the EVO, since details matter. The point was that actual real world speed is different than what is advertised. https://www.samsung.com/semiconductor/minisite/ssd/product/consumer/860evo/ CACHE MEMORY 512MB Low Power DDR4 SDRAM (250GB, 500GB) 1GB Low Power DDR4 SDRAM (1,000GB) 2GB Low Power DDR4 SDRAM (2,000GB) 4GB Low Power DDR4 SDRAM (4,000GB) Perhaps you need a refresher on SSD, here's an article that explains why TLC is slow. It's 5 years old but still relevant. https://www.pcworld.com/article/2998497/tlc-nand-ssds-the-crippling-problem-storage-makers-dont-advertise.html Anyways, you've got your opinion, I've got mine. Neither of us will agree on them for sure, and none of it helps the OP. I'm out of this discussion.
  22. Sure, so Unraid already has built in support for UPS's on the Settings page, it's got APCUPSD built in already. (http://apcupsd.org/manual/manual.html) And it's already it's own server.. which makes everything easy. On my Windows PC I install the apcusbd software (which can act as server or client) https://sourceforge.net/projects/apcupsd/files/win-binaries - Stable/3.14.14/ Then, simply, I modify the configuration file on Windows to get data from the server. You can configure any other options you want in the file but these two lines get you connected to Unraid. UPSTYPE net DEVICE <UNRAID_IP>:3551 This really is the cheapest and maybe even easiest way of running multiple pcs off one ups. Your two main options for network capabilities are from CyberPower and APC. https://www.cyberpowersystems.com/product/ups/hardware/rmcard205/ https://www.apc.com/shop/us/en/products/UPS-Network-Management-Card-2/P-AP9630 On top of the cost of the UPS. No thank you I say. Unraid also has a plugin for NUT, which essentially does the same thing. Either one will work with apcusbd on the Windows pc. As far as a PS5 and stuff.. well it's funny you mention. I've got my PS4 and Xbox connected to the UPS also. I don't remember if I actually put it on a battery backup plug or just a surge plug but I seem to recall thinking that in the event of an outage I wouldn't want to just be dropped from a game I'd like to be able to say "oh snap gotta go! power's out!"
  23. Just a little tip here if you don't want to have to load Greasemonkey in all your browsers... You can use Config File Editor from tools to add the script in automatically without the need for any browser addons.. just a little nicer way of doing it where you don't have to think about it. You'll just have to most likely remember to change it every time Unraid is updated or the page gets reverted back to default. Here's what I did........ edit the file /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/include/DefaultPageLayout.php All the way at the bottom before the closing </body> tag I added cinereus's script: </script> <script> var container = document.querySelector ("div.content.shift"); var title = container.querySelector ("div#title"); var table = container.querySelector ("table#tblIPMIDash"); //-- Move IMPI elements to bottom //-- container.appendChild (title); //-- container.appendChild (table); </script> </body> </html> EDIT -- Actually modifying that page messed up the layout of the Apps page a little bit.. but it's a starting point.
  24. So the first two questions are easy to answer... "yes". Though I'm not sure what you mean that you'd run Windows on top of Unraid.. do you mean in a VM? As long as you get a compatible UPS (i.e. APC, CyberPower) you can use either NUT or APCUPSD to control both Unraid and Windows. I have mine set up so that Unraid is the master or server for the UPS, and my Windows PC is the client. I have the Windows client of apcupsd running on the PC that will get power notifications from Unraid. Unless you spent even more money on a UPS that offers a network card for multiple computers this is the only way that I know of to control 2 or more computers. Personally I couldn't justify another $200 for a network card for my UPS just to do this when the client/server software works just fine. As to the third question, I can't confidently answer it. I wouldn't be too concerned about the parity check, I've manually stopped those before when needed. Rebuilding a drive, that's a bit more serious scenario. My only other suggestion is that you just get the largest UPS that you can afford. A 1500va/900w CyberPower UPS is generally under $200USD and is plenty to run off for most people. I have roughly 20 minutes of run time powering my Unraid server and my Windows PC (including all my network stuff and LCDs).
  25. You are ignoring all the technical limitations of the hardware. In both recent threads about speeds you've asked about "how" the files are being moved or are concerned with the type of drive while not taking into consideration how the drives actually operate. I'm no expert at SSD speeds but when the evidence is plainly spelled out by manufacturers it's hard to expect anything more. Samsung SSD "up to" 520MB/s write speed.. "The sequential write performances are measured with Intelligent TurboWrite technology being activated. The sequential write performances may not be sustained for the portion of data exceeding over Intelligent TurboWrite buffer size." That's quite a difference from the advertised speeds. And if he were writing to the 860, he's got write cache of only 512MB up to 4GB depending on the model, then everything slows down. Same with whatever NVMe he's using. I agree that the OP should provide more details, but from what I've been seeing while researching this issue I don't think any details about the hardware or how the files are being moved is going to make a difference. There's a physical limitation to the drive. And how far should you drill down on the hardware? What if the SSD and the NVMe are sharing the same PCI-E lane? How would that affect the speeds? Maybe I'm wrong, and I'm open to being schooled, but there's enough evidence out there that suggests all forms of SSDs/NVMe's aren't as great as you'd expect them to be.
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