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Posts posted by muzo178

  1. On 9/26/2022 at 8:44 PM, xxredxpandaxx said:

    I have a 12600k and just updated to unraid 6.11. Using the linuxserver plex container I set up the correct passthrough parameter "--device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri" and looks like plex found the iGPU just fine. When I try to transcode It shows up as (hw) transcoding but nothing plays on the cient side. Not sure why it's not working.





    check this..

    if you have the same in your syslog, you have the same problem due to a kernel issue..




  2. I added another satellite device to my UNRAID box and now I am getting this message in the logs constantly..


    Any ideas?


    Aug 12 14:00:16 UNRAID kernel: vhci_hcd: unlink->seqnum 108674182
    Aug 12 14:00:16 UNRAID kernel: vhci_hcd: urb->status -104
    Aug 12 14:00:22 UNRAID kernel: vhci_hcd: unlink->seqnum 108700222
    Aug 12 14:00:22 UNRAID kernel: vhci_hcd: urb->status -104
    Aug 12 14:00:28 UNRAID kernel: vhci_hcd: unlink->seqnum 108727607
    Aug 12 14:00:28 UNRAID kernel: vhci_hcd: urb->status -104
    Aug 12 14:00:34 UNRAID kernel: vhci_hcd: unlink->seqnum 108755739
    Aug 12 14:00:34 UNRAID kernel: vhci_hcd: urb->status -104
    Aug 12 14:00:40 UNRAID kernel: vhci_hcd: unlink->seqnum 108782401
    Aug 12 14:00:40 UNRAID kernel: vhci_hcd: urb->status -104
    Aug 12 14:00:46 UNRAID kernel: vhci_hcd: unlink->seqnum 108810661
    Aug 12 14:00:46 UNRAID kernel: vhci_hcd: urb->status -104
    Aug 12 14:00:52 UNRAID kernel: vhci_hcd: unlink->seqnum 108838662
    Aug 12 14:00:52 UNRAID kernel: vhci_hcd: urb->status -104
    Aug 12 14:00:58 UNRAID kernel: vhci_hcd: unlink->seqnum 108866563
    Aug 12 14:00:58 UNRAID kernel: vhci_hcd: urb->status -104


  3. 15 hours ago, SimonF said:

    I have just updated to version 2022.07.24 which should fix?

    yup, fixed.


    now my zigbee and rtl sdr dongle that is upstairs connected to a pi are happily and automatically humming along passed through to my hasssio VM in the basement server.


    thanks for this.

  4. On 7/23/2022 at 3:11 PM, SimonF said:

    Release 2022.07.23


    I have add the to processes to detect new hosts and check if the host is available and attach the devices. Please test @muzo178 & @Scarat and let me know if that meets your use case or you want additional function let me know.



    Add USBIP host finder and checker options and processing. Checker will attach a USBIP device found not connected to host already. Finder will look for devices in the local subnet using port 3240 and depending on options add or remove the host from the remote USBIP hosts, removal is for a host no longer found.


    this is fantastic in initial testing.


    I am getting this in my syslog every minute though..


    UNRAID usb_manager: Info: rc.usb_manager USBIP Host Check attached failed Array


  5. On 6/29/2022 at 1:52 PM, Scarat said:



    first of all thank you for the great plugin. The thing that I'm trying to accomplish is regarding usbip, so my usb device is on the remote system.


    When there is no binded device on remote raspberry pi


    I see this in Unraid USB plugin.


    When I bind the device


    then in USB plugin I see the usb device and I can manually attach it.


    The thing is that I would like for this device to be attached automatically whenever it is discovered. Is there some setting that I'm missing?


    I have also found this in the settings.


    Is this somehow related to the functionality that I'm trying to accomplish or what is the purpose of USBIP remote Checker?

    Also I'm not able to make it enabled whatever settings I apply it is always grayed out.


    Thank you very much for your help.

    +1 for this.


    It would be great if USB Manager could mount remote USBIP devices automatically if they are discovered.


    I have a couple of them set to attach automatically to the VM when they are available, but if I restart the remote host that has the USB devices plugged in, I have to manually attach them so that they then attach to the local VM.


    Amazing plugin btw. Keep up the good work..

  6. 37 minutes ago, jkirkcaldy said:

    Have you removed any remaining files from the /boot/config/modprobe folder

    Or is there anything in your go file?


    In my go file I'm only modprobing it87 drivers for getting the fan speed. Removed everything else pertaining to i915.


    I just checked my flash backup from 6.10-rc2, and there was a i915.conf file in modprobe.d. Maybe removing that after the upgrade might make a difference, but I really don't have the patience to go upgrade and then have to downgrade again. :) 


    I'll try with rc3 if gets released or 6.10 final...


    Do you have flash backups from 6.9 or 6.10 that you can check if you have this file in modprobe.d @Tristankin?


    On another note, if it is not needed, the upgrade process should be removing that. It's not like we do fresh flash setups on every upgrade....

  7. On 9/20/2021 at 1:12 PM, fireplex said:

    I have the same issue with i915 driver and Plex HW transcoding causing a complete system hang, the only way I can get the system going again is the HW reset button.


    I have a Core i5 2390T which supports Quick Sync and I've tried the various methods mentioned previously to try and resolve the issue.


    For me I can play only a few seconds with Plex reporting HW transcoding then the system freezes, nothing displayed in any logs.


    I have an i5 2400 so will try that also just to rule out any issue with the CPU.


    Has anyone on this thread had any more joy with this issue ?

    there's a few of us with the same kind of issue over here. no solution apart from sticking to 6.8.3 yet:



  8. I'm having the exact same issue with a J3355/HD 500.


    6.9 tree crashes within minutes of Plex docker starting a hardware transcode using iGPU.


    Stable as a rock on 6.8.3.


    I wanna try 6.10.0-rc2, but I think the same thing will happen again and I'm gonna have to roll back and hack the docker case sensitivity, etc...


    I'm in the if it ain't broke, don't fix it boat for now...

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, John S said:

    I see that this is a little old but I have a question. I've been running plex on a f5-421 for less than a year which runs great but decided to build my own unraid server since I would have shortly run out of space with the 4 drive in the Terramaster (1 ssd cache). I"m curious of how you are running unraid on that system instead of TOS. My F5 is up for sale on ebay right now but I may take it down if unraid can be put on it. TOS works really well however just wanted to try unraid.

    just crack open the back and replace the internal usb stick that contains TOS with one that contains Unraid. Add some more RAM while you’re at it. There are a few videos and further discussion over at avforums about running Unraid on one of these.


    My f5-221 has been rock solid with Unraid for close to 9 months now. 

  10. On 12/4/2019 at 4:28 PM, MrGrumpie said:

    The hard drive temps in normal operation are around 35 degrees - but I think also the fan in the bios is set to quiet.


    This is an off-the-shelf NAS (Terramaster F5-221), so not a build I've done myself.


    My concern is that quarterly parity checks will run the drives hot too...

    @MrGrumpie I'm looking to move my unRAID to one of these Terramaster F5-221 units. Any pointers and recommendations on getting unRAID running on one of these? 

  11. Figured out how to get your Plex Media Server or any other service for that matter to be advertised by avahi.


    Create a plex.service file


    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
    <!DOCTYPE service-group SYSTEM "avahi-service.dtd">
    <name replace-wildcards="yes">Plex on %h</name>


    Then copy it to /etc/avahi/services/ at boot. A line like this in your go file would do the trick:


    # Add Custom Avahi Services
    cp /boot/custom/avahi/plex.service /etc/avahi/services/

  12. Answering my own question. :)


    I installed these packages to my unRAID 6.1.6 server. (Copy them to /boot/extra and reboot or use installpkg command):







    ..then got the latest version of Sleep Proxy Client from https://github.com/awein/SleepProxyClient and copied it to the flash drive. Since I'm using the Dynamix S3 Sleep plugin, I added the following to Custom commands before sleep: in Sleep Settings


    python /boot/wherever/you/put/yours/sleepproxyclient.py --interface br0

    Now when my unRAID server goes to sleep, the Airport Express on my network registers the smb, afp, sftp, ssh services for my unRAID server. For example if I try to establish an ssh connection to my server, it wakes up. Or if I try connecting to any of my SMB shares, it wakes up. Great for file services etc...



    Unfortunately any of the services that are running under docker does not register with the Sleep Proxy this way. When I run sleepproxyclient.py --debug, I don't see any of the docker services as advertised..


    I'd love to be able to have at least my PlexMediaServer docker register its services so that any attempt to connect to the PMS when unRAID is sleeping would wake it up.


    Any ideas as to how I should go about enabling dockerized apps to register using SleepProxyClient?

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