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Posts posted by jmonteiro

  1. 1 hour ago, Siwat2545 said:

    are you sure that you nuke(delete) all directory related to only office? clean install should works right out of the box, mysqld should be in vnet and not exposed

    Prety sure, just did it again, removed the container with image deletion, deleted "onlyofficecs" from the appdata, downloaded it again from the "Apps", same results.


    I also have OnlyOfficeDocumentServer on my unraid which was working fine but the license expired... but this one is not running, anyway let me delete it too and try one more time.


  2. 17 hours ago, Siwat2545 said:

    Try running mysqld -v in the container for me and post the result

    It returns no results, here it is:


    root@721b2787c99e:/# mysqld -v


    biut this the version when I use:


    root@74f21503346f:/# mysqld --version
    mysqld  Ver 5.7.29-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 for Linux on x86_64 ((Ubuntu))


    So, it returns 5.7.29


    Anyway, it does not appear to be running


    root@74f21503346f:/# mysql
    ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)


    PS: I just attached mysqld's error.log... maybe that can help you identify the issue.



  3. 4 hours ago, Siwat2545 said:

    Try to install, deleting all related directory and file then start fresh.

    Deleted container and container image, removed the appdata's onlyofficecs folder, same results :(


    The first time I actually got the "We are working on it" screen - that never completed, but now I do not even get that one, just a ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED, very strange.


    Also tried to stop container, delete onlyofficecs folder, start container again, same issue :(

  4. When I mount NFS shares (after the second NFS mount) I cannot list the "/mnt/disks/" anymore and unraid becomes very unresponsive, so much that even restart got stuck for so long that I had to manually press the server reset button. I posted the message here but was asked to post on the General Support and/or the UD plugin support.


    Maybe someone experienced this and can help me?


    I'm attaching 2 diagnostics zip files, one after launch into 6.6.3 and before the 2 NFS mounts, and the other after the NFS mounts, the last one should show the problem.






  5. dlandon,


    I just upgraded to 1.32.1 and it worked amazingly well, no issues at all :) Thanks for the awesome work..


    Regarding the reverse proxy I asked you for, I was able to use your ZM docker (with Apache) under my nginx reverse proxy, so now I only have one HTTPS port open, instead of 2 and I'm very happy :)


    PS:  I just helped with your retirement :)




  6. dlandon,


    Any chance you can get your docker file updated to allow ZoneMinder to run on nginx instead of Apache?


    I got it working on a Ubuntu VM by following the instructions here. It was pretty easy to do but I have no experience with Docker, so it might be much harder.


    The reason I would like it running on nginx is to have it on a reverse proxy - using letsencrypt and sharing the SSL certificate.




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