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  1. Hi Binhex I promise I did not change anything to do with my network subnet and certainly did not implement any VLANing or anything, certainly something I would remember! 😄 I'm just going to chock it up to my fault for not properly configuring the containers in the first place and must just be a lucky guy for it working as long as it did. Your containers rock, thank you for the work you do!
  2. Thank you @Arteekay, you are a legend! Just as you, I had left that default on BOTH containers, it has worked for months but I guess something in the last update shook it loose, but incorrectly configured none the less. After correcting I can get to both containers web gui’s. Thank you very much!
  3. I am getting the same error as well. Happening on the binhex-sabnzbdvpn as well. Config still looks good, and I know everyone says it but truly I have changed nothing on my end 🥲, just happened to update my dockers today and poof.
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